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Brian Austin Green sets sights on Green Lantern

By Rodney - April 15, 2009 - 09:06 America/Montreal

Brian Austin Green is throwing his name in the hat for the role of Green Lantern, and despite nothing yet in the works, he is throwing his name out to the people that are more likely to get him the gig than his agent. The internet.

He wants people to know that he wants the job, but more importantly he wants to know if the fans would want him in it.

ScreenRant says:

Green is most famous for his role on Beverly Hills 90210 but more recently made a splash with his kick-ass role in the Terminator television series. With the second season of the show finishing up this week and no third season announced, the actor is trying to push his way into the movie business with a major role in the next potential DC franchise, The Green Lantern.

I really have to say Green surprised me in Terminator:SCC. Obviously there have been many an unkind year after 90210 where he just couldn’t be taken seriously, but he is bad ass in Terminator and really has an intimidating presence. He might be more known for his role on 90210, but he has outgrown that.

But I just couldn’t see him as Green Lantern. But I have to hand it to him when he says this:

I’ve heard somewhere in like the mid-twenties, which, being a Green Lantern fan, I don’t necessarily agree with. I’ve always kind of felt that Hal Jordan needs to be a man. He needs to be somebody who lives a little and experienced a lot. So right now I’m just sort of trying to throw my name in and make it something that they might consider. That’s about what I got.”

I wouldn’t be opposed to a more mature Hal Jordan, and I am glad they are aiming late twenties/early thirties for this role, but I am intrigued by how hearing him say that makes me suddenly re-think seeing him in the role. That’s inspiring.

Besides imagine the marketing angles they could run with considering his last name.


  1. tripp van easille says:

    Um, NO….I don’t think so. I don’t care if he went out with Megan Fox…a big no on this!

  2. The Burg says:

    im not against this actually
    ive always wanted him to break through…although David Boreanaz is my dream casting we all know the age factor will come into play when casting….knowing hollywood they will end casting Shia

  3. Vito says:

    BAG is the fucking man. If there is no season 3, which there probably won’t be, then I’ll be fine with him as GL.

  4. The Jim Walker says:

    “”He wants people to know that he wants the job, but more importantly he wants to know if the fans would want him in it. “”


    Um, no… we, the fans, DON’T want you.

    Green Lanter + Brian Austen Green = Red.

    Red as in RED light that will STOP anyone from seeing the film… Red as in the studio will be in the RED when the film flops and doesnt make its budget back… Red as in the color of the fans blood that will be boiling…

    (Sorry for speaking for ‘ALL’ of the ‘Fans’, but it had to be done. ;-) )

    • Jeremy K. says:

      I agree, after seeing him in T:SCC, I think he can do better than this role.

    • Rodney says:

      No, you didn’t HAVE to speak for all the fans. It didnt have to be done.

      Thankfully you dont decide. Speak for yourself.

      I am not 100% for him in it, but I am far from opposed to it.

    • The Jim Walker says:

      And that’s why the call it….. Sarcasm

  5. augie says:

    hahah this is hilarious. i didn’t even know this guy was alive anymore. i’ll hope for the best.

    • Rodney says:

      He is engaged to Megan Fox and currently stars in the Terminator TV Show.

      Live under a rock?

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      I thought that they broke up? I was going to give her a call and see what’s up.

      interesting, but yeah..i don’t see him pulling it off…but i felt the same way about ledger and the joker…so you never know.

  6. anon says:

    Brian Austin Green? Please let this be a joke.

  7. Kevin says:

    i watch the Terminator TV show and BAG is one of the best parts. He really can pull off the tough guy. I dont know much about greeen lanturn but BAG certainly is no longer that douche from beverly hills 90210

  8. Kiddo says:

    I wouldn’t be opposed to it. He’s not a terrible actor. He’s fine in Terminator and he was funny in that sitcom that starred Freddy Prinze Jr.
    They should at least let him audition, he might surprise people.

  9. Frankie says:

    If id heard this prior to watching the new Terminator i’d have blown chunks but the guy is awesome on that show and even as a Green Lantern fan i have no problem with it. I was hoping they would go with an older Hal Jordan anyways and i’ll take this guy over just about any of the new bunch of jabronies in Hollywood.

    • kc says:

      Agree. Never watched 90125268 but it was hard not to know about the actors in that show because they were all over pop culture at the time.

      When I read that he was going to be in Sara Conner, I thought it was a joke. But he pulls off the role. He could be the Green Lantern… I could see that now.

