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You’re Invited To A Test Screening Of “The Anniversary”

By John - March 25, 2009 - 09:44 America/Montreal

Hey there guys. Remember me? I’m the one who supposedly runs things around The Movie Blog, but you’d never know that from how absent I’ve been the last couple of months (thank goodness Rodney has been here to keep the ship afloat). I promise… I will be getting back to it full time very soon.

As any regulars know, the reason I’ve been invisible around here is because I’ve been working on my own little movie called “The Anniversary” (the IMDB page can be seen here). We’ve pretty much been working on it around the clock since we finished shooting just over a month ago. The movie is not finished yet… but we’re close enough that we want to have a little test screening of it to see how it plays and if we need to make any significant changes before we lock it down.

Yes yes yes… the professional way is to do these little test screenings in secret… but we’ve already established I’m not close to professional haven’t we?

So here’s the deal. This Friday (March 27th) We’re going to have a test screening in Hamilton Ontario (near Toronto) and you’re more than welcome to attend if you’d like. I know the location automatically excludes 99.999% of Movie Blog readers from being able to consider coming even if you wanted too… but that’s where we’re doing it.

Space is limited, so if you’re interested in coming, go to the Facebook page for the event, and register yourself as “attending”. Both myself, and Manolis Zontanos (one of the stars of the movie) will be in attendance to take any questions after the screening… and to ask some questions of the audience as well.

Hope to see a couple of you there.

About the Cast:

Other notables in the film are:

Erin Cummings (star if the upcoming STARZ Network series “Spartacus” and the Kevin Sorbo film “Bitch Slap”)

Julia Voth (Co- star of Bitch Slap and the Justin Timberlake produced reality show “The Phone”)

Gavin Grazer (Brother of Oscar Winning Hollywood super producer Brian Grazer. Gavin also directed the 2003 Woody Harrelson, John Cleese and Alicia Silverstone movie “Scortched”. Gavin has also appeared in films like “Frost/Nixon”, “Cinderella Man” “American Gangster”, and “Friday Night Lights”).

Dan Callahan (Dan wrote last summer’s feature comedy “College” and has appeared in such films as Spider-Man 2 & 3, Pathology, Midnight Meat Train and Untraceable).

Please note this will be an “R” rated film with strong language and brief nudity.


  1. Meli says:

    It’s awesome you’re close to finishing up your film and while I love my sunny So Cal location I wish I was close enough to attend your screening.

  2. Slushie Man says:

    Arg. I’ve got a friend in Hamilton that I visited just two weeks ago. If I had word of this sooner, I woulda just moved my visit up a couple weeks.

  3. Kiddo says:

    Aw man! I’m gonna be living in Hamilton ON starting August! (to study at mcmaster)
    wish i could go see it!

  4. HAZMAT says:

    Will there be one in Miami Florida?


  5. Grave says:

    I wanna see it very much. That documentary was a joy to see. So this film is on my must watch list. Then things here will be back to normal.

  6. Yamo says:

    Sweet im going on a road trip later today and Toronto was one of my stop to see. Tell you what John if you can get an actress by the name of Amanda Crew to be there i will pay you and tell everybody about your movie.

  7. Nate says:

    Nice, good luck John. You going to have any screenings in LA any time soon?

  8. astrocreep says:

    I wish I could go but sadly I can’t =(

    good luck John

  9. DJ says:

    Best of luck on the screening. I wish I could be there, but from Los Angeles, it might be a bit of a drive. I look forward to the eventual release. I thoroughly enjoyed Prince of Peace/God of War.

  10. AARON says:

    I am so happy for you john, could you guys come to Tampa? Lol, anyway If I could I’d be the first one there. This rocks though

  11. eric says:

    so how will this be distributed? i would like to see it and i live no where near ontario.

  12. Gmagnum says:

    Use Drew Struzan for your movie poster. He did the Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Bladerunner, etc. posters. He actually captures the movie experience. Nothing is more annoying then seeing a poster and it being nothing but actors faces and made in 5 seconds with photoshop.

    • John says:

      Hey Gmagnum,

      Fantastic idea! Do you have $40,000 I can borrow to make it happen?

      It would literally cost me more to hire him to do a poster than it did to make my entire movie.


  13. alfie says:

    how about a test trailer for us all to see seeing as this is a global community here on your site???

  14. genesiskelsghost says:

    So happy to hear things are moving right along. Good luck! If geography wasn’t so consistently cruel to me, I would be in the front row for the screening. Can’t wait to hear reactions.

  15. BobaFett says:

    Just do it your way, within your own constraints. I would love for there to be a test screening near me, but alas I know you probably pulled a lot of strings to get one in Hamilton.

    I’ve been involved in a couple of test screenings before, (Hart’s War, Tears of the Sun), and I enjoy being part of the process, but I was very surprised by the changes that ended up being made.

    Good Luck,

  16. ServerKing says:

    If I lived near Canada I would be there showing my support for your film. Good Luck!!!

  17. Mark says:

    John, I wish you the sincerest congratulations on getting this far with your feature, and the best of luck getting it finished.

    I have been a reader here for many years, loved the documentary, and look forward to seeing this.

  18. Darren J Seeley says:

    This Friday?

    That’s too short notice, even from the Michigander.
    If there was another week or two..maybe…

    Well hopefully after this and a few tweaks you’ll hit the Fest circuits with this (see, int’l friends? there is hope…I think…) so maybe one fine day…

    Anyway, great work & keep the int’l friends posted!

  19. mus man says:

    What is this movie about?

  20. Rugsims says:

    How ’bout a screening in Brazil?

  21. Ranting Man says:

    So glad you are ready for a screening and so sad that I live in Blighty and am unable to come over. Good luck with the screening John.

  22. AARON says:

    My Ex girlfriend lives in Hamilton, maybe i can breifly get back with her so i could go see John’s film lol.


  23. Aaron! says:

    Hey John if you need a movie poster done! i’d chuck one together for you!

    if you just gave me ideas you have for it!!

  24. Dragonslayer says:

    I loved to go…but I live in the states and I don’t have a car. Guess I’ll wait till theaters

    R rated with strong language and brief nudity. Sweet.

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