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The Hunger Games coming to the Big Screen

By Rodney - March 18, 2009 - 10:53 America/Montreal

It seems that after the successes of Harry Potter and then Twilight, that the young adult bookshelf might just be the new barrel to which we have yet to see the bottom. Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games book will bring to life the post apocalyptic story of children fighting for entertainment. The second book of the trilogy isn’t out until fall.

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The Hunger Games is the first in a trilogy about a near future world where a dictatorship called the Capitol has taken over the world in the wake of a series of disasters. They organize an annual televised event where a boy and girl from each of the twelve districts are forced to participate in a game of survival, killing each other until only one remains.

This really sounds like a bit of the Running Man combined with Lord of the Flies.

The book got some attention in the demographic when Stephanie Meyers (Twilight) took a break from swimming in her sea of money to give it a positive review. But bringing it to the big screen had nothing to do with her approving nods.

I wonder how a Fight Club for Teens would work out considering the violent concept and yet aiming it at the young adult crowd. Certainly a movie doesn’t have to be rated R to convey violence and mortal fear, but it will be a delicate balance.

I look forward to seeing how this plays out.


  1. Meli says:

    I’ve heard many good things about the book though it reminds me of Battle Royale when I think of kids being pitted against each other. The book is on my kid’s to-read-list once she is done with the four books we bought a couple of months ago…of course, I gotta get her to put down those Death Note comics first. LoL

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      definitely sounds very battle royal, but with cheese.

      • amanda says:

        hey im 16 years old. i LOVED this book and am excited for it to hit the big screens it is 100 % my favoret book even more then the twilight saga

      • Dalton says:

        This is my fav aswell. If youve read thye next book give me an email my friends don’t read much so id like to chat. Have youy heard much about the next? Plz reply thnx :)

      • Heather says:

        I read these books and the twilight saga and I have to say these books are my all time favorite. I love them more then twilight they are sooooo good.

      • Jordan says:

        haha I love Death note! and the hunger games! Both great series’ :D

    • chris....the real one says:

      dont know if thats sounds good, i loved battle royale (book and movie) would it be worth me checking out the books

      • hungergames says:

        it was an aboustly amazing book, defintly my favourite

      • Cait says:

        I love this book, but it is very Battle Royale-esque. Of course there are differences on how the things play out, but to me it does seem like Collins got the general idea of this from battle royale. That doesn’t change the fact that it’s a great book to at least try out, especially if you like Battle Royale and want a book similar to it.

      • DJ says:

        omg the hunger games and the second one cathing fire are the GREATEST books ever. i couldn’t put those books down! can’t wait for the movie but does anyone know when it’s coming out?

    • Haole says:

      I thought Battle Royale as well…

    • Seth Rex says:

      LoL, I’m not the only one who thought of Battle Royale. This should be interesting, but I’ll hold my opinions until I actually see something.

    • palliesh says:

      they should freaking make a movie!!!!

    • Kyle says:

      this movie if it is to be as good as the book it must be R to see all of what the book explained it must be R unless it will be cut short for what it was and not to it’s full value.

      • Taylor says:

        If its not R its gonna suck. The books r good

      • Taylor says:

        actually… they could make it pg 13 but NOT PG.

      • Rodney says:

        The books are PG, so why do you think it can’t be a PG movie?

        There is no sex, no swearing, and the violence is minimal (people die but its not brutal)

        Hell, the most offensive thing to worry about in ratings would be Haymitch’s excessive drinking.

      • jimminy says:

        sussane collins is the screen writer so i think its gunna be good as for the rating, if they leave out some blood and katniss having to strip for her team to pluck every hair off her body i think it can be pg13

      • jimminy says:

        its gunna be made by lionsgate

    • Tobs says:

      Im twelve and this was the best book i hav ever read. Twilight crashes and burns compared to the Hunger games.

  2. Bishop says:

    See, for a minute there I thought you had written “THEY Hunger” as in the old Half Life mod. I was totally all excitedory momentarily until I realised my grand slydexic error.

    Then I got sad.

  3. BamKazaam says:

    kids beating up each other for candy?? that sounds morbid lol

  4. Hitesh choudhary says:

    How is this related to harry potter?

    • Rodney says:

      Neat thing about the post is that I already spelled it out in the very first line. Guess you didn’t read it.

      “It seems that after the successes of Harry Potter and then Twilight, that the young adult bookshelf might just be the new barrel to which we have yet to see the bottom.”

  5. Horserider says:

    Please let it be made into a movie! It’s a very awesome book. I just finished it today and I already can’t wait for the next one. :D I was thinking about three-quarters of the way through how awesome it would be as a movie. If they can make other movies with fighting P-13 then they can do this one. After all, I think Harry Potter 6 is only PG and it’s probably the freakiest one.

    • Horselover says:

      i loved this book too. and can’t wait for the second book!

      • meep says:

        The Hunger Games is an awesome book! Suzanne Collins is a great writer. This book shows what actually could happin in the future if u think about it… our goverment is taking us over more more each day.

        I think ‘The Hunger Games’ is going to be an awesome movie!

    • Kelly says:

      It should absolutely NOT be made into a movie!!! Every single movie that has come from a really good heart stopping book has sucked so badly it brings me to tears. I almost didn’t go and see Harry Potter 6, but in the end I had to and was so severely dissapointed. If they make the Hunger Games a movie, I swear I will lead a full scale rebellion!!!

