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Arkham Asylum Clip: Harley Quinn

By Rodney - April 21, 2009 - 08:55 America/Montreal

The new clips coming out for the Batman Arkham Asylum look just amazing. I have no clue if it will be a good game, but I could watch those cut scene clips all day.

The Nerdy Bird tipped me off to this gem featuring Harley Quinn:

This made me think that Harley would be a good fit for a Nolan Batman villain. Not as the primary villain but a crazed devotee to the now imprisoned Joker for an opening act of the movie. She can get apprehended and lead into the main story. Ties into the last one without having to repeat a Joker that will be unfairly criticized but still reminding us he is there.

And it should be Kristen Bell, and she should wear that outfit.

Damn I am good.


  1. Matt K says:

    kristen bell would be good i guess, but you know everyone is gonna say Olga would be “perfect” for the role….just joking

  2. Seth Rex says:

    Actually, I think Amy Smart would be good for the role of Harley Quinn.

  3. GODFATHER says:

    Two solid choices! I’m not sure if Kristen could pull off the ditsy attitude needed, but I’m pretty confident Amy could. Either way, two FINE women.

    Just an aside, Harley doesn’t sound like much of a doctor to me…

  4. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    I’ve heard lots of good things about this game, the only problem will be replay value…..? but if the story is done well, then this game should have a strong afterlife.

    harley would be a great way to open the next film — and i say scarlette johanson..trust me on this.

  5. hecticstairs says:

    in batman 3 have harley try to break out joker, riddler take the city hostage, and (re-cast, rip heath) joker show up to turn the final act on its head (joker defeats/teams up with riddler?)


    epilogue: flying graysons are coming to gotham…two face returns with gasp! plastic surgery, and is now a mashup of rosie o’donnell and joel schumacher

    • Rodney says:

      Obviously you don’t follow much Nolan news. There will be NO ROBIN while he is at the helm. Robin would be an infant in this timeline.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Which is a shame, Robin is way cooler then batman

      Nolans on meth

    • Matt K says:

      not to me, the only reason i would want robin the these films is to see him get butchered by the joker

    • Rodney says:

      I like Robin better because he appeals to me more than Batman, but I agree with Nolan. Robin is a LONG way off in Batman’s story and has no use here.

      Maybe someday.. in the 6th or 7th movie of this wave.

  6. Phil Gee says:

    I think she’d worked very well in a Nolan Batman film, she’s a wonderfully complex character. But the relationship between her and the Joker is what makes it work. I think if they brought her in, they’d need the Joker back as a full presence.

    It’s all moot anyway; Nolan will do something completely different that none of us expect. That’s why he’s Nolan.

  7. Grave says:

    Well as far as I know this is just a new outfit for her. Its a nurse outfit just a bit twisted and sexy so it fits with the theme. Im happy they got the same voice actress to play the role too. As far as Nolan’s interpertation I will leave it to him he always seems to have a better vision to come up with in the new Batman films. I love to see Bane and Harley thats all im asking for because “I believe in Christopher Nolan”.

  8. Ramsey says:

    I would love to see a small Harley Quinn teaser role in the next Batman. Not an entire plot but just a small part to make the fans go krazy.

  9. alex says:

    I think everyone forgot about Brittany Murphy who would be perfect for the role.

  10. Kristina says:

    Alyson Hannigan, the girl from Buffy and How I Met Your Mother, remains my dream Harley.

  11. Phil Gee says:

    Call me crazy but I think Arleen Sorkin (the actual voice of Harley - an unreplicatable voice I might add) is as good a choice for a live action version as anybody.

    If you cake an actress in that much make-up, you probably wouldn’t notice their age. Plus, Harley was a psychologist before she went crazy. I’d just have a hard time seeing Brittany or Alyson in that role.

    • Rodney says:

      Which is one of the reasons I mentioned Bell for the role. She is old enough to hold a degree in psychology plus the looks and body to pull her off.

