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Bioshock Movie Put On Hold

By John - April 24, 2009 - 22:27 America/Montreal

There are three universal laws: Death, Taxes, and Video Game movies suck. Still, with that being said one of the few video game properties that I’ve thought had enough narrative story telling possibilities to make a decent movie was Bioshock (the other would be a film based on Warcraft). Bioshock is a rich story. I’ve never even played the game. I just watched my buddy SouldVideo play one night and I was blown away by the story arc in it.

It was announced some time ago that Pirates of the Caribbean director Gore Verbinski was taking on the Bioshock project. But alas good friends… it appears the film has been put on hold… maybe permanently… although they are saying they’re committed to finding a way to do it. They even went so far as to say: All parties vow that “Bioshock” will not become another “Halo,” That line made me giggle

The brakes got put on the project when production costs rose to over $160 million, which was more than Universal wanted to put into the project. The folks over at Variety say give us this:

“We were asked by Universal to move the film outside the U.S. to take advantage of a tax credit,” Verbinski said. “We are evaluating whether this is something we want to do. In the meantime, the film is in a holding pattern.” Verbinski and sources at the studio say they are determined to make the pic. Indeed, Verbinski (who has also been directing the Paramount animated film “Rango” with Johnny Depp) bowed out of directing a fourth installment of “Pirates of the Caribbean” so that he could direct “Bioshock” and produce under his Blind Wink banner.

So yet another highly anticipated, high profile video game adaptation movie is on the shelf for the foreseeable future. I’ll go on record and say it’s a shame… I was actually starting to look forward to seeing how this one turned out.

What do you think… will this movie ever get made? Can they even make a movie like this one properly for under $120 million?


  1. 3R!C says:

    Now you can’t say all video game movies suck, what about the first Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil?

    • John says:

      Sucked and sucked. Resident evil sucked like a $5 vegas hooker.

      I got a huge kick out of Mortal Kombat… but there is no denying it’s a horrible movie

    • Robert says:

      I agree with John. Those were terrible movies. Have you even played Resident Evil? What the hell was that movie about?

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      Mortal Kombat had some moments in it, but those moments were lifted out of Enter The Dragon, and the Goro FX were fine, but yes, it sucked. On the bright side, it wasn’t as bad as the sequel.

      Resident Evil….
      I’m like half and half on that.

      Silent Hill…
      I didn’t think it sucked. I thought it was effective when it wasn’t being silly. I think the fanbase for it suffers from brain damage, however, to the point where, over the last few years I’ve started to like the film less and less. Here’s a question I had to ask myself: now that the darned thing is marked down $5 in some places, if I liked the film so much, why isn’t in my DVD collection?

    • Jake says:

      “Have you even played Resident Evil? What the hell was that movie about?”

      I’m with you, there. Although, the third film’s ending does have me curious enough to see the fourth one at some point. Just maybe.

  2. Kleino says:

    I still hold out hope for a God of War movie, I felt there was enough story there for a decent movie. Just get a decent Kratos.

  3. townes says:

    sad story…
    I was especially looking forward to the art direction.
    just imagine what art deco fairy tale could be born if given the project into the hands of weta workshop.

  4. prahanormal says:

    You know, I’m actually almost interested in this. Than again I was almost interested in Max Payne as well and we all know how that turned out.

  5. Matt K says:

    “there are three universal laws: death, taxes, and video game movies suck”

    LOL, that was one of the funniest things ive ever heard.

    but as far as video game movies as concerned yes most do suck, but imo there have been exceptions to that like “final fantasy the spirits within” and “advent children”, “doom”(thats right i enjoyed “doom”), “mortal kombat”, and i actually only like the second resident evil flick

    • 46and2 says:

      You beat me to it on the final fantasy movies. I thought they were great and have both in my collection.

      In terms of story telling narrative I can’t think of any other games at the level of FF and Halo. I just finished the latest Halo book and there is loads of material to work from. Maybe a Halo with the CGI treatment?

    • Rodney says:

      But the movies in Final Fantasy don’t have to be about anything specific to the game. They can just make it up.

      As long as they have some means of Summoning and include a Chocobo, its a Final Fantasy movie.

  6. Gutpunch says:

    I actually think this could be cool as a stop motion film.

  7. Darren J Seeley says:

    Smarter heads prevailed.

    Now just gimmie the Earthworm Jim movie.

  8. Gunther says:

    “there are three universal laws: death, taxes, and video game movies suck”

    Great line and I so agree with you. The only video game adaption I like at least in terms of art direction is the already mentioned Silent Hill.
    I played Bioshock a while ago and it’s been one of the tip games on my list from the beginning. Damn! Just when I also started looking forward to this one.

    Please, Mr. Verbinski, make it happen!

  9. Rugsims says:

    What about ZELDA?!

    Just throwing it out there…

  10. Nite Owl's limp noodle says:

    I just bought Bioshock and HOLY SHIT what a great game. I’ve never played a FPS like it. I’m not even half way through it yet and I can’t think about anything else.

    If they make a movie, they’d better adapt it right; and NO you can’t make this one cheaply. It’s gonna take some major bucks.

    John’s right…video game movies suck hairy balls. I really wish they’d leave this alone. And just make more great games.

  11. Jack says:

    As much as I hate the idea of video games being translated into movies I still think BioShock will be the one to break the trend of suckage. For those of you who havent played I URGE you to go out and buy it now. Its been out for a couple of years now and is fairly inexpensive. BioShock is like nothing I had ever seen before. A deeply thought out game that actually makes you think on a philisophical level. The city in which the game takes place is partially based off of the one invisioned in the great Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. The game presents a good look at the objectivist philosophy without comending or condemning it. It shows how the Idea of a purely capitalist society is good but also shows the faults in the objectivist belief (such as being purely anti religious, which leads in part to the fall of Rapture do to many in the societies desire for religion being outlawed and the only way the citizens are able to get religious materials is smuggling and such) The game is EXTREMELY deep on so many levels. I just pray that the movie retains the thinking mans quality of the game and doesnt turn it into a violent horrer shootemup.

  12. Jack says:

    Oh and I also think a Halo movie could be done well to. Despite the games being fairly juvenile the Halo Universe is actually pretty in depth. If PJ and his buddy doing District 9 do in fact return to the Halo film project I think we might have a winner on hand with this as well.

  13. mike says:

    thats strange all the props for it are in full production…

    • Rodney says:

      On hold doesn’t mean completely canceled. If they are paying the guys to make the props and its still possible that they will return to the project, there is no reason not to get them to finish the job.

      Its not like they will get their money back if they cancel.

  14. Andy says:

    Halo not progressing is a true heartbreak for me. Bioshock is a fantastic game and should be a great movie, but yes, John is right. Video game movies don’t ever seem to pan out. Always something missing.

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