      • ivy says:

        Well you know that a movie will never be as great as a book because its in you mind. The thing that is great when they make a book into a movie you actually get to see what was really going on besides your imagination. Of course A movie will be better then a book its just common sense!

      • Cait says:

        lol I have a feeling that if they make a movie, they’ll change around a bunch of things that made the book what it was. Little details that actually held key importance. And really, there’s no way that they can keep to the book. There’s just so much violence in it that makes the hunger games what they are, that if you tone it down, they really won’t mean anything.
        Plus they’d want it to be less graphic so they can get the 10 and 11 year olds to go spend their money to see it with out their parents throwing a complete fit over it.
        In my opinion, a movie would ruin the Hunger Games in more ways than one.

      • Bev says:

        You guys know that Suzanne Collins will be adapting the book for the film herself, right? :) There’s no way she’ll go wrong! She’ll keep it together. She IS the author! :D

      • Tia says:

        That’s not always true. If Suzanne Collins is given enough money, I’m sure she’ll be willing to do whatever the director wants her too. That’s always what happens and then the movies turn out terribly. How else can you explain Twilight and Harry Potter 6?

      • jinx says:

        ugh a movie? great, i just started the book hoping it wouldnt become like harry potter and twilight. obviously i do want to see it as movie but i deff dont want fan girls who dont really no the story. i mean i love this book! its been 2 days and im nearly done!squealing fan girls just ruin everything for me. before twilight was a movie i absolutely loved it! but then (goes through painful memories of fan girls)

      • KKC says:

        Not necessarily every movie, The Shawshank Redemption didn’t follow Stephen King’s Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption word-for-word, and yet it was one of the best movies I’ve ever seen and the best adaption of a book. And Holes was almost as good as the book. Seeing as how the author of Holes wrote the script and Suzanne Collins is writing the script for THG, we should be in for a treat.

  6. PJ says:

    I really wish they won’t make this movie. I love Battle Royale and I heard they’re making an American movie out of that book. If they make a movie of the Hunger Games it may just sound like a copy of Battle Royale.

    • Drew says:

      I hope they do, but it better damn right NOT be butchered just to make it “age-appropriate”. Eragon and the sequel books were amazing, the movie Eragon just stunk. Same with “Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker”. Great book, butchered movie. If a movie for the hunger games IS made, it better be damn good. There are endless ways to replicate the book’s violence well within “PG-13″ boundaries.

      • Kayla says:

        I totally agree, and this is wayy different from battle royale for those people who are already judging it without actually reading it. And about making it a PG-13 movie, I don’t think it’ll be hard. The Lord of the Rings trilogy had tons of blood and gore and violence, and they were still PG-13.

      • Zach says:

        this book blew the twilight saga out of the water it is exactly wat i was looking for in a book can’t wait for the third book WOOT!!!!!

  7. cindy says:

    I love the book!!! I really hope they turn it into a movie.. and if they don’t well, the book is amazing!

  8. Erin says:

    I really am excited for this movie! But I sincerely hope it will be Rated-R or else it would probably be very lame.

    ..gosh all everyone can say is that this sounds like a copy of Battle Royale. Can there not be two of a somewhat similar idea? Not giving The Hunger Games a chance is like not giving Watchmen a chance just because you didn’t like The Dark Knight or something. Sure, they’re both superhero movies, but they are definitely both worth seeing. Different plots, one is way more graphic, etc. I think that’s how The Hunger Games/Battle Royale are.. somewhat same idea, but incomparable.

    • Rodney says:

      Because a book aimed at young adults and teens should be rated R?

      I think it’s lame to assume everything needs to be R.

      • Brooke says:

        I completely agree. The book is geared toward young adults. Why make it into a movie that the target audience won’t be able to see?

        People just need to learn to separate books from their movies. You can’t expect a movie to be EXACTLY like the book or they’d all be like 13 hours long.

        I also agree that people who have not read this book need to stop judging it until they do. That is a pet peave of mine.

      • Tia says:

        Sure, a book can’t be exactly like a movie, but if you’re going to give a movie the same title with the same characters, THE STORY NEEDS TO BE THE SAME. If you can’t keep to the storyline that the author provided, don’t make a damn movie out of it. Apparently it’s possible because the first few Harry Potter movies were dead on.

    • Erin says:

      Actually I suppose PG-13 would work, I guess it’s more of a matter on how well they make the movie. It would be disappointing if they took away from the intensity of the novel by keeping it in the PG-13 limits.

    • Nessie says:

      I think either PG 13 or 14A

  9. daknoxxx says:

    I think the book was absolutly amazing. I’m excited for the movie and book two.

    Its like a normal teen book, its a love story. just like twilight or those other movies/books.

    its cute. you should read it

    • Katniss says:

      The book is fantastic, I believe it will make a great film. As for the second book, I have read it and it too is a phenomonal read.

      • kcullen says:

        you’ve read catching fire?!?!?! OMG that doesn’t come out till september! sooooo jealous right now!

    • Brooke says:

      Hunger Games is NOT like Twilight! The love story is a sideline, and it’s not a typical love story anyway, cause they don’t actually get together. The games themselves are the main story line.

      • Kristine says:

        THANK YOU! The love story isn’t the central point of the story, it’s just something that happens. It’s like saying Harry’s hatred for Snape is the main point of the Harry Potter books! It’s not! It’s just something that happens IN the main plot line. Sure it’s essential for the end result and the second book, but it is most cetrtainly NOT the main plot. The Hunger Games was an action book for sure.

