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Bot Lineup and Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Images Online

By Rodney - April 2, 2009 - 08:42 America/Montreal

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen has been riddled with guesses over which bots would be in the film. Many rumours say that effects teams have been taking on the task of improving the look of the cg bots, and that as many as 60 different Transformers will appear in the film.

Coming Soon has some new images from the movie, as well as a “set list” of the main players in no particular order.

Star Scream, Sideways, The Fallen, Scorpinok, Soundwave, Ravage, The Doctor, Wheelie, Demolisher and Devatstator (Scavenger, Scrapper, Hightower, Longhaul, Rampage, Overload, and Mixmaster)

Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Arcee, Jetfire, Jolt, Skids & Mudflap (The Twins)

I wonder how absolute this list is, as we were teased that Megatron was in fact in the movie (which I still speculate is just going to be for a stinger cameo setting up the third movie) and we were told that Jazz was rebuilt (despite their heartfelt farewell to a fallen comrade at the end of the first movie). Perhaps this list will just be the “main” cast and the other 50 or so bots will be cameo or extras.

Also, they list Wheelie as a Decepticon? And I am not sure who The Doctor is, but it would be funny if they got Tennant to voice him.

They also have some pictures to share which include Ravage and Megan Fox’s cleavage.

There are more images at Coming Soon


  1. chris....the real one says:

    as a lifetime transformers super nerd….i must say strongly…meh

  2. Johnson says:

    All i see is a list of Decepticons that will have their ass’s handed to them by Prime :)

    The Doctor could be Evil Perceptor lol

  3. Matt K says:

    maybe we will get lucky and megatron wont be in the film and from those photos its quite obvious that its starscream that pinsdown sam

    • Matt K says:

      isnt wheelie supposed to start out as a decepticon and then join the autobots? and maybe the decepticons have their own time lord(i know bad joke)

    • Devan Price says:

      seen a trailer for it… trust me megatron is probably the biggest fucking machine in the whole movie.

    • Rodney says:

      @Devan, Clearly you haven’t seen the trailer at all then. Megatron wasn’t in the trailer (though some speculate he was) and very clearly the one PART of the constructicons team was 10 times the size of Prime, and he combines with 6 others to make up Devastator.

      If Megatron is in this at all, he will be a little bigger than Prime, just like the first movie, but far from the biggest in the movie.

    • Matt K says:


      devastator is rumored to be 100 ft tall(thats what ive heard), but the reason why i think we would be lucky to not have megatron in the film is that b/c he would serve no purpose, i mean what would he do join forces w/ the autobots to save the earth, humans, and megatron’s enemies? yeah right.Would it be to join forces w/ “the fallen” and then betray him at the last minute? i would only believe that if it was starscream, and as far as them confirming megatron is in the film, well it could all be bullshit.

  4. Calviin says:

    Well, At least there’s cleavage.

  5. Matt K says:

    hey megan ” i can see down your shirt!”

  6. 3R!C says:

    LOL! I wonder if they specifically planned the shot with Megan lying down looking up.

    • Schulzy says:

      “Sir, we haven’t had a clevage shot in ten minutes!”
      “Oh, right. Um, so instead, Megan Fox will trip over that stick, and THEN look up at the impending apocolypse.”
      “That’s it?”
      “We’ll make it a 7 second shot.”

    • chris....the real one says:

      of course bay did, thats her purpose in the film…T and A

    • Jeremy K. says:

      And the best part, she knows it!

  7. JoshMiller says:

    The doctor as “evil Perceptor” as mentioned b Johnson may not be too far off. The image between Starscream and Megan Fox looking up is a weird spider bot that resembles a recently discovered toy that turns into a Microscope. The toy wasn’t listed as being The Doctor but was called Scalpel but hey.

    Also I find it odd that Demolishor is listed separate from Devestator (who has 7 bots listed next to his name). On the toy side of things, Demolishor is part of Devestator (the torso/Shoulders) and there are only 6 bots total. This gives us 8 for the movie?

  8. Kevin says:

    Is it just me or do some of these characters sound a little Jar Jar Binks ish?

    • bla says:

      yeah they do, but can you come up with names for 40 feet high robots that can change into vehicles…?

  9. HAZMAT says:








    I know exactly how this movie will end.


    The decepticons will have the upper hand throughout the WHOLE FUCKING MOVIE and then at the end some lucky hits and amazing out of their ass kills will have the autobots kill all decepticons…something lucky is going to happen…like in the 1st one how Sam HAPPENED to put the cube on Megs’ chest


    I want a movie thats 5 hours of REAL Autobots fighting Decepticons….not FUCKING SKIDS AND MUDFLAP!!!!!!!

    • HAZMAT says:

      And where the fuck is barricade???!

      Do people still think Transformers dont excist????

      I hope they dont go with the “We have no idea martians excist” bullshit…theres NO WAY theyre still in disguise….not after the titanic brawls they had in T1

    • chris....the real one says:

      i dont know why ultra magnus, or wheeljack, or beachcomber arent in these films…oh well, we’ll see what happens when transformer 3 comes out

    • Rodney says:

      Wheeljack is too much like Rachet (more an inventor but both fixers). Ultra Magnus is just like Prime. But white.

      Beachcomer? Seriously? The jeep? Was he ever important? Nope.

      And there are literally hundreds of bots mentioned in G1 Continuity alone and most of which are just generic that they don’t stand out.

      Or that are not GM vehicles.

    • HAZMAT says:

      1) I could name 100 (no exageration) badass Autobots that could make this movie good

      2) Ultra Magnus rules, even if hes a white optimus, better then THIS shit

      3) Beachcomber is kinda lame, but he looks cool, i like where your heads at chris, at least youre thinking about more autobots and not more lame robots like Mudflap

      4) Transformers have a deal with GM…just because the robots are not GM doesnt mean anything..a bunch of autobots in T1 were other brands in the comics, like jazz (porche) and bumblebee (VW)

      5) Really, the only cool autobots here are IronHide, Optimus and Sideswipe

  10. 46and2 says:

    …never mind i lost my train of thought when i scrolled past that cleave pic again.

  11. Kaneda979 says:

    Well, I can’t say much for these teaser pics, but I gotta say that line up list of the Transformers for this film is just awesome and totally made my day.

    Its so much like the original TV series line up, I just love it. This is what the line up of the first movie should of been.

    Although I don’t see Megs and that does make me sad, but maybe he’ll still show up as a surprise.

  12. sjp1966 says:

    Sounds like you cannot please all the people all the time, everyone who is a complete fanboy of transformers will moan all day that this one isnt in it or that one is in it.

    For those of us that know sod all about them well we are just looking forward to seeing them kick arse on screen

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