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Christian Bale Will Be In Batman 3 - With Or Without Christopher Nolan

By John - April 28, 2009 - 15:10 America/Montreal

To the best of my knowledge (there are those who disagree with this… but I’ve not been able to confirm it) director Christopher Nolan is not signed on to do a third installment of his Batman franchise. I think there is very little doubt that he will in fact be back… but he’s not obligated at this point.

There has been a lot of speculation that if Nolan didn’t come back, then Christian Bale wouldn’t come back. I’ve tried to tell people that Bale IS contractually obligated for a third film and has been for a long time. But now Bale himself confirms that.

In a recent conversation with the folks over at TotalFilm, Bale says:

“Will we do a third movie? It’s got to be the right story. You can’t make something like The Dark Knight and then come out with something disappointing. I would like it if people say, ‘You’ll never make a good third movie.’ I say, ‘OK, let’s make a third movie in that case, let’s prove them wrong. But that’s just me. The fact is, I have to! I’ve signed up! Chris doesn’t. So I’m in a bit of a fix if he says he doesn’t want to!”

So now that we’ve confirmed the obvious, perhaps we can move on. But like I said earlier, the chances of Christopher Nolan not returning for the next Batman film are painfully slim to none, so none of this speculation will matter anyway.


  1. Matt K says:

    imo i think Bale is the best batman/bruce wayne and cant wait for the third film.

  2. Hero Supreme says:

    Why is this today’s big story? Why not, “Tomorrow, the sun will rise, with or without Chris Nolan.” Nothing against TheMovieBlog, its just weird when a story like this makes the rounds on the world wide web.

    • John says:

      Hey Hero Supreme,

      ummmm… who said it was today’s “big story”? We’ve posted 11 things on The Movie Blog today alone. Why is this one the “Big One”?

  3. Jake says:

    Commence U2’s “With or Without You”.

  4. 3R!C says:

    Not really a big story. A big story is when something unexpected is announced, especially when it’s something you’ve been following for a while. This, to me, is general news, if you look at the site every other week, you will see something posted about a superhero movie.

    Most people following the new Batman franchise knew Bale was contracted for 3 films.

    Hope it’s just not any director Bale will work with if Nolan doesn’t do a Batman 3.

    But if they do get Uwe Boll or Brett Ratner, yikes!….

    • nerrojj says:

      Agreed, I believe Brett Ratner ruined X-Man 3. If Bryan Singer would have stay and done X3 instead of Superman Returns it most likely would have been a better movie.

  5. Hassleberry says:

    Show ‘em John. I hope they take their time on the next batman, because if they do, I think it will be a lot better.

  6. AARON says:

    Sweet! Bale signed on, he is a great Wayne

  7. SlashBeast says:

    Nolan most likely will be back and I sincerely hope that he takes his time. I just hope the studios don’t want to meddle around too much but it’s good to know that Bale will be back in the Batsuit.

  8. Grave says:

    Why I would be worried a bit if Nolan dropped out of the writer and directors chair. I mean look what happend the last time directors changed in the franchise. If I was WB, I would do whatever it took to keep the production and cast together. At least for one more film.

  9. Governor says:

    Nolan will be back to finish what he created. I’d be immensely worried if he chose not to do it, that would say a lot about the possibilities of the franchise. Regardless, I’m sure he will return and I’m glad to see BatBale will be back.

  10. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    Nolan would look real bad in the eyes of fans and WB if he chose not to come back to finish his trilogy. I have no doubt he will, so I agree this is a non story.


  11. Jordan says:

    This is the real deal that Chris inset singed on to do another batman and i think that is why WB is being so careful. I think Chris Nolan is a great Director i have liked every movie he has done and i am looking forward to Inception and well he is doing that movie he may find something to talk about for batman 3 but you know if he doset know were else to take than you can’t blame him for that it would be a shame to see another spider-man 3. But i am sure WB will do what can to get Chris to do batman 3

  12. HAZMAT says:

    And of course, Robin.