      • sckarlie-kell says:

        THANKYOU AGAIN!!!!
        agreed entirely, the love story is to start with just made up. it doesn’t feature properly in the plot until catching fire, when the whole peeta-gale thing gets really bad in katniss’ head.
        the main thing is about survival, katniss uses the love story as a means of survival-nothing like twilight!!!!!!!!!

  10. ana says:

    OMG i loved this book!
    im so excited!! ahhh!!

  11. Sydnie says:

    they should totally get selena gomez to play katniss :) she would be amazing

    • kcullen says:

      i think demi lovato would play katniss good.

      • alesana says:

        are you kidding? any actor from disney would kill the movie. they’re not talented or mature enough for a role like that

      • kcullen says:

        I suppose that you’re kinda right about that… Who do you thik would be good for the part alesana? =]

      • Kristine says:

        They shouldn’t go the Twilight route and get a new actor, but I also think they shouldn’t even attempt to get a mainstream actress, they’d try to mess it all up. Someone D-list or something. With ACTUAL talent.

      • Alex says:

        A good actress to play Katniss would be a girl that at least knows how to act. the people from disney make terrible movies for the people targeted by the book. someone with more experience in acting would be cast.

      • Laura says:

        Katniss should be played by Lee Lee Sobieski


        She can look the part, her face has character without being overly glamorous or beautiful. Katniss was just a girl and not a model. She is a bit old for the part, but it is not hard to make her look a bit younger. I imagine Katniss looks older than her years from the life she has led. In addition, Lee Lee can play a girl of great intensity as I imagine Katniss to be. She is passionate, yet knows when to remain stoic. The role she played in Joan of Arc was fabulous and showed a real talent for portraying personal drama and difficulty.

      • Rodney says:

        A bit younger? Sobeski is 27. They are not going to hire a nearly 30 year old actress to play a 16 year old girl.

        Won’t happen.

      • Brianna says:

        If anything I could see Lee lee playing Effie if she had a part at all.

    • kati says:

      That is exactly what I thought when I first read the book!

    • Sophie says:

      no way, she’s too disney for the hunger games, if you know what i mean. Katniss is too mature to be played by selena gomez

  12. Robert says:

    This was a great book i finished a day ago. I would love a movie I just wish LionGates would give use more details and trailers about it. Its hard to believe that I’m ready to read the next book and it doesn’t come out until Sept. 9, 2009 :(

    • Nessie says:

      I know right! I cant wait that long:(

    • Anna says:

      I know Im just as disapointed as you. I cant wait!!! Supposed to be about the capitol thinking there tring to up stand them or something like start another won BUT I DONT CARE I JUST WANNA READ AND SEE IF PETA AND KATNISS END UP TO GATHHER OR GALE AND KATNISS ITS SOOO ……THRILLING xD

    • Katniss says:

      Believe me when I say the second book is well worth the wait. I devoured it and am now wishing for the third.

      • TC says:

        Same here! I just finished the second and I can’t wait to read the third. I can’t wait to see whether it will be Peeta or Gale! :)

      • kcullen says:

        oh my gosh I finished Catching Fire THE DAY AFTER I BOUGHT IT! It was amazing and and it’s going to be complete torture waiting for the third!

      • Laurney says:

        i know me to i just finished the second book about an hour ago and hey you know what song goes great with all of this? Me agaisnt the world by Simple Plan i wonder if peetas gonna live and i hope in the movie that hes gonna be hot have you ever seen the show Degrassi well if you have in like the older seasons with peter at like 16 or whatever thats who i think of when i read pettas name i hope hes still alive and i really wish the third book would come out already

  13. Nessie says:

    Okay so I read the book and It was SOOOOOOO AWESOME!
    I loved it and i couldnt put it down….. When I read that Peeta loved Katniss I gasped in awe. But he says hes lying but I knew he really loved her all along! Sorry if this ruins the book for you

    • kcullen says:

      same here. its so sweet. i knew all along he wasn’t lying and i think that she loves him as much as he loves her. i think she’s loved him since he gave her the bread. im absolutely dreading what will happen in catching fire. that they will get in a fight, and she’ll say the wrong thing and peeta will leave and katniss will be all depressed. ugh. i hope suzanne doesn’t go down that road. i’ve read about enough heartbreak.

  14. Anna says:

    I’ve read the book 3 times and i love it. In my opinion, I think they SHOULD make this into a movie and i don’t give a crap if its M or MA or R. If they can make twilight into a movie and that, they can makes this into a movie. guys its really good. You may say you dont want this to be a movie because it will be like Battle of What ever it is but it wont be the same. If they think its the smae they’ll change it a little like twilight and HP anywho Im trying to say “dont count your eggs befor ethey hatch!”

    Sorry if this offends anyone :)Just saying my opinion and you all have yours

    • kcullen says:

      i agree. though i didnt much like twilight the movie the books were awesome. i hope that if they do make this one a movie it will be good and they find someone who can act better than kristen stewart.

      • Amie says:

        Lol. i agree - wouldn’t it just kill the book if the movie had Kristen Stewart? i love twilight and i watched the movies but Kristen was the wrong choice. my point being - omg dont get kristen for katniss.

      • kcullen says:

        haha! thanks Amie!

      • Tia says:

        Definitely. Kristen Stewart is a terrible actress, and the whole Twilight movie was absolutely TERRIBLE. If Hunger Games comes out like that, they simply destroyed another beautiful plot line.