      And Sorkin might have the voice down but only because she was the most repeated voice actress for the role. But I wouldnt believe a 53 year old woman as Harley Quinn. Sorry.

  12. eddie says:

    NO the perferct girl will be the girl from Drake and Josh the little sister that also has he rown show on Nick, she has the perfect smile for her

    • Rodney says:

      Except that shes a CHILD.

      They can’t cast some kiddy teen as Harley… she was once a psychologist.

  13. Matt K says:

    to be honest i prefer the “jester outfit” to this, but this one seems its more in line w/ nolan’s films so yeah it would be better

  14. Freddy J says:

    This game is looking good and also sounding good, I’m pretty sure that was the Harley voice from Batman: The Animated Series and I know for sure that was Kevin Conroy as Bats.

  15. Jolietjakemcfly says:

    I’ve said it since the beginning and I’ll say it again. IF they put her in the Nolanverse, my vote to play Harley is Fairuza Balk. She’s around the same age as Bale and Ledger. She’s both attractive and a physical threat. She’s got that dark mystique about her, where you’re not sure if she’s gonna make out with you, or stab you in the gut, but you’re willing to stick around to see which one it is. And most importantly, she’s got the smile. However, I’m not a fan of having Harley without the Joker. Their relationship is what makes her interesting, and relevant. My vote for recasting the Joker is Ben Foster. He’s a fantastic character actor, kicks major ass in Alpha Dog, can play all types of crazy, and is pretty long and lanky. Ledger did the hard part by establishing how the character sounds, and gesticulates and carries himself. I Think Foster can build on that and give a pretty solid performance.

    • Rodney says:

      Fairuza Balk is not attractive at all and has no physical presence sexually or threateningly.

      Furthermore I don’t want to see a 36 year old playing Harley. Despite holding a degree and being a psychologist, Quinn has never been portrayed as mature.

      Anyone can smile. It just has to be pretty. You don’t have to have a freakishly large mouth to play Quinn.

      Lastly, no matter how good a replacement you find for Joker, NO ONE is going to let that slide until its been a few years since Heath’s passing. There is still WAY too much buzz about that.

    • leeloo says:

      fairuza would rock it.

  16. Kokushi says:

    Kristen Bell, Britany Murphy and Brea Grant (Daphne from Heroes) are great choices for Harley Quinn.

  17. Jolietjakemcfly says:

    I think physical attractiveness is a matter of opinion. She’s no more or less attractive than any of the other female leads in the other films, who despite how talented they are or not, have been pretty plain Jane. Given, they’ve only been minor characters and not the fanboy wet dream that Harley is.

    In everything I’ve seen her in Balk comes across as fit. Harley is a fairly petite acrobat, not She-Hulk. Balk can throw a punch or two and is just as fit if not more so than any of the other actresses suggested.

    I’m a pretty big Kristen Bell fan as well, but I don’t want to see her in this movie. Had they been making a live action version of Batman: the Animated Series she’d be perfect, but this is the “Nolanverse” and everything’s a bit darker and grittier, and slightly skewed from what we know to be the Batman mythos. It’s like having Mark Hamill or Cesar Romero’s Jokers in it. Though they’re both fantastic, they just wouldn’t fit.

    If they’re not going to recast the character completely, I’d rather not see him in another Nolan movie at all. He’s the Clown Prince of Crime, not Jigsaw. I don’t want to see him shrouded in darkness sitting in a cell in Arkham. I want to see him shooting strangers on live TV and punting babies for the hell of it.

  18. Kaneda979 says:

    I would love to see Harley Quinn in the new Batman movie. I thought she was great in the old Batman cartoon series. To see the relationship of her and Joker on the big screen, all while dealing with Bats, would be wonderful to see in a Batman movie.

    But Kristen Bell as Harley, I don’t know. She annoyed me allot on Heroes and I’m kind of glad about what happened to her lately on the show. I want to see an less ditsy actress. Who can pull off a cute, while completely crazy personality, with some deep dependency issues. Who that would be though, I don’t know.

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