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Clash Of The Titans Remake Starts Shooting

By John - April 28, 2009 - 10:14 America/Montreal

The original Clash of the Titans is a bad movie in so many ways… but also CLASSIC in so many ways as well. When I first heard that they were lining up to do a remake of it, I actually thought it was a great idea. Some time ago I got my hands on a copy of the script, and I remained a believer that this remake could be great. Then they announced the director, Louis Leterrier (who also directed the Transporter and the new Hulk movie) and the cast, (Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes) and I was sold.

The movie has now gone from pre-production and is filming full speed ahead. The good folks over at ComingSoon give us this synopsis:

In Clash of the Titans, the ultimate struggle for power pits men against kings and kings against gods. But the war between the gods themselves could destroy the world. Born of a god but raised as a man, Perseus (Worthington) is helpless to save his family from Hades (Fiennes), vengeful god of the underworld. With nothing left to lose, Perseus volunteers to lead a dangerous mission to defeat Hades before he can seize power from Zeus (Neeson) and unleash hell on earth. Leading a daring band of warriors, Perseus sets off on a perilous journey deep into forbidden worlds. Battling unholy demons and fearsome beasts, he will only survive if he can accept his power as a god, defy his fate and create his own destiny.

Liam Neeson as Zeus and Ralph Fiennes as Hades??? Wicked! Mark my words… this is going to be a very fun movie.


  1. joe says:

    OMG i love the original movie even for it being how old it is and to hear this makes me very very happy

  2. Phil Gee says:

    The best thing about this is it doesn’t sound like a pointless scene for scene remake like so many of them are. This is taking the awesome concept and doing a different story with it.

    I’ve been saying that it’s rather fortunate that Thor got pushed back till 2011 and won’t be directly competing against this. I’m not sure people would want to see two ‘gods fighting each other’ movies in the same summer.

  3. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    this could be really really good, there are some movies that could do with a remake and this is one of them.

  4. michael says:

    Ok everyone. I just want to try and understand something. This sounds like a ” fun” action packed movie set in the background of Greek Mythology, but my question is,… if it has nothing to do with the original film ( other than character names),..then WHY is it called CLASH OF THE TITANS. ….seriously? why isn’t it called something else? If it’s a completely different story, different look, and different feel, then why isn’t it just called something different. That’s not to say it won’t be good or anything. It’s just that …….WHY IS IT CALLED CLASH OF THE TITANS??????… why pretend it’s something it’s not? why give the illusion your re-creating a cult classic,.when your not? you r creating a completely different movie. couldn’t a different title work, and it STILL be the same film? Is Hollywood so out of ides they can’t even come up with a title? can there only be one film dealing with Greek mythos? so,..again. WHY IS IT CALLED CLASH OF THE TITANS?

    • Matt K says:

      “…comoletely different story, different look, and different feel…”

      dude its a remake, the godzilla remake had a different story, feel, and look and it was still called “Godzila” it sucked, but thats not the point

    • Rodney says:

      One word: Marketing.

      But really, it is still based on Greek Mythology, which the original was. So as long as they are not deviating from Greek Myth… then it should be fine.

  5. michael says:

    dude,..Godzilla was/is a UNIQUE character with a unique feel and look that has existed for less than 70 years,..that analogy does not work. There are HUNDREDS if not Thousands of stories told in about Greek Mythos through out Greek history. Each one is different and unique..are they all supposed to be called ” Clash of The Titans” bc they deal with the same characters? Even if the stories aren’t the same? I’m saying why call it something when it has nothing to do with the original your supposedly “basing” it off of ( ie,.it’s NOT a remake, it’s a COMPLETELY different movie) ? your response,..” bc it’s a remake”

  6. 3R!C says:

    As long as the owl is in it.

  7. Bill Clay says:

    I thought Lawrence Kasdan’s draft — him being the fourth writer on the project and his script being the third rewrite — was a colossal bore. Much of the narrative was spent with a very unheroic Perseus moping over a dying earth spirit he had the hot nuts for and waxing philosophic about the hard luck of fate.

    Calibos was reduced to a throwaway cameo, Medusa had discarded her crossbow in favor of playing peek-a-boo in the dark, and the Princess Andromeda was stuck with the spoiled-rich-girl-grows-a-conscious plotline.

    And the ending — oh baby did it grease the monkey dildo.

    However, the villain in Kasdan’s mess was a female goddess named Tiamat and there was no mention of Hades. Perhaps someone else has come along and straightened this one out, restoring it’s Harryhausen flavor.

    Judging by the plot description, this sounds more like a direct lift of the plot from Disney’s Hercules, with a divine son of Zeus set against a Hades bound on world conquer. Not very original but since I actually like that Disney film, I won’t complain.

    if you’re looking for something to complain about, try this awful dialogue from near the end of Kasdan’s script.

    Inside those walls, the people are
    frightened. But they can triumph. They
    need only one thing.

    Perseus turns to her, a question on his face — “Tell me…”

    A hero. They’re waiting for you, Perseus.

    Perseus looks back toward the city. Uncertainty glimmers in his eye.

    I hope I do not fail them.

    Heh heh…. Talk about a decisive hero, eh?

  8. nerrojj says:

    There need to be more movies based of Greek Mythology…I love a very well done sword and sandal movie.

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  10. Mike Artelle says:

    I’ve been a fan of Clash of the Titans since the day I first saw this awesome film in the movie theatre when I was seven years old! It is one of my favourite movies and I have a collection of rare Clash of the Titans memorabilia to prove it. My first reaction when I heard of this was “how could they possibly remake that film?” as the film’s charm is the stop motion creatures and the amazing cast of actors. Movies these days very rarely have this type of soul or craftsmanship. I agree that there should be more movies based on Greek mythology, as this is a very cool genre packed with awesome creatures and warriors, etc. But after reading the synopsis I would have to agree with the argument that this is not a remake of the 1981 film and therefore it seems foolish to be using the same title. I don’t think it will help the new movie any if they disappoint the cult following that the original film has, by making a completely different film and slapping the same name on it just for a marketing gimmick. I’m excited to see the new movie, but the studios should keep their greedy mitts off of Harryhausen’s masterpiece. Is nothing sacred or respected in America anymore? All that matters is sell, sell, sell. I suspect that this new flick will be just like the new King Kong…you only watched it to see how it compared to the original, then you forgot about it. -Mike

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