      • Rodney says:

        Tia, you presume too much.

        You have already started a crusade against a movie that may or may not even get made.

  15. Peeta mallark says:

    i love the hunger games so much i cant wait till the movie comes out( if there is one)

  16. Nick says:

    I really can’t imagine this being a movie at all.I’m near the end,but this is going to be the kind of movie that totally screws up the book,which has happened multiple times in the past.

  17. Wren says:

    Okay, I’m definately a fan of the Hunger Games. ITs so different, yet simular. It reads like a movie, so why not make it a movie?
    I must disagree that this books is sumilar to Lord Of The Flies. I can see where you might get that, but it really isnt. There are simular themes, and maybe even motifs, but it is and amazing book, and its unique!

  18. Spring says:

    I loved this book, and I think it would make an awesome movie if they did it right. The only reason I’m against it being a movie is because I like to imagine the characters for myself, not the actors in the movie. It always makes me so mad when people see the movie but they havn’t read the book, and they had no clue it WAS a book..most of the time the book is better.

    • Taylor says:

      SAME and i hate it more when they are like “Dude the hunger games is awesome you have to see it” and then you say “I already have” and they say “Your just trying to be cool”

      • crazyreader says:

        omg, i hate when people go see a movie and they havent read the book and they think they know every thing about it. and when a book is ripped to shreds in a movie. i could not beleive what happened to harry potter 6. i came out mubbling on how they took everything out. i know a movie will never be as good as the book but they can be at least close

  19. Starlight says:

    okay, so i loved this book loads!
    i did have doubts when i first heard of it though cos i read and watched battle royale and thought the hunger games sounded like a corny rip-off to be honest,
    I was very wrong!
    im slightly worried that it will be a crap film though and ruin the book for me comletly. - like twilight…..

  20. Peeta Lover says:

    Omg I love this book and those of you who are saying that it is like battle royal you’re totally wrong! this book is the best book ever and I reallllllllly want the sequal to come out! i can’t wait… as for the movie i’m kinda scared it will mess up the book! and yes i love peeta

  21. Peeta Lover says:

    I love this book! It is the best book I’ve ever read and those of you who think its just a copy of battle royal are totally wrong! I can’t wait for Catching fire! I’m dieing for it! As for the book I’m kinda worried that it will just dissapoint me because the book will prolly be better! And yes I love Peeta!

  22. megan says:

    i just finished reading the book and it is awesome!!!!!! i can’t wait for the second book to come out in september!!!!!! I’m so excited!!! I finished the first one in two days because I couldn’t put it down. At all!!!!!! It was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

  23. Dekka says:

    the book was great
    and if they do make a movie then it better be damn good movie and not ruin the book up

  24. Ello Mates says:

    Kellan Lutz should be Peeta and that Kevin guy gale and Camille ? from push should be Katniss

  25. Reality Check says:

    Does anyone read books anymore? For all of you who are completely off topic, go back and read the book. It is nothing like Battle Royale except that both books deal with adolescents. Seriously people…. READ!!!!

  26. Real Hunger Games Addict says:

    it’s more of a love story if anything,
    plus, i love the game. (even though its horrible)
    I can’t wait for the movie, and the next book (:
    it’s such a good adventure!

  27. alexandra says:

    gosh thats such a great book im glad their gonna make a movie about just please dont mess it up dont ruin it thats all im saying cause that my favorite book n i cant wait till catching fire comes out n the third and final book too…but i cant wait till the movies thanks lionsgate n its such a great book

  28. Gale lover says:

    It would be a great movie if they don’t cut
    out parts so becomes pg13. Its very intense and I love GALE!!!

    • Rodney says:

      Considering its aimed at young teens I guarantee you it will be PG13.

      They don’t have to cut out parts to make it PG13, just be more creative in what they imply instead of directly show.

  29. pesh says:

    greatest book ive ever read, and selena gomez should be katniss cuz shes a babe

    • mallick says:

      i think Paula Brancati should play Katniss. like seriously Selena can play a good wizard but seriously i think not. Selena just has that thing about her i don’t think she would make a good starving huntress.

    • Taylor says:

      I really really like tthe book, but is selena gomez is katniss i will kill myself. Even though shes hot,

  30. lele says:

    love this book so much read it on the first day got it. Didnt put it down. Hope it becomes a movie

  31. Foxface says:

    omg this book was amazing and i think i could b foxface! i really do think i could handle her act! And i’m a teen and everything! if your a movie critic, contact me! i have natural red hair and i’m about 5′3”. Thanks! Also these books are amazing i can’t wait to buy the second, is there going to b a third??? i really really hope so, also i dont think the younger audiences would react badly to people our age being killed and tourchered on TV, i mean in our time, isnt that the definition of hollywood? Also i think we could really relate, thank you!

  32. heyerz says:

    I think the Hunger Games should be a movie. It would be action packed. I have heard good things about the book and the awaiting sequel.

  33. kirsten says:

    i cant wait for the movie to come out!!!!!

  34. adam says:

    This movie better be rated “R” if it is to be as good as the book. If this movie is converted into a childrens movie then i swear to never watch it due to a loss of about half of all content in the story. That would be terrible. CAN’T WAIT!!!

    • Rodney says:

      There is no way that a book aimed at teens is going to be rated R no matter what content you fabricate for the novel.