  10. Nate-O says:

    Totally Agree I love TSCC…and he can do it..He is full of Asskickery in that show

  11. bigsampson says:

    i hate terminator tv series…seriously its just bad, mainly cause what its based on….plus most of its complete fodder…and i for one hate fodder when its coming from something so special.

    now IMO i can get over his 90210 days cause he is a actor and if he could nail the straight edge attitude of hal then i would be down…though i could say the same about hm playing capt america too….but i would rather have brad pitt or mathew mcouhney (not acting retarded) do capt america and maybe george clooney in his younger years play Hal Jordan or Dr strange…. ps when the hell are they gonna make a ALIENs movie where they are on shit tons infesting earth…like in the comics….man i think hollywood is to slow to jump onthe goods.

    • The Dude says:


      I thought the same thing about TSCC during it’s first season, and I stopped watching. But I tuned in for the second season and the show completely turned around. The writing is ten times better now. You should give it a chance.

    • bigsampson says:

      might do that man…thnx for the advice =)

  12. Royal says:

    BAG would do nicely. David “Angel” Boreanaz? No. I want Marvel to go darker, and David’s tied too closely to comedy for me to believe him in a darker, more serious role. Besides, David has a baby face.

    • Rodney says:

      Because Green Lantern has ever been a dark story?

      Sorry Royal, you dont know much about lantern if you want it “darker”

      And you don’t know much about actors if you assume that one role they play means they MUST be that guy in every role.

    • 3R!C says:

      Marvel? Green Laterns’ DC.

    • Royal says:

      I never claimed to be a GL authority (Marvel vs DC, whatever), and that’s beside the point. I’m simply not interested in yet another bubblegum superhero flick. I want something with meat. Why were “V for Vendetta” and “The Matrix” so great (they were great in my eyes at least)? They were story driven, with action and humor taking shotgun and backseat positions. I’d really like the next generation of superhero flix to emulate the same formula.

      FWIW, Boreanaz is also playing a comedic character in Bones. If GL is to be comedy driven, then DB might be a great casting choice. And Rodney, chill dude. I didn’t call your mom ugly or cheat on your sister.

    • Rodney says:

      Yes, another example of how Royal is clearly an expert on the topic.

    • Rodney says:

      The quality that made V for Vendetta or The Matrix was not “dark”

      And despite not being Dark, Lantern is the farthest thing from Bubblegum either.

      Boreanaz also played a psychopathic murderer in Valentine, and a misogynistic hick in These Girls, and also played Satan and a sadistic vampire and tortured vamp too.

      And also in the middle of it all he actually voiced HAL JORDAN in the Justice League animated series.

      You claim you dont want Boreanaz because he is a comedy actor, and Bones is his first comedic role and its not strictly comedic. Its light crime drama with a sense of humour.

  13. 3R!C says:

    I can’t see him as a lead. Maybe more a secondary character. Even when he’s acting serious I still see him as that kid from 90210.

  14. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    The guys been acting since he’s a young kid. He was Donna Mills son in Knots Landing. I don’t know why there is such a stigma being atached to a show like Beverly Hills 90210. It acually was a pretty good program. Green has done good work on TSSC and I would have no problem to see him get consideration for The Green Lantern.


  15. Anti-Septic says:

    To be quite frank, I am tired of hearing David Boreanaz name for every Super Hero role available. It has already been stated that the studios want late twenties to early thirties, I have no idea why people keep bringing up his name?

    Regarding BAG, his role on Terminator really surprised me and since have become a fan. I still dont know what to think about Green as Hal Jordon, but I have heard worse rumors.

    For my money, I would look at Jensen Ackles from Supernatural. He is around the right age and can pull off that fighter pilot look no problem.

    Jensen Ackles FTW!

  16. Rob Keyes says:

    Thanks for the mention of my article, Rodney :)

    I think David Boreanaz is a very poor choice for a mainstream big budget feature film. Brian Austin Green however, is a great choice - he’s ripe to break into the movie industry and I think this role could be that crack.

    I prefer the idea of using an actor in his thirties as opposed to mid-twenties - meaning I prefer Green or Nathan Fillion’s age to Chris Pine’s.

    As I said in my original article, Green’s got my support.

  17. DirkAnger23 says:

    Gotta be honest….I’m not opposed to this idea. Never thought much of the guy as an actor, but his turn in TSCC was pretty damn good, up until they unceremoniously capped his ass. Physically he’s ok for the role; he just needs to develop more of the cowboy/hotshot persona that Hal embodies. He played up his badass aspect on TSCC and did a good job of it.
    Yet again though my dream casting for Hal would be Jason O’ Mara. His turn on Life on Mars sold it for me.

    • Anti-Septic says:

      Yea, Jason O’ Mara is someone I hadn’t considered and his role of Life on Mars was really good, another solid choice.

    • Kryptonite says:


      Never thought about it before, but you’re right. Jason O’Mara would be great.

