Bruce Willis May Join Red

Posted by John Campeaon 29. 04. 2009in News Chat

It wasn’t all that long ago that looked at parts in comic book movies as a desperate measure. But recently, being in a decent comic book flick can completely make a career. We all knew who Christian Bale was before Batman Begins… but he wasn’t nearly as big or popular or held in such high regard until taking up beh bat mantle. Look what Iron Man did for Robert Downey Jr. And with his success in Sin City, is it any wonder a mega star like Bruce Willis would consider going back to the comic book well?

MovieWeb is reporting that Bruce Willis is in talks to start in an adaptation of WildStorm/DC comic “Red”.

Red sees Willis as an ex-black-ops agent who comes back into action when a high-tech assassin comes after him and the woman he loves. Lorenzo di Bonaventura and Mark Vahradian are producing. Writing the screenplay are Erich and Jon Hoeber. Currently Willis and Co. are negotiating with Summit regarding the role. Richard Donner could be directing.

To me this sounds like a very good fit. Willis doesn’t have much time left to do these kinds of roles. Yeah Stallone is doing action into his 60′s… but Bruce Willis ain’t Sylvester Stallone. I hope he goes for it. But even if he doesn’t… I’d like to see this one happen.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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4 Responses to “Bruce Willis May Join Red”

  1. says:

    I’d love for this to happen as well. Plus, I’d love to see Willis under the direction of Mr. Donner.

  2. free virtual worlds says:

    Nah, Mega stars usually already leave a certain impression from their previous big rolesin big movies so it might be hard for some people or fans to accept or adjust to them for cool new roles like a super hero. Thats why new faces are more likely. Fresh clean record.

  3. Doug (not Nagy) says:

    “Willis doesn’t have much time left to do these kinds of roles. Yeah Stallone is doing action into his 60’s… but Bruce Willis ain’t Sylvester Stallone.”

    Agreed, but I could see Willis evolving into roles like Clint Eastwood has played in his latter years. Not saying he’s as good as Eastwood, but I could definitely see Willis carrying a tough guy persona into twilight years.

  4. charlie says:

    Just got ack from New Orleans, Bruce Willis was filming RED there, looks really good!

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