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Bret Ratner To Direct The Milli Vanilli Story?

By John - April 22, 2009 - 08:44 America/Montreal

Ahhhh high school. The days when if you did something stupid you could just “blame it on the rain” and if a girl questioned your honest love for her you could just take her hand, look her right in the eye and profess “girl you know it’s true”. Well… you wouldn’t actually say it… you’d just move your lips to those words while someone not as good looking as you said it from behind you. Ah yes, it was the era of Milli Vanilli!

It’s been known for some time now that a movie about Milli Vanilli has been in the works… which I’ll tell you right up front I think is a very rich idea for a movie. Forget the silliness of it. The real drama of the story, how the record company pulled off a huge public scam, and how the biggest pop stars in the world went from the thrown to the gutter almost over night. That’s good stuff for a movie.

Anyway, a weird (yet oddly believable) rumor has surfaced (I stress the word rumor) that Brett Ratner (who I don’t think is very good, but isn’t nearly as bad as some people make him out to be) may be up for directing the project. The folks over at Slashfilm give us this:

…director Brett Ratner is in talks to direct a movie based on the Milli Vanilli story for Universal. Rush Hour screenwriter Jeff Nathanson has written the screenplay about “one producer and two lip-syncing male models who sold millions of records and won a Grammy before their scam was revealed.” Kathleen Kennedy is attached as executive producer.

Well, true or not, this could be an interesting project depending on how they decide to approach it. I wonder if a “best of” Milli Vanilli album will come out to support the movie’s release.


  1. The Jim Walker says:

    When i first saw this post, i was like like “Who gives a shit?”… but, i think you bring up some good points, it was a huge scam, the did fall quickly into instant punch lines, and i think you’re right… a look into it might be interesting.

  2. Joey says:

    Hmmmmm a movie about hack musicians made by a hack director. Oh the irony…..

  3. Meli says:

    While you bring up some good points I think the idea is a crack up …at least it won’t be a straight biopic like I heard reported on the radio this morning.

  4. Iceberg says:

    Honestly, I can’t imagine that going down in any high school, hell, at least not mine. That’s a cry for a beat down or shank…My high school had/has Metal dictators, it would a shame to act like that, cuz you’d get no love, as if you were a rapper trying to act. As far as the Milli Vanilli story goes: I’m Game to peep this. These cats are one of the biggest con artist in history, they are in the hall of fame right behind Bernie Madoff.
    OK as for Bret Ratner:…wow where do u begin? Sonn needs a wake up call, he’s bating 0.00% right about now, and needs to do something quick before he’s back to making music videos.

  5. Jano says:

    I wonder if Bret Ratner is going to cast Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan for this movie…

  6. Rafael says:

    Cuba your role of a lifetime is calling!! Do you think he’s too old? Terrance Howard and Cuba Gooding Jr. There. I cast the movie already.

  7. Kiddo says:

    I’d definitely see this
    LOL @ Rafael, that casting is perfect!

    BTW can you please make a post on that Obsessed movie??? it looks like it’s going to be SOOOO bad, it’ll be good

  8. Tripp Van Easille says:

    Boy, this was a waste of space….no interest.

    • Rodney says:

      And you contribute to the space this takes up JUST to tell us how little you care about it?

    • tzaylor says:

      I too, would like to waste everyone’s time by saying this movie looks like a waste….unless it’s funny…..but please don’t tell me they want to make this into something we’re supposed to care about. Cause I know I don’t care and I love that music!

  9. Tony says:

    Bret Ratner huh? Who is Chris Tucker gonna be Milli or Vanilli? Girl you know it’s… Girl you know it’s… Girl you know it’s gonna suck.

  10. Kristina says:

    My mom STILL has their CD!!!!!

  11. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    check please.

  12. leeloo says:

    will smith and tom cruise IS milli vanilli.

  13. Rodney says:

    I am Milli Vanilli’s biggest fan! I have all their album!!

    But in all seriousness, this was one of the biggest scams in the early 90s. Their music was catchy and everyone loved them. They were a hit. Amazing how that opinion changes so dramatically when we find out the prettyboy duo were not the real singers? Instantly that band with catchy tunes and dance moves everyone loved to mimick turn spontaneously into the biggest joke.

    Would be interesting to follow the story of the real singers behind the music and the decision made to replace them with a more marketable image.

    Also, afterwards the face of MV attempted music careers on their own with one of them commiting suicide over the depression their downfall lead him to.

  14. The Shape says:

    here’s the real question: will the actor’s playing milli vanilli lip synch to milli vanilli who are themselves lip synching to someone else!?!?

  15. Kaneda979 says:

    I can see how it might be an interesting story, but seeing Bret Ratner’s name attached to the thing has already ruined it for me.

    I’m already pist he’s going to direct the God of War movie. Why oh, why?! At least I think he’s still doing it.

  16. HDC says:

    Wow how many movies will Bret Ratners name be attached to?…He’s not even that good of a director. And all these movies he is supposed to be doing he should have 5 movies coming out in the next 2 years.

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