    • HAZMAT says:

      I seriously hope that Nolan gets ran over by a Guinness truck. I like the guy, I think hes the best there is…

      But his whole “NO ROBIN” deal is starting to piss me off

      I BETTER see a good movie with robin in it

    • Matt K says:

      im sure they will, just after nolan steps down from the director’s chair

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      well, since this is pretty much batman year one, and if you stuck with that timeline, you wouldn’t get a Robin until about after the 9th or 10th movie. assuming that each trilogy made would be a year. and Robin (Dick Grayson) is actually somewhere in the neighborhood of 9/10 years old when wayne becomes batman (mid-twenties). It’s funny though, batman has alwas managed to stay in his early 30’s while the robins always age, eventhough the whole story of batman from beginning to now has only taken about 5-7 years in real world time….wow, go figure.

  13. 3R!C says:

    I don’t know why, but I just remembered the rumor that came out that Eddie Murphy was the Riddler and Shia LaBeouf was Robin. Makes me laugh.

  14. Eric says:

    To me, an enormous Batman fan, to even seriously consider that Christopher Nolan would not return for a third movie is one of the worst things imaginable. He built this vehicle of awesomeness from the pits of hell (Batman and Robin)to the single greatest comic book movie of all time in just a few years. He understands these characters and has a rapport with the fans. To me it just wouldn’t be the same without him regardless of whether Christian Bale donned the cap and cowl. WB better dump two armored cars onto his driveway if that’s what it takes to keep him on board.

  15. Darren J Seeley says:

    What Eric said- but let me stress that WB attempted to take a whiz all over the new franchise when they attempted JLA Mortal some short while ago. Even had the sucker cast.

    WB I’m sure will dump three armored cars and a box from Fort Knox to keep Nolan (and his brother) around. But to be fair, it isn’t the first time Nolan’s possible lack of involvement with Batman 3 has been mentioned. We’ll find out what’s what shortly after Inception. I understand WB wanting to strike while the heat is on. But I would want them to come out with a well planned and executed film than a by the numbers rushed to the screen sequel, regardless if Nolan is back or not.

    (and if he isn’t, I hope Michael Mann takes over!)

  16. Hero Supreme says:


    I didnt mean to imply that this was your “big story” its just the story that has seemed to make the rounds on the web. In other words, my feed reader has belched out like 10 variations of it. I didnt mean to single you guys out. In fact your stories are usually some of the most original. I just feel like these kind of post are pretty minimal impact, and News In Name Only if you will.

  17. Meli says:

    It could be that WB is giving Nolan his space. After all Nolan is still chummy with the WB and making making Inception through them. I think once he’s finished with his next film the pressure for Batman 3 will begin to surface. Heck, as it’s been said he made them an insane amount of money with the success of TDK, it would do them well to play nice and give him time to unwind and do something different before asking about the next Batman movie.

  18. Kaneda979 says:

    Well that’s great that Bale is going on to play Bats again, I think he’s the best movie Batman so far. But I still seriously hope Nolan comes back, I think he will, but you never really know.

    I’m not saying I can’t see anyone else but him at the helm, but he already has the mind set and knows exactly how this version of Batman is suppose to be. To bring someone else on now, I don’t know…

    This reminds me of the whole Spider-Man movie delima all over again. Is this actor coming back? Is the director returning? If not then who would be right to take over?

    There’s not many directors I can think of that would fit with this dark, gritty and highly dramatic version of Batman other then Nolan. But I would like to see Ridly Scott take Nolan’s place, if he didn’t come back. But I don’t know if Ridly would ever do a comic book movie.

    I wish, if Nolan was leaving, that he would find a replacement he feels has the right mindset himself to take his place.

  19. Rodney says:

    Considering how poorly Superman Returns was received by the fanbase, I would say that even Singer is not flawless. I don’t think Ratner ruined X3. It was just a mediocre script, and a director can only do so much with a so-so script.

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