      The book is published by Schoolastic and is available for my grade 7 son to order on his most recent order form.

      This doesnt need to be R

  35. Raine says:

    I think the movie should be rated R. I mean, the action and fighting during the Hunger Games, give it the appeal. It also shows how CHILDREN can be so brutal all for the enjoyment of the “Capitol.” I’ve read the first 2 books and they’re absolutely amazing.

    Hopefully The Hunger Games movies don’t ruin the book (the way Twilight did). However, how are they going to convey Katniss’s thoughts and planning while she’s in the Games, since it’s such a huge part of the book…Only time will tell.

    • Rodney says:

      Apparently you didnt read Twilight. The movie doesn’t “ruin” the book. The movie has no impact on the content of the book at all.

      This will also NOT be rated R, as it is a book aimed at teens.

      • brooke says:

        And it wont be rated R but it cant possibly be pg 13 either considering the amount of violence in it. Even though it is aimed at teens, in the book kids murder other kids is grotesque and awful horrible ways. And i do think the rating would be a little higher on the scale but not so high as to be rated R. Still we have to worry when and if this is realsed if they will lower the amount of viloence to appeal to the younger audience hence ruinging the plot or upping the rating to accmodate the book better into the movie?

  36. G says:

    I don’t think people that haven’t read the book can reasonably comment about anything about it or the movie.
    Though at first it may seem Lord of the Flies and Fight Club, but the book in much more evolved than that.
    Though everything that happens is revolved around the battle-royale situation, the events and characters and emotions themselves make a story all by themselves.
    Ido think it will be hard to pull off alot of the undercurrents of emotions, reasoning, and decisions, but I really hope they do get it.
    If pulled off, it would be AMAZING.

  37. brooke says:

    i think the movie would be completly amazing since this book is the best book i have ever read and i have read A Lot of books. i think that the movie would be hard to create because of the in dpeth thinkging we get from katniss in the book, and you cant possibly put all her emotion onto the screen since in the movie you cant be inside a characters head the whole time. which is one of the only flaws i see in making this movie. I think this is a terrific idea and whether they can pull it off sucsessfully or not you can count on it that iwill be counting off the days until it is realased to theaters (:

  38. mynameisirrelevant says:

    this book was great and so was catching fire they should make a movie as long as they dont rpae the series like the eragon or harry potter movies

    • mallick says:

      they did not rpae the harry potter series. too much. i could have done with some of the scenes they left out but nonetheless they were good.

  39. t says:

    Cant wait till the movie!!!

  40. anon:) says:

    Hah, Stephenie Meyer = NOT WORTHY.
    Twilight had the POTENTIAL to be good…but she had to go and destroy it in the next three books, huh?
    So I don’t see why she’s so influential.
    The Hunger Games (and Catching Fire) is awesome, aside from the few grammatical errors. Very intense, unexpected, and never cuts away near the climax of the story. I LOVE IT.

    • Suzy says:

      seriously, when you read twilight then the other 3 books, they seem compleatly diffrent. like youre reading the sequels to some other book. she went too far with the whole love plot.

    • finmanluver says:

      catching fire makes me show a whole new side my parents say they watch me when im reading and my ace changes everytime the mood in the book changes i was crying when i thought prim was in the jungle and didnt know until a taer hit thee page

  41. Raya says:

    I just finally read catching fire and loved it. And a agree with some of the people about how the book reads like a movie. When I was reading I could see how everything was layed out. But I’m also torn, because I don’t want them to down play anything they can’t take out any of the fighting scenes. The book is targeting a young adult audience so a of 13 rating would be appropriate. An. Please stop saying selena homes would be good for katnisd , she won’t be.

  42. PeetaLover 101 :D says:


  43. PeetaLover 101 :D says:


    • kate oliver says:

      I read the book too. i could not put it down eather it felt like you are katniss that is tring to servive the woods with out geting hurt.

  44. luke says:

    iv read the book but im wondering about when its going to be out in aus

  45. PeetaLover 101 :D says:

    Just finished catching fire!!! The ending was shocking!

  46. PeetaLover 101 :D says:

    just finished catching fire I was so amazed!

  47. brittany says:

    hey yer i think that it would be a great movie, i have read the book too and i dont think that i have ever been more glued to a book in my life.. im reading the second one now and i think it is also amazing and i agree it is better then twilight and happry potter.. it has more adventure and it a much more interesting read.. it also has all the romance that everyone likes but it shows it in a different way to all other teenage books… seriously if u havent read it i would totally recomend it its amazing :)… i cant wait till it comes out onto the big screen and yer i herd that it was gonna be animated to which is somthing that i dont want… i really dont like animated movies and i think that it would destroy the book if it where to be animated and i think no way that katniss should be played be selena gomez

  48. yair17 says:

    i hope they dont change it alot and i also dont want it to be age appropiate if it is then wheres the whole action they should make it rated r dont yall think im right

  49. Maddie says:

    Ohmygosh i just read the book and i cant wait till the third one.
    If they turned this into a movie i would sooo go see it!!!

  50. Casey says:

    I loved this book! But I think if they made it into a movie it would completely ruin it.

  51. Suzy says:

    OMG!!!!!!! the movie is coming out in 2011!! ugh, soooo long!!! and i can see where the whole it mite be animated thing is coming from. its so much easier and cheaper to animate the hunger games, but it will compleatly ruin EVERYTHING.

  52. Winrars says:

    Bayttle-Royal-esk, only better.

