Chris Noth Signs On For Sex And The City 2

Posted by John Campeaon 29. 04. 2009in News Chat

I know I know I know. Here we are talking about all this Transformers and Wolverine and Clash of the Titans stuff… when deep down what you’ve really been dying to know about is “John… what’s that status on the Sex and the City sequel?!?!?!”

Well good news SATC fans. They’ve just moved one step closer to getting the film going. Mr. Big, Chris Noth, has officially signed on to appear in the next film.

The good folks over at Variety give us this:

In a seven-figure deal, Chris Noth has committed to “Sex and the City 2,” the sequel to be directed by Michael Patrick King for New Line Cinema. The pic shoots in early September, and Warner Bros. has set a May 28, 2010, release date. The original grossed $412.6 million worldwide.

Look, I admit it… I didn’t think the first Sex and the City movie was all that bad… it was WAY too long, but overall it was pretty decent, and even though I’d never seen a single episode of the show, I had no problem understanding what was going on.

This is going to one of those movies where people will say “it doesn’t need a sequel”, but they don’t understand the women who love Sex and the City don’t watch it for the story… they watch if for the characters. And sooooo… they’ll be back to watch again.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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9 Responses to “Chris Noth Signs On For Sex And The City 2”

  1. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    Finally well get the bad sequel to the terrible first movie. Perhaps this time the girls from SATC will break there drinking games with Mr.Big been Bigger than Big. Super Big, Cloverfield Big. The first movie was just a rip off of 4 episodes of the series with no funny jokes , perhaps a poo joke like in the first one [ Benchwarmers level ]. Maybe there even will be a Jenniffer Hudson that will sing 50 songs in 5 minutes , YES its going to be more terrible than the Swine Flu.

  2. The Dude says:

    I have to agree.

  3. Meli says:

    A fan of the series, but not a fan of the movie, oh man was it tedious. I even watched the movie with my best girlfriends while we were on our annual girls trip and I still wanted to stab myself in the eye. Nothing could have made this movie interesting for me.

    I wish they weren’t making a 2nd, but it’s inevitable considering the box office of the 1st one. If filming starts in Sept I wonder if that means they’ll be writing in Sara Jessica’s pregnancy, she’ll be greatly showing by then, especially since she is reportedly carrying twins.

  4. Kristina says:

    That movie sucked ASS.

  5. nana says:

    i am not a fan of the show but i enjoyed the movie and i am pretty sure the sequel is going to be the same. they are nnot movies to make you think with amazing story lines, they are just to watch, have some fun and relax, no stress,

  6. Darren J Seeley says:

    For a long time I had little to no interest in the series. But it kept winning these kudos, lots of buzz. “Good writing” I’d hear it over and over and over.

    I was stubborn, and I stand fast.

    Then out of curiosity, I rented the Sex and The City movieon DVD. I always held the belief that when a film concerns a previous existing entity, one can come into a film cold and if it does not bring in a new audience, the film is a failure, as it will only appeal to the fanbase.

    It failed with me. I found the characters shallow and flaky. I could not, for the life of me, “see” why the character of Carrie Bradshaw was so desirable. Me! Me!Me! It’s all about me, myself and I! I put my friends over you! I put Prada over you! And you must LUV me and I will LUV you as long as you pamper me! Yeech. Save and spare me. No such luck. I’m stuck with this parasite for two hours.

    Let’s see:

    * She never asked why Big was conflicted on Wedding Day and refuses to let him explain let alone apologize.

    *It’s all about ME

    *My friends say things to Big that causes those conflicts, but never fess up. They talk smack about him and hate him.

    * It’s all about ME and what YOU can DO for ME

    Eventually, I only cared about Big to a point, begging the character to call it a day and dump this spoiled wrench, and then when he buys her love I hated hated hated hated really hated this…………….thing called a movie!

    I found myself looking for something to hang my hat on.
    I found myself wanting.

    I waded through this “thing” and two hours of my life were nearly wasted. Did I say nearly? Well, yes. Why? Because this movie has one good quality: it prepares you for spoiled wenches and if she puts materialism and her dopey friends over you, you don’t walk, you run as fast and without haste….

    It could be a matter of life and death.

    So here’s Sex 2. What’s it about?
    Sex. City.

    and pretty I’s.

    and the mass epidemic suicides of hundreds of otherwise sane people driven to madness.

    What possibly could there be for Sex 2?

    I know. All the happy couples bust up. All the spoiled women don’t forgive. They talk about it over lunch.

    and what you can do for I.


    • Meli says:

      Ahahahahahahaha. That was really funny and good sum up of the film. I’ve never been a huge fan of Carrie, but in the movie I really hated her and every selfish decision she made.
      **SPOILER** My god, I was SO glad when Big left her self centered ass at the alter.

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