Third “Chronicles Of Narnia” Movie Gets 2010 Release Date

Posted by John Campeaon 03. 03. 2009in News Chat

The third Narnia movie “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” has itself a release date. December 10th 2010.

This is actually pretty interesting because just a couple of months ago the future of the Narnia franchise seemed very much in doubt. The second Narnia film, Prince Caspian, was pretty good but not nearly as good as the first film (in my opinion anyway) and it also made a lot less money. That’s not the trend a studio wants to see, so Disney dropped the franchise and parted ways with Walden Media over it.

Fortunately for the Narnia franchise Fox came in and picked the property up, and now we’ve got an actual release date.

I’m a fantasy nut, so to me this is good news. I’ve enjoyed the Narnia films so far (especially the first one). It’ll be interesting to see how the next film turns out… especially considering Fox is now involved

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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25 Responses to “Third “Chronicles Of Narnia” Movie Gets 2010 Release Date”

  1. MattK says:

    i enjoyed the first two and am interested in seeing how this one turns out

  2. AARON says:

    Ugh, Fox, if they mess this up, that’ll suck so badly

  3. Sheen says:

    The first one was good, the second one was “meh”…who knows how the third will turn out.

  4. Slushie Man says:

    I didn’t like the first very much, but loved the second. Looking forward to this one.

  5. vargas says:

    I loved the first and liked the second one. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was always my favorite book as a child so this one might be my favorite if they do a good job!

  6. Anti-Septic says:

    I enjoyed both movies as well. I did not go see the second movie at theater which I felt was a mistake because it deserved my support. Of the series, the Prince Caspian book is by far my least favorite, so the movie was much better than I expected and maybe that is why most people skipped it at theaters?

    I look for a much bigger turnout for the third installment since the book material is much better in that regard!

    Go Narnia!

  7. Phoenix Dark says:

    Well this is another example of the lack of vision that big studios have sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I am a big fan of Disney, but I never supported the idea of doing Prince Caspian. by Green-lighting Prince Caspian as a sequal, they basically announced to the world that they did not even take the time to read the books before they made their decisions.

    Hear me out:

    One the draws of the first book (LWW) that translated into Box Office Performance was its religious subject matter (I am sure somone will argue this with me, and they would be wrong). This added to the great story and action made a great film. Not all of the Narnia books have a religeous undertone to them, and frankly not all of them are that good.

    In order to fully capitolize on this franchise the correct strategy would be to sign up for three movies. I mean you are not really expecting audiences to stick around for 7 years (unless you are Harry Potter) to see how all of this pans out are you? The three books that have both religeous undertones and good story and action are: Lion, The Witch, & the Wardrobe, The Magicians Nephew, and The Last Battle.

    Now done in that order would give you Lion, The Witch, & the Wardrobe, a prequel, and the Conclusion. In relgious story it would be The Easter Story, The Creation, and The Revelation Story. A perfect trifecta of movie greatness. If they read the books they would have never done Prince Caspian, nor Dawn Treader. Lion, The Witch, & the Wardrobe, The Magicians Nephew, and The Last Battle would have been an excellent line up, but no… Alas it was not to be.

    • bigsampson says:

      i disagree…prersonally i think all the books had religeous undetones in them…and i thought dawn treader was my 2nd fav to LWW.

    • Slushie Man says:

      Magician’s Nephew would be a horrible movie. It doesn’t have proper story structure. Not to mention it was written years after the series had already been finished, so many don’t even really count it as part of the series. So in that case, what’s wrong with following the proper book order?

      I don’t see you complaining that they made Harry Potter 2 before 3. And what’s this about audience members ‘sticking around’? That makes no sense. After seeing a movie, they go home and go back to their lives, then go back to the theaters again when the next one comes out. I don’t see how hard that is to do. As long as they don’t totally butcher the source material, I don’t see why people wouldn’t return.

      • Amanda says:

        I think that the Magician’s Nephew would make an amazing movie. Since not too many people actually know about the book, not too many people know the history of Narnia at all. Since this is the essence of the Magician’s Nephew, the movie should be shown. It explains every question that I had ever asked while reading LWW when I was a kid. After I read the Magician’s Nephew, everything made sense.

        And as for the order of the movies: C.S Lewis put the books into a collection after all seven books were finished. In this collection, the books are shown in the order that they would have come if written in the correct order. C.S Lewis made the order, not anyone else. The intended order made after the books was finished was the order that I read the book and it fit just fine. I am actually a little upset that this order wasn’t followed. Yes, it makes more sense publicity wise to make the most popular one first to gain followers but at least do the prequel second and then continue in the intended order of the author.

  8. Kiddo says:

    I liked the first one very much, but the second one was okay, a bit boring though. I don’t know why they had SO many battle time in the second one when it was a PG movie and they really couldn’t show any violence, so it was just slo-mo boring action!

    My take is that the second movie’s premiere date KILLED the movie. This was a winter franchise like Harry Potter, clearly not a summer blockbuster. Also Disney spent very little on marketing for the second one and the whole focus was on Prince Caspian (which none of the audience knew or cared about) should’ve focused on the kids we already knew and loved.

    Hope the third one is good and does well!

  9. dave stopher says:

    I cannot wait for the next one to come out!!

  10. chris....the real one says:

    screw that give me my golden compass sequels…the first movie was amazing

  11. Todd W in NC says:

    I liked Prince Caspian much better than The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

  12. Kristina says:

    Ben Barnes is hot.

    That’s all.

  13. ioffersearch001 says:


    Narnia, I link the movies first part, thats the starting success path for this movie. second one is little bit bore and expecting third one as a best.

    will wait and see..

    Thanks, Blogs - Just another weblog

  14. Tracy says:

    Phoenix Dark, while I would prefer to see all the movies made, you make a good and realistic point. I could have lived with that scenario. I’m really hoping they get to Magician’s Nephew - that’s the one of all them I’ve always hoped to see brought to life in film.

  15. Dominic says:

    This will be the great movie of 2010.But im sad to say that Peter and Susan will not be back in the third movie.But,there will be a new cast,Will Poulter who play the role of (EUSTACE SCRUB)and Georgie Henley (LUCY PEVENSIE)and Skandar Keynes (EDMUND PEVENSIE)will be back in the movie togehter with Ben Barnes (King Caspian)to continue the third adventure of THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA:THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER.The third Nanria franchise will be Directed by Michael Apted.Now,20th Century Fox and Walden Media are planning to release THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA:THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER in December 10th,2010.And the Walden Media are planning to film THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA:THE SILVER CHAIR next in the series.So,good luck for the movie.

  16. Dominic says:

    shit k dn

  17. Corikid says:

    I grew up reading these books. They’re amazing! The absolute worse thing that Fox could do is start to drift away from the plot in the books. As long as they stick to the storyline, they will have my support! But if they start to do their own thing, all I can say is I know they’ll lose the support of Christians and anyone who read these books as a kid.

  18. DuhDuhDuhmetree says:

    The third book is amazing and i think they did a great job sticking to the plot in the others. I really hope they dont mess this up. I’ve been waiting four years for this movie.

  19. andernoah says:

    I hope this one will be accurate like the first one followed the book pretty close the second one did not.

  20. Nawaz says:

    I like the narnia 1st so much the second one is also good. And i waiting for the next action.

  21. Sonar Pulse says:

    Narnia in 3-D,,,,, wow…. it would be a great fun i’ve ever had in the Narnia series.

  22. MADMAX_007 says:

    TOUCHE!, less kiddy stuff, more kick-ass shit!!

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