    But, seeing as Katniss is a rather calculating character, and the majority of her actions in the book are an act, (sorry if this spoils it for you), It’ll be a bit of a challange to screenwrite for so that people who haven’t read the book, get it.

    Although I heard somewhere that Collins herself will be adapting it to screen, so it should kickass.

    Mind you, It’ll probably kickass anyway, because it’s a cool idea.

    Can’t WAIT for it.


  53. Tom says:

    This book was fantastic and I’m 32 years old. Don’t let the “young adult” label fool you, this is a book for anyone. If they make this movie right, it should be an award winner. Can’t wait!!!!

    • Susan says:

      I have to agree, Tom. I am also 32 years old and loved these books. They are a great read for readers of all ages. I understand the need to categorize books in to specific genres for those that ONLY read a specific genre, but this book could be categorized as so much more than “young adult.”

  54. Ty tracy says:

    I finished the book not even two hours ago and I ran out to get the second one I extremely hope there is a movie and if there is I’ll be there at midnight to see it I just started catching fore and I’m not
    sure if I will like it more because everyone says they like catching fire more and I find the hunger games hard to top

  55. Tiffany says:

    I honestly think that it would be too hard for flim makers to make this becasue of all the blood and special effects. And as soon as the movie comes out i’m taking a day off of school and going to see the first show. :D<3

  56. Heyy says:

    I definitely think these books should be made into movies coz they are extremely visual. I think that they are just AMAZING there are not words enough to describe the Hunger Games Trilogy!

  57. kate oliver says:

    I think the hunger games should be made into a movie because when you read the book you can picture what katniss is doing and what going on all around her.If it was made in a movie then you could get a better understanding of the book it self.

    • Kayrie(: says:

      i agree like a thousand percent whoever you are((((:

    • Chloe says:

      I agree… I just finished the book yesterday, my step mom gave it to me to read because she said it was good. I LOVED IT!!!!!!! And when its made into a movie i REALLY hope they can show Katniss’s feelings and can show how shes thinking. It’s now my favorite book:)

  58. Kayrie(: says:

    the book is aweome tho! my class is reading it together and i am just to the part where Katniss just got told that Peeta want’s to be trained indivually. section 9 anybodyss ????

  59. Mal says:

    It is a great book! After reading the Twlight Series I had to get another fix, and a friend introduced me to Hunger Games. We talked about making the movie our selves but darn it! We were beat to the punch. Now this entire book can be made a movie, I just hope it does!
    P.s I want the role of katniss

  60. Becca says:

    Is it going to be turned onto a movie ????

    • Gales fan says:

      I loved this sieries like you guys my eyes were glued i think she needs to stay with Gale he rocks but yeah the movie is coming out in 2011 CANT WAIT!!! Suzzane is the BEST

  61. Mitch says:

    i read and loved this book. but i don’t think it will make it to the big screen without an R rating. think about it, stabbing a knife into a boys back at the cornucopia, then spitting up blood all over catnip? Cato snapping that one kids neck? rue getting stabbed with a spear. i dont think this will make it onto the big screen without an R rating…

  62. J says:

    To all of you fans and those who hate the books as well: many of you have mentioned the violence in the book and how it will be like “Lord of the Flies” or “Fight Club” when actually Collins has pretty much woven a story of history repeating itself. this story is a parallel to the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. Picture scantily clad gladiators in an orgy of blood letting and beastly violent behavior. The fighters were slaves conquored from other lands, they were paraded around on chariots, and even saluted the emperor before they fought to the death. do i think it’s violent? yep. but its nothing that the human race has not done in the distant past. I’m looking forward to the movie though, and i’m hoping they get a decent director and writer.

  63. Susan says:

    “The Hunger Games” and “Catching Fire” are both VERY well written books. Dare I say that this series of books tops the Twilight series? This may not be the general consensus amongst dedicated fans of the Twilight saga, but I believe that it is a better read. I could not put these books down while reading them.

    I am a bit older than those who have made comments above me. However, I am an aspiring young adult book writer, so I get my hands on as many books as I can in this genre to study the art of storytelling.

    With excellent writing and a stylish and unique storyline, these books surpassed my expectations. The reader will experience all kinds of emotion while reading this series. It is a story of family, love, fear, survival, and triumph. I would recommend these books to readers of all ages.

    • Susan says:

      I wanted to add to my comment above. The entire time I was reading these books, I was thinking of how great of a movie they would make. I have read thousands of books in my time and can’t honestly say that many of them have sparked the imagination of a movie for me, like these did. I think that if the right person gets a hold of this story and doesn’t shy away from the storyline itself, that this would be a great movie! With that being said, I’m sure others would agree that when you’ve read a book and that book is made into a movie, the book is always much better than the movie could ever be.

  64. Alicia says:

    Both books, the Hunger Games and Catching Fire were amazing & very supenseful. I honestly couldnt put either of them down. It would totally ruin everything if it was animated in a movie! It’d have to be real people playing each of the characters, in real scenes, not fake or animated, cause that would suck and make it all kiddish.

  65. krissi says:

    the hunger games are the best books ever i read 1 & 2 in 2 days i cant wait till the third comes out

  66. Maddy says:

    This is probably one of my favourite books! And the second is just as good, which is usually not the case. I thought the writing was great, and i found myself constantly falling into the story! I can’t wait for the movie and i really hope they do it justice… casting is key! =]

  67. Mrs. Gale says:

    By far the best book! In Catching Fire, i was sooo happy that Gale came back in the story on the last two pages! It has to be the right person playing him in the movie… or it will ruin it, for me at least. I Love Gale!

