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The Year One Theatrical Trailer Online

By Rodney - March 19, 2009 - 21:22 America/Montreal

We saw a TV Spot Trailer for The Year One during the Superbowl, but now we get to see a full theatrical trailer for Jack Black and Michael Cera’s epic roadtrip comedy set in the oft overlooked first year of the calendar.

I have to admit, the first trailer didn’t suck me in. I think Cera’s underdog comedy is too different from Jack Black’s zany in-yer-face comedy. It is an odd pairing. But I will say that this trailer has got my interest again. Seeing them trip over biblical characters looks like guaranteed laughs. Harold Ramis as Adam, Hank Azaria as Abraham. And a plethora of other cameos I can’t wait to see.

Its been long enough since our last marathon tirade of Black movies came out where he shows his own style of improv, and I might be ready to get back on board with that again. I always liked his comedy, but I grew tired of it for a while there. Tropic Thunder and Kung Fu Panda (even just voice) seemed to have him more on a leash, which worked well too.

Cera is always Cera. I like him enough, but even rolling him back to the beginning of recorded time, he is the same guy.



  1. Vito says:


    Fuck Michael Cera.

    Other than that, it looks ok, I guess.

  2. Grave says:

    Well I love the idea and most of the supporting cast looks good. However, im feeling Jack Blacks routine is getting stale.

  3. Heath says:

    its a comedy…

    settle down ya wannabe film buffs, you just sound like pesemistic snobs….

    its easy to hate on Cera, or Black…butwhat have you done lately with YOUR life?

    • Android Invasion says:

      I milked a cow.

    • Klendathu says:

      Yeah, lord knows we have to excel at something before we can voice our opinion on it…
      oh wait…

    • MattK says:

      @ android invasion


    • Mladen says:

      What kind of argument is that?

    • Grave says:

      Whos hating? Cera is being typed casted ..again and Black still being Black. Thats not hating its fact. It doesnt me the movie will be bad or anything as far as we know. Seems to me your the movie buff wanna be pesemistic snob. Just because ppl have a difference of opinion you have to call those ppl names and imply their losers. John said it best, “A comedy can be forgiven for bad story, acting and directing as long as its funny.” I think thats true and if I recall no one said the films not going to be funny.

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      its hard not to hate on ‘em when you know that you can do it so much better. I know i can. my friends tell me all the time how much of a great actor i am, they’re like dude your always acting like an a-hole. wait a minute…

    • Rodney says:

      Heath, you sound like a pessimistic snob acting like you are better than someone else just because they have an opinion.

      And it is a very weak attack to try and challenge anyone’s accomplishments to devalue their right to an opinion.

      Last I checked “film buff” wasn’t a profession, its just an interest, so you can’t “wannabe” a film buff.

      You can wannabe a troll if you want, but it looks like your attempt to cut down people just backfired and cut yourself down.

    • total jiu jitsu says:

      is being a troll a profession? :)
      i can understand where heath is coming from. so many people are quick to jump on band wagons on hating this and that.

      personally i’ve never heard of this movie until now and i think it’s funny. and i don’t think i’ve ever seen a jack black movie… wait i have, the one with gywneth paltrow in it.

      i make graphics and people judge my work all the time… part of the job.

    • Jake says:

      Personally, I thought Heath was joking. Especially with that last bit: “its easy to hate on Cera, or Black…butwhat have you done lately with YOUR life?”

      I laughed and thought, “That’s funny.”

      Cheesiness extreme.

    • Heath says:


      did i strike a nerve with my satirical post?
      nothing ‘backfired’, becuz there was no ill intentions of my post….

      i get it ROD.your job is to sit behind a computer, post stories and information youve gathered from other sites, and then add your OPINION twords the end and call it your own…

      when someone doesnt share that same OPINION, you either delete their comments or post some response to certain posters, that John would just ignore…u think im a ‘troll’??lol…did i offend you with my 3 sentance post? ….i know YOU care about what random ppl say about or to u on the internet, but i dont….just refrain from the name calling…shouldnt you be more professional…

      what did i say to U exactly ROD?…did that wannabe film buff line strike a nerve in u?…well that wasnt my intentions, i was just fuckin around…but hope you feel better about yourself!!

      shave that goatee and let the world see all those chins you got on that glorious face!!

  4. John says:

    cool - i’ll watch.

  5. chris...the real one says:

    looks funny, i down…”the poliest of poles” was gold

  6. Ricci says:

    Jack = win

  7. Pman says:

    I haven’t had a chance to watch the trailor yet (posting from work, damned firewalls!), but the premise sounds like the old Mell Brooks film, “History of the World: Part 1”. I loved that movie. This might be worth a look see, even if Black’s act is getting a little tiring. How many times do we have to see the fat guy in his tighty whiteys scene? It’s not funny anymore people!

  8. AARON says:

    Looks very funny but not flat out hilarous

  9. Craig says:

    Looks very average. Mild manner Cera with overacting Black, could be interesting.

  10. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    i think it works, difinitely worth a $6 first showing on the weekend.

  11. haole says:

    meh, it looks a lot than I was thinking it would…

  12. David Lopan says:

    I went to see I love you, man this afternoon. They showed the trailer for this movie and as it was finishing I said to my friend “Micheal Cera is always acting the same fucking way in every movie, what a shithead” and one dude in front of me turns around and says “A fuckin men, kid’s a douche” hahahaha I’m wondering if anyone else feels the same way. I know John does…I’m just sick of this kid’s schtick of being an awkward box of tampons. Who’s his agent? I need to hire this fucko ASAP.

  13. AARON says:

    “I only got the holder, I didn’t get the sword. I didn’t know, that that’s what it was for.”


  14. AARON says:

    And did anyone catch the split second where Mclovin is in the trailer

  15. 3R!C says:

    They might as well change the name of the website to The Argument Blog, since most of the posts are back and forth between people arguing.

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