  18. chris....the real one says:

    if this does well i wouldnt mind seeing a gl sequel with the whole GL Corps…..and maybe even a sinestro arc…so many great GL stories

    • Rodney says:

      I wouldn’t mind seeing some connection to the Corp. That would be cool to see.

      But I always found most of the stories that took him off earth dealing with Corp issues (with the exception of Emerald Twilight/Dawn) felt out of place.

      There is a LOT of storylines they can use on earth to keep them making movies for a long time. Sinestro is a must though.

    • chris....the real one says:

      yea i agree about some of the corps internal problems….but seeing the corps come together against another universal threat…

      and do u think sinestro will be in the first movie as a GL with a lil foreshadowing, or will he start as a badguy?

  19. Kevin C. says:


  20. Bill says:

    I could see this. I don’t think he would be the worst. He might be better suited for the role of Kyle Rayner even though I doubt he will be in the movie…

    Either way, I doubt this marketing plan will work.

    • Rodney says:


      Kyle Rayner is the much YOUNGER Lantern… BA Green is not a match for him at all. Right now they are seeking a Lantern that will be older than Rayner was, but younger than Brian Austin Green.

  21. Darren J Seeley says:

    I’m fine with this. Brian Austin Green should get some consideration. I agree Hal Jordan GL should be at least slightly bit older than what they are casting for.

    I also hope the Terminator series gets a third season too, given the twist surprise in the last ep of the season (they brought the character back from the dead after a daring surprise sendoff- in a way totally legal by the series set ‘rules’) But that show surprised me on how far Green has come. If he does not get Lantern, rest assured, he will get something else.

    Daredevil reboot, perhaps?

  22. free virtual worlds says:

    He does seem pretty suitable to me. And I guess make up the style directors can make him look younger.

  23. DirkAnger says:

    I agree that all the new emotional spectrum corps do take a little bit away from the power of the gl rings but….I couldn’t have given a rat’s ass about gl until geoff johns came on board and rebooted the whole thing. Now I look forward to itcoming out every month more than any other comic out there, and the whole Blackest Night crisis coming up? Sign me up please. How can you say no to Zombie Superman, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, etc? I goddamn love the idea.

  24. Rodney says:

    Could be. But I think with someone like Lantern they need to go for the jugular right away seeing as how his movie will be leading up to a Justice League film before it gets a sequel. (Thats the rumoured plan anyways)

  25. chris....the real one says:

    very true, still cant wait to see how they will do a hero team movie (avengers or jla) will they make intro movies for each team member or just the important ones. and how will they introduce smaller guys like hank pym, or martian manhunter (not smaller guys for me, but for the non comic reading public.)

  26. chris....the real one says:

    hate to bug you, but i dont converse with too many comic readers. what do u think of the current events in the GL universe, the sinestro corps, the red lanterns, blackest night etc?

  27. Rodney says:

    I would speculate that they will use stand alone films to introduce us to the major players, then have them come together to meet the rest of the team.

    Then they can test the market on some of the “less known” characters to see who struck a chord with audiences and spinoff those into their own solo films.

    A Scarlet Witch and Vision movie might be neat, but they would likely remove that Wanda is Magneto’s daughter to avoid conflicts with Fox over the XMen franchise (or at least not mention it until all are one again)

  28. chris....the real one says:

    cool, that makes sense. i personally would like to see a hawkeye movie.

  29. Anti-Septic says:

    I find Vision to be one of the most boring characters in the Marvel Universe. If Marvel was smart they would consider a Wonder Man (Simon Williams)movie, he is easily the most compelling character in the Marvel Universe as his tie-in with Ultron (Single greatest villain ever conceived)makes it all that much more enticing.

  30. Rodney says:

    @Chris (the reply feature tends to fail on long comment posts)

    I personally find the whole spectrum-rings thing dilutes the Power Ring mythos. To introduce that there is more than just Green and Yellow power rings complicates the poop out of everything and seems to take away from the absolute power that is the Green Lantern’s ring.

    The Blackest Night prophecy tickles my inner geek somewhat (I love that they got it right out of the Lantern’s power chant) and its a beautiful poetry. But again, it relies on “other corps” of different colours of the spectrum with their own power rings with different powers.

    Its an interesting idea, but one that kind of hurts the mythos in my opinion.

  31. chris....the real one says:

    @ rod…i agree 100% the yellow lanterns where cool and all, and it was nice to see sinestro and his corps fight with the GL corps.

    but the red and blue lanterns do take away from the original mythos of the corps. then there are these new orange lanterns, its getting to be too much imo. and while the blackest night does indeed peak my nerd radar. i think its just an excuse to bring back batman…lol

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