  68. DickFACE says:

    OK no one do this team shit like ohh Im team edward no team crap no team gale or team peeta

    • .the.blue.dinosaur. says:

      I agree completely. (:

    • at my school they have already started the team Gale and team Peeta shit :( that crap just makes me think that people are gonna turn the hunger games into twilight and the hunger games are in a catagory of their own (freaking amazing) where as twilight is in the catagory of: was good now the fans have made it nervgrading.
      anyway love the books! read the first one 11 times and one time read both books in one day!!!!!!!!!!!
      love em!!!!!!!!!

      • by the way i dont know where you guys are but i’m in australia ans here they have ratings like M15+ and MA that are between PG and R, i reckon the hunger games should be MA cos it has a fair bit of violence. ps its the time this was posted is actually 7.26pm (aussie time difference)

  69. PeetaLover says:

    Loved the book. So much better than the slow-paced twilight series. I have a plan to kill Stephanie Meyer and the smark-faced girl, Kristan Stewart. If she is katniss I willkill myself too. But back to topic and the thought hanging in my mind, the great and wonderful, Peeta Mallerk. I read the secound book, and it is awemazing. I totally guessed it but i still can’t figure out if she will go to the boy with the bread or the 18 year ould hunter? Bread boy!!!!!!! His story in the secound book made me cry. Them going into the games the 2nd time, making Haymich promiss him to keep Katniss alive because of his love for her? Soo sad. I love peeta and I hope he lives!!!!! he lives he lives he lives!!!

    • nikara says:

      hey twilight is a great series but i totally agree Kritan Stewart shouldnt play Katnis. It needs to be fresh faces for every charecter i think. But one of my friends i think would be the perfect katniss. She is tall, thin. long brown hair, idk i love her and know she would just be perfect as her role!

      • Chloe says:

        It would be SO fun to play one of the characters in the movie, but idk who i could be… im 13, average height, blue eyes, mediam length brown hair kinda wavy, and im pale with freckles. Any idea’s????

  70. jessjess says:

    agree. he’s pretty hot in my mind too ;) I also agree that i would haaaaaaate if kristen stewart played katniss. i’m kind of sick of twilight at the moment and this is like the best book i’ve ever read. katniss haaaaaaaaaas to chose peeta!!!!!
    btw-ever notice that peeta=pita and pita is bread????
    smart right?-

  71. Sarah says:

    :O MOVIE? yays! :) i loooove this book!!!

  72. finmanluver says:

    im 12 and i got both books from the public library i couldnt put them down and i know im probably not old enough but i fatasize about how the second books Finnick looks so seductive <<(big word..LOL)


  73. Torii says:

    twilight isnt even in the same league at the hunger games.
    Katniss is a fantastic heroine, unlike Bella, and unfortuatly if they put the hunger games on the big screen they’ll probably ruin it. it would be just too hard to cast the right people and make the world of panem come alive without taking away from the book.

  74. Mal says:

    no it cant be animated! That ruins everything! Come on! I want to see a real live girl shoot an arrow! I want to see some hunting and all the cool effects of the capital!
    They did in Minority report, 5th Element, Lord of the Rings- COME ON! REAL POEPLE ONLY!

  75. nikara says:

    I literaly just finished this book about 10 mins ago and it was amazing. I mean i am not to much of a reader. The twilight series was about the only book i have ever not been able to put down untill now. It was amazing with romance, adventure, and a futuristic world. This would be an amazing movie if they made one and i hope they do! :)

  76. mandit the black chick says:

    when should the movie come out!!!!!!!!

  77. liz says:

    when i read this book it reminded me of the movie
    CONDEMMED which starred Stone Cold Steve Austin.
    it basically has the same plot except its convicts in an island being watched by internet & cable viewers and the winner is free of death sentence
    on the book,if they cast, i hope its actors that arnt on the media alot
    i imagine peeta like william mosely from the chronicles of narnia
    but thats just my opinion=]

    • Rodney says:

      Condemned is only similar in that they watch people fight to the death for entertainment.

      Other than that the two have very different worlds, reasons to fight, and methods. I don’t see them as similar really.

      • liz says:

        actually…steve austins character is fightting for his life over something he never did, and he wants to go back to his girlrfiend who is watching too.

        hunger games just adds more cruelty and emotions, with alot more violence described, which i can pretty much bet would look really gross yet fascinating if they make the movie=]

        i probably bet they wont make it rated r though=[ they want small children to see it too….but honestly how do you portray the violence described in a way to be kid freindly? hide every death?

  78. tyler says:

    hunger games…….its somthing everyone wanted and needed i never read until i got this book i have read it 17 times i love it so much and if theres a movie i willl watch it a millon times

  79. The Girl Who Was On Fire says:

    YEEES!!! Can’t wait till’ the movie comes out. I LOVE the book! I’m on Catching Fire right now, and so far, so awesome! But one thing I’m really worried about is the cast. I really hope they don’t choose sucky people. And did some one just say Kristen Stewart was playing KATNISS??!! I hope not!

  80. laura-li says:

    i love love love this book i hope they get a good katniss. if they f**k this up i wil be pissed.

