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Bruno Poster

By John - April 24, 2009 - 21:17 America/Montreal

I absolutely loved Borat. It’s actually one of only 3 movies I’ve ever given a 10/10 to. I know people in general didn’t dig it as much as I did, but for me it was a brilliant combination of social observation, commentary and complete hilarity all rolled into one. I personally can’t remember ever laughing so hard as I did in the infamous hotel room fight scene.

That being said, I have almost ZERO interest in seeing Bruno. Why? Because to me it just seems like Borat with a different accent. From everything I’ve seen this is just the exact same movie, only he’s a different character, and as great as I thought Borat was, it’s a shtick that can lose its novelty pretty damn fast. Who knows, maybe I’ll end up loving it, but for now I remain very skeptical.

For now, the first official Bruno poster has been released. I actually dig it… I really like the line on the poster too:

Bruno Poster


  1. SimonZ says:

    Pure awesome.

  2. MandarinOrange says:

    So you gave a 10/10 to Borat and Juno, what was the third?

    • Rodney says:


    • Vito says:

      John gave a 10/10 to Juno? Wow.

      Also, what was the other one. And it wasn’t Dragonball, obviously. Haha.

    • Dragonslayer says:

      The Return of the King was third

    • HAZMAT says:

      I think it was wall-e

    • Dragonslayer says:

      No it was Return of the King. I remember John saying in his review for The Descent that he “gives it a 9.5/10, the highest rating I’ve been giving since Return of the King.”

      He also mentioned that he didn’t give Wall-E a ten because it wasn’t perfect. Also he told someone on his Juno review that the other two films he gave a 10 were Borat and Return of the King.

      I think I used to much backup.

  3. Barticus says:

    Bruno: Delicious Journeys Through America for the Purpose of Making Heterosexual Males Visibly Uncomfortable in the Presence of a Gay Foreigner in a Mesh T-Shirt.

    Greatest movie title ever!!

  4. Dragonslayer says:

    Sorry everybody, but fuck Bruno.

  5. lewis says:

    Eh, I liked Borat quite a bit, and I’ve liked a lot of the older Bruno clips I’ve seen online, but as to the Bruno movie…it just seems like it has too much of an agenda, and a mean-spirited one, for my taste. Yeah Borat supposedly came from a specific, real country, but he may as well have come from nowhere. The movie was about a clown from Nowhere Land lampooning America and getting lampooned in the process. The movie was NOT about showing any supposedly xenophobia or hatred of foreigners on the part of Americans-in fact, most of the Americans (stupid though they were) were pretty kind to Borat. And it wasn’t like Borat the character was trying to get under their skin…SBC was trying to do that, but the Borat personality wasn’t. With Bruno, though, there’s an agenda. As I understand it, in the movie Bruno the character, like SBC, IS trying to draw out people’s homophobia, and at times he’s also trying to make the stereotype of gay people in the fashion industry also look bad. It just seems too agenda-driven. In the clips I’ve seen, it’s like the movie wants me to think that the people who are (uh, understandably?) scared of Bruno are actually “bad people”. Hey, a movie uncovering homophobia might be very interesting, but as a comedy…sorry…I don’t want to laugh at any real homophobia out there, and on the other hand it feels kind of cruel for Bruno to try to bait people into making them look more intolerant than they probably are.

  6. tony says:

    the poster says bruno is rated r but i thought it was nc-17. did they edit some stuff at the last minute?

  7. vargas says:

    This movie looks retarded.

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