Brand New Transformers 2 Trailer

Posted by John Campeaon 29. 04. 2009in News Chat

Holy fricken sweet uncle Marty soggy pants!!!!! I don’t care what anyone says… this trailer looks damn amazing. The new Transformers 2 trailer has been leaked on the web. This is a low quality cam version… see it while you can:


Thanks for the link.

When a new valid one goes live we will post it right away.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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64 Responses to “Brand New Transformers 2 Trailer”

  1. RonSalon says:

    Frakin’ awesome!

  2. Peteronfire says:


    I just jizzed in my pants.

    Is sam becoming a transformer?!

    • Kristina says:

      He very well could be. In the cartoon, his mind was put into an Autobot’s body for a short period of time, so they might be headed that way here.

  3. Kalpesh says:


  4. Grenade says:

    Devastator is badass!!!

  5. spence says:


    Also, how effin hot is Megan Fox on that bike. my god……

  6. Joe says:

    man i cant wait for this movie and i want to see a higher resolution for this trailer NOW

  7. AARON says:

    omg awesome awesome AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Btw Joe, if you want higher resolution i’m sure the trailer is on Yahoo movies, or the film’s site.

    Thanks Rodney, that made my day

    Frick yeah that rocked!

  8. AARON says:

    Btw John, after that amazing trailer, do you still think Star Trek could be better? Lol just curious

  9. robertwolf says:

    My mind will never be the same :0

  10. Yamo says:

    Shit i need to watch this agian be from youtube take it down

  11. Bobby says:

    i just peed my pants

  12. party marty says:

    did Devastators head turn into a vortex thing? crazy

  13. Grave says:

    Ohhh how does it feel to be wrong about Megatrons role in the film now? Just kidding, anyway I still worry about the pace of the film with the transformers story and humans story. I hope they can explain why Sam is freaking out from the All Spark Fragment, he seemed fine touching it in the last movie. So Megatron was not the first transformer on earth huh? Intresting they never talked about the ancient markings from Egypt before. Guess we have to see if the story all comes together. If it doesnt and their lots of plot holes Ill be glad the writers are not doing the next film.

    • Calviin says:

      - Always knew Megatron was more than just a small part.

    • Slushie Man says:

      There was no need to mention Egypt in the first movie. Sector 7 obviously doesn’t like just handing out info that it doesn’t absolutly have to.

    • Grave says:

      Hmmm I would have to disagree Slushie. When they got to Hover Dame they pretty much spilled all the info they had and even showed them how they used the cube with the cell phone. Now maybe if the marking just appeared or something like that I would let it slide. But wont know that for 2 months.

  14. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:


  15. Lucky says:

    First of all, i am a big fan of the first transformer movie (and obviously the G1 cartoons).

    This trailer is amazing, although i would say the soundtrack (the back music) wasn’t up to my expectation, if we compare it to the trailer of the 1st transformer movie. They basically got the soundtrack from the first movie.

    Apart from that it looks cool. But we still have to see as to how much time is allocated to the robots then the humans. People just dont only want to see the robots in action, but want to see them interact with each other. The trailer is showing too much of Sam then the rest of the robots. I know that in trailer we should not show everything, but some of the main bots (like ironhide, ratchet) who we have seen in the first movie, and know they are in the second one should get some more screen time, instead of showing Megan Fox semi ass. :)

    • Slushie Man says:

      No thanks. I’d MUCH rather see new bots in the trailer instead of old ones we already know are in it. And this trailer did exactly that.

    • Calviin says:

      I second what Slusie said, and I would add that I am also not against more of Megan’s ass.

  16. AnnOra says:

    my panties are wet :/

  17. Gareth says:


  18. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    I never saw a director sexualize an actress like Bay does with Megan Fox. The motorcycle scene is pretty hot. I’m not complaining just pointing it out!


  19. Matt K says:

    figures it gets taken down before i get here…oh well

  20. melbye says:

    And that’s why i don’t mind Megan Fox in these movies.

  21. Will says:

    So was this a Pirated trailer?

  22. Kevin says:

    awww, it’s down…how sad! I was teased!

  23. Phil Gee says:

    Don’t worry, it keeps getting put up by someone else every hour on Youtube. For the love of Cybertron will Paramount please learn to bloody embrace the internet as a wonderful tool that allows the entire world to get excited about their damn multi-million dollar film…

    …which now includes me. That trailer was so good it actually has me changing my opinion. I’m starting to think this one is going to be much better than the first (as long as those college scenes are kept to a bare minimum and we get to the robots).

    • Calviin says:

      Well, they spent the last week or so hyping up this new trailer. They’ve got a special showing of the 2007 Transformers movie at 20 theatres in the USA playing at 7:00pm tonight and the trailer is supposed to precede the movie. They don’t want all the hype spoiled. I don’t necessarily agree, but that’s the way it is.

  24. Matt K says:

    i didnt see the trailer, but i hope that we actually get some dialogue between megatron and starscream this, instead of just 3 lines.

  25. HAZMAT says:


    Its gone lol

  26. Kristina says:

    It’s on Youtube. I just watched it, although the sound was out of synch. Looks good.

