Twilight sells over 3million DVDs with Saturday Release

Posted by Rodneyon 23. 03. 2009in News Chat

Twilight was released on the unorthodox Saturday, giving way for some publicity events. Midnight release numbers padded by permission to stay up past your bedtime on a non-school night to get your copy of Twilight on dvd catapulted the rabidly followed franchise into the top 5 dvd releases ever.

ComingSoon reports:

With over 3 million DVD units sold, Twilight enters the top five best first day DVD releases over the past two years along with Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, The Dark Knight, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Transformers.

Summit Entertainment’s Co-Chairmen Rob Friedman and Patrick Wachsberger stated, “The Saturday release in conjunction with the groundbreaking retail events across the country have proven to be overwhelmingly successful which in turn benefited ‘Twilight’ fans as well as our retail partners. Home Entertainment President Steve Nickerson, the home entertainment group and the entire family at Summit are to be commended for the conceptualization and execution of this unique approach.”

While I agree that the odd release day of Saturday instead of the ingrained ritual of my Tuesday new release shopping day felt odd, with a movie like this they could have brought this movie out on a day the stores were not even open and it would still find a way to get droves of people picking it up.

I had previously had no interest in this franchise and wrote it off as sappy romance, but with John’s positive review, I thought I might give it a chance. That combined with the awfully tempting prices my local super-electronics shop was offering the Bluray ($2 more than the dvd) got the movie added to my collection.

My wife and I settled in on a Saturday evening to see what all the fuss was about and we were hooked. Not only do I find Kristen Stewart to be so genuinely appealing, but the supporting cast and the very different take on Vampires made the movie very enjoyable for me. I haven’t read the books, but I might find myself looking for them very soon.

I wouldn’t say I am a rabid fan, but I can appreciate the movie for what it was. Mostly drama, a little fun, some great characters, and a good taste of action. The effects of the tree climbing and forest running were a bit jarring. But I enjoyed the movie.

For those of you who haven’t watched the special features, know this now: Catherine Hardwicke is an unsettling visage, and she creeps the fuck out of me more than any vampire could. You have been warned.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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21 Responses to “Twilight sells over 3million DVDs with Saturday Release”

  1. Liam says:

    300 million? Bit of a typo there :]

  2. Jeremy K. says:

    Oh Rodney, what have you done. I agree fully with everything you said, and I would recommend the books to you. BUT, now this thread is going to rapidly get littered with hate and advice to never read the books. You know this to be true, so I must ask.. Why Rodney, would you do this to yourself? Is there a little masochism in you?

    • Rodney says:

      That is alright Jeremy. I can tell the difference between the hate lemmings who just say “fuck twilight” who have never read it or viewed the film because they want to hop on the ever loving bandwagon, and those who might offer constructive criticisms.

      I anticipate with ANY story I run that at least one person will blindly oppose me for no reason. lol

  3. MechoPower says:

    I have read the entire book series and will strongly recommend it to everyone. They are great books (though i will never admit that in public!!!). The books obviously give so much more and are much more entertaining. After seeing Twilight for the first time (yes, I was one of the midnite party goers), I was very very disappointed. But i should get used to that as i always read the book before seeing the movie. The casting was terrible, edward looked like he just wanted to break down and cry the whole movie, and bellas dad was just and ass instead of a shy guy (those of you that read the books will know what i mean). And what the fuck was up with Jasper? He looked like he was pulled straight out of Edward Scissor Hands!!! But it was somewhat entertaining. Once again, I highly recommend the books if you havent read them.

  4. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    i admit to being one of the haters, but i am converted. it was good for what it was, a popcorn flick. never read the books, probably never will, just like the harry potter books, just don’t have an interest to, but i will be adding this to my collection.

  5. Matt K says:

    I’ll admit to being one of those who “fuck twilight” and ill probably be giving the movie a go now thats its on dvd.

  6. HAZMAT says:

    If someone doesnt like the movie/book for X reason (combined with logic), thats fine, everyones different, but people that hate twilight/Ben Afflec/Bush for no reason or just to get into the cool bandwagon, seriously: fuck you
    I cant be kind about this

    Im glad you liked the movie, I also read all the books and assure you theyre good. If you dont like the books thats cool, i know people who liked the book and hated the movie or vise versa, I personally think theyre both amazing

    Twilight series = Success

    • Matt K says:

      from the trailers twilight seemed too much like the typical vampire film, where the vamp falls in love w/ a mortal, but now that its on dvd i may eventually give it a try.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Kinda funny, when I think a typical vampire movie I think lots of blood and gore with people wearing rubber masks, whereas the more dramatic non-horror like vampire movies are the atypical. I guess in actuality those two types are split pretty even, now and days. Back in the 80′s and early 90′s, though, only vampire movies made were of the horror genre. Probably say that Interview with a Vampire was a big turning point towards the more dramatic. But looking at movies like Lost Boys, 30 Days of Night, the Blade series, Dusk til Dawn, Vampires, and so on a so forth, definitely more of a blood and guts movie than a love story.

    • Matt K says:


      point taken, but ill still give it a try on dvd

  7. Slushie Man says:

    I enjoyed the movie, but didn’t love it. Found it a bit boring and slow in the middle. However I’m still looking forward to New Moon and will for sure be seeing it in theaters.

  8. prahanormal says:

    I just died a little.

  9. Carolyn says:

    I’m glad you enjoyed the movie. I was one of those people who didn’t want much to do with the movie because I thought it was for tweens and teens. I ended up being bored one day and watched the movie and really enjoyed it. A few weeks later I ran across the book and was hooked. I’m female so I may feel more for the characters (being from a girl’s point of view) but read each book after the movie or you won’t appreciate the movie as it’s own.

  10. Meli says:

    Rodney, I thought I was the only one who thought Catherine Hardwick is a little creepy! Something about the woman has always bothered me, but she’s made a couple of fun movies. I think she failed a little with Twilight, but it is what it is.
    I was watching the movie this weekend with my daughter for the 2nd time and found it started to drag a little in the middle, as did she, before it picks up again. The scene that makes the whole movie worth it - baseball.

  11. jon says:

    Ok so I also decided to see what all fuss was about and i must have seen a whole different movie then you have man. I thought that movie sucked hardcore, granted i’m a bit off the demo but on just viewing it as just the film aspect i felt it was just a bunch of blank stares and camera turns. The 1st hour dragged then when i thought we were going to get some action with the 3 bad guys 2 of them are never seen from again and the one left died in 2 secs lol
    One can argue the movie was not meant for your age neither is harry potter but i can tell you this i enjoyed harry potter a whole lot more then this.

    • Rodney says:

      And you are free to form your own opinion of it Jon, not every movie is going to please everyone.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Well, one of the three vamps is not even a bad guy. The one that warned them about the other two. He pretty much just ran with them for some company. When they decided to go after Bella, he didn’t want anything to do with them. This is of course all covered in more detail in the book. Also, the female vampire returns in a later book, so no, she is not out of the picture yet.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Trust me, hes a bad guy.

      Twilight is only the first book of the series.

  12. Dragonslayer says:

    Not surprised. I actually sat down and watched it. And yes it had some really bad moments…but I loved how teenagers were protrayed in the film. These are how real teenagers would act instead of singing and acting like six year olds on Disney Channel. It could’ve been better, but it coulda been a lot worse. I gave it a 5/10.

  13. john says:

    I was suprised how much i liked it and the books. There are definetly some slow points, but overall it was a good drama. the good vampire hanging witha bad crowd is a bad vampire in the second book. so we should be seeing him in new moon. for about 2 seconds lol.

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