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Behind the Scenes Inglorious Basterds Clip Online

By Rodney - April 16, 2009 - 18:48 America/Montreal

As a special feature on American Idol, the network decided this was the prefect demographic to treat to a special behind the scenes mini feature on Tarantino’s violence extravaganza Inglorius Basterds.

Tarantino has always been hit or miss with me, and its always a love it or hate it. But I am slowly coming around to the idea of this one.

Yeah people are complaining that they don’t like how Brad Pitt talks, or complain about the acting. But really the people who want to see this (I am becoming one) are going to see it because they are in the Nazi killin’ bidnizz… and bidnizz is good.


  1. 3R!C says:

    “Because we love making movies!”

    WTF? lol

  2. Ryan says:

    Haha. That was the greatest thing ever. You know somebody was like “again?”.

    QT: “Yes! you know why? (signals crew) BECAUSE WE LOOOOOVE. MAKING. MOVIES!”

  3. AARON says:

    Great clip, I read the script, not as much action is you would think but when he does have action in there, oh man it ROCKS, 10/10 for the script.

    lol “Because we love making movies”

  4. Herby says:

    Yeah!! I’m there.

  5. Dragonslayer says:

    I absolutely cannot wait for this movie.

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