  27. chris bunker says:

    Its going to be a great movie. T4 sucks because its pg 13 no Terminator film should be pg 13 thats a huge mistake in my opinion. Avitar is going to start getting a LOT of press after comicon so I am curious to see how this film holds up after release and on to blue ray. I dont know if it will have the same impact as the first. Im still there at midnight.

    • Matt K says:

      terminator doesnt need to be R, you can still have a violent PG13, just you dont have to throw down f-bombs or show gore

    • Rodney says:

      Explain to me what R would bring that could make this a better movie. More blood? How is that better? Maybe some frontal nudity. Could that help?

      No movie NEEDS to be an R to be better.

    • HAZMAT says:

      And all it does is give you less viewers. No 9 year old is going to be allowed to see T4 if its R

      MY 9 year old brotherand my other 6 year old one can go see it though, and theyll see it with me, cuz its PG-13

      (But then again, I saw Watchmen with them…and I didnt know how to explain to little Nick and Tom why Nite Owl can only fuck Laurie when he wears an owl costume)

    • HAZMAT says:

      BTW I would never take them to see Saw or Hostel something rated R, im pretty responsible when it comes to that…

      I just had NO IDEA the sex scenes were going to be so detailed…I mena its a superhero movie! i thought it would be like that little sex scene in ironman when he “wrestles” with that blonde reporter. I cant tell my little brother Laurie was “wrestling” Dan because they showed her face on close up as they orgasmd all over each other

      So yeah, rated R movies are so unnecessary sometimes…unless its like a horror movie or Zack and Miri…but if its Terminator..make it PG-13…make it appropriate, and get more viewers while you do that.

      No need to ruin your movie with a 2 second porno scene

      Or a 60 minute one in Watchmens case (it was so awkward for me when i took my little brothers to see that)

    • HAZMAT says:

      “Jamie! What is Miss Laurie doing to that Batman person!? Nooooo! Good guys fighting good guys…naked???!”

  28. chris bunker says:

    The movie is called TERMINATOR - it can work with die hard or transformers. THe movie looks cool but that is a film that should be R they are doing it to try to make money since T3 did not make that much.

    • Matt K says:

      i know what the movie is called, however like i said before it does NOT need to be R, you can have a pg13 film as violent as a R film, just leave out the blood and gore.

  29. chris bunker says:

    Leaving out the Blood and Gore is why the movie might suck. This is the TERMINATOR. Not robots, not John McClain. Arnold carves himself up in the first one which they could not show in a pg 13 version, T2 is arguably the best action film in modern times and is R. They can have blades going through peoples faces and limbs being severed in a pg 13 version of terminator. Dont get me wrong, I hope the movie is good but the bottom line is the 3rd one underperformed and the studio requested it be PG 13 so i can make more money not to make it a better movie. If the 3rd one made a ton of money this movie would be R.

  30. GODFATHER says:

    Here it is for those, to make it easy:

    BTW… This movie is going to be the #1 movie of the year, bar none!

    • Matt K says:

      thanks for posting the link.

      WOW, this gonna be fucking awesome.

    • bjon86 says:

      @ GODFATHER.

      I agree. It is gonna be SO hard to get a ticket for this, especially in LA! I wanna check it out opening day at the arclight. I’m already organizing the day with my entourage. HOOOOOLY SHIIIIT!! I’m thinkin DARK KNIGHT crowds. It’s gonna be inSANE!!

  31. bjon86 says:

    okay I got here too late. is there another place where I can find this video. from reading these comments I am DIEING to see this trailer!!!!

  32. bjon86 says:

    oh my sweet fuckin jesus!!! I just saw it from that link the other commenter left!!! HOLY SHIT!!terrible resolution but DAAAAAAAYEM. Can’t wait for Wolverine so I can check this shit out in HD!! HOLY SHIT!!!

  33. GODFATHER says:

    Few things I caught in this clip.

    1) It looks like Megs is not a flashback character like I thought he would be, as he’s seen swimming upwards from “the abyss” and then is seen as the head that creeps up behind Megan’s character (around the 1:20 to 1:27 mark)

    2) Shia’s character announces to Prime that Megatron wants what’s in his head (1:37).

    This is GREAT news to me!

  34. Doug (not Nagy) says:

    The action scenes look awesome. The cheesy dialogue, pathetic attempts at completely unnecessary comedy (don’t tell my mom) and the fact that once again it looks like they are going to spend a heckuva lot of time on the human storyline looks awful.

    • HAZMAT says:

      I think enough time has passed to allow you to take out the “not Nagy” part of your name.

      Just a thought lol

  35. Matt K says:

    anybody have a clue as to who was being sucked into devastator?

  36. Geno says:


  37. Matt K says:

    i love how it shows optimus w/ two swords that come out of his wrist this time

  38. Moe says:

    Here’s a nice YouTube link - good quality

  39. Erin says:

    ahh! my stomache hurts so fucking bad i wanna see this movie so much! mostly becasue i wanna know what happens to hell-breaking,ass kickin Optimus Prime!he’s my favorite…

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