  81. TEAM PEETA says:


  82. Vanessa says:

    Ok So A couple months ago I started reading The Hunger Games and I could honestly say that I could not put the book down.. I love how Suzanne Collins puts a lot of suspense at the end of each of her books.. I also read the second one which was a really great addition to the first. I had already preordered the third so I can get back on track witht the series..
    I thought this book series was a strike of brilliance, and I am dfinately buying the game and Im going to see the movie.. although the movie will not be as detailed as the books..

  83. Emily says:

    I LOVE THE HUNGER GAMES! Do you konw what the movie will be rated? And when is it hitting the big screen?
    You rock Katniss! Whoo hoo!

  84. Glimmer says:

    OMG! The ending to Catching Fire was shocking!!!
    I think it would be a good movie…but only if they did it right.It should be rated PG-13,I tink R is a little to much.OH! And i think Emily Browning should play Katniss.

  85. Francesca says:

    I totally agree with u guys!! but i would not like it if its animated cuz its an awesome book!!! do any of u know when and if the movies comin out??

  86. .the.blue.dinosaur. says:

    Oh, my. This movie had better be amazing, or they’ll p*ss off a lot of fans. (: Including myself…

    I love Collins’ writing style, and I think she’s much more talented then other very popular writers (cough Stephenie Meyer cough). I hope they do it justice, with casting and whatnot. (:

  87. Ally says:

    I am just afraid they’ll screw it up!!!

  88. Corey N.H. says:

    I don’t see why everybody thinks this should be a Rated R movie. I mean, I can picture the whole movie (by the book.) and I have come up with tons of ways to do make it PG-13 material and have it effectively present the same ideas… Speaking of the movie, does anyone know of the casting dates and if they’re coming to Georgia?? I think it would be fun to at least try-out for the movie…(i would say i sound pretty close to the description[excluding me looking like iI'm starving] if they go by that kind of thing. Please let me know if anybody has that information about the casting dates!! Thanks! =)

  89. Hitman says:

    i wonder who theyll gonna pick to play the role of Katniss..?? anyway, i hope they pick someone cute to play as Peeta, coz i really hate him in the book. sorry but i just hate cheesy parts. :D and he’s the one who had started it all.

  90. Lucy says:

    Its NOT going to be animated i checked it out and i cant wait for the movie and stop the team peeta and team gale thing thats sooo stupid[i like gale though] they are both good guys who love her but i CANT WAIT!!

  91. Lucy says:

    I think Venessa Hudsons should be Katniss and Taylor Lautner Gale that would be cute

    • Taylor says:

      F*CK NO but vanessa is hot (im a guy)

      • taylor i totally agree with you. (except that hudgens is hot {i’m a girl}) taylor lautner is soo over rated and would bring along all those no-brained giggly girls that love twilight. NO and hudgens is the worst disney actor i have ever seen. no offense to her. ps lucy gale is not ment to be “cute”

  92. I love peeta says:

    I can’t wait for the movie to come out. It is much anticipated!

  93. Taylor the bookworm says:

    This book had me staying up till 3 am cuz i coulnd’t put it down the action everything bout it was awesome!! im now on the 2nd one and almost finished it blew my mind!!!

  94. Brooke says:

    If they Animate it it wouldn’t be as good

    • Mal says:

      If they animate it I will be P.O’ED.
      They are just trying to leave room for Twilight. Bull! Dont roll over Susan! Make them Flesh and Blood!

  95. Mal says:

    Oh here is the what should go on:
    Katniss needs to be a somewhat thin athletic girl, pure, dark hair(duh), and can somewhat sing(she sings to Rue when she dies- THEY HAVE TO HAVE THAT IN THE MOVIE!)
    Gale- Handsome dark hair (in the book it was siad they kinda looked alike because they both had dark hair. They even pretended to be cousins in Catching Fire)Loud mouth, muscular-but young.
    Peeta- Shy, good looking, quite, silly, loving guy. Totally opposite of gale. I thinking Blond.
    Prime- Blond, opposite of Katniss, kind, danity, but can handle hard situations(medicaly)
    I have so many ideas bouncing around my head! I hope the Movie turns out great.

  96. eimear says:

    is some one actually turning it into a movie or not?
    like,,have the rights been bought and actors and crew hired?

  97. marco says:

    i got introuble in class because i got addictied to the books the hunger games and catching fire these books are great and i would love to see a movie of them

  98. Muzzy says:

    does anybody know when the 3.book coming?

  99. Caleb says:

    This better not become animated or im going to be pissed. im sick of book movies being horrible. after eragon and the 6th harry potter they need a moivie that doesnt make u go home and think i wish i hadnt ever saw that. it would be good i think if they got nobodys to play the main parts too. look at how well star wars did when they used fresh talent.

  100. cait says:

    I read this book and I loved it so much! I like it better than Twilight. I usually don’t read, I was never good at it and I just didn’t like to do it. But I could not put this book down! I am on the second book now. And the thing is, for people who are thinking like, oh kids fighting for entertainment that sounds kinda weird, well its not because there is some romance in there too, which makes it all the more better! Read this book! (:
    ps; I can’t wait for this movie!

  101. cait says:

    I totally agree with getting nobodys to play the parts. If it is someone we already know, then i dont know, theres like no chance they could really look like who we were picturing in our heads. I picture peeta looking realllyy cute. And gale is tall and just like handsome and clean cut. I think nobodys is a great idea

  102. cait says:

    Muzzy, 3rd book comes out in august

  103. cait says:

    rights have been bought to make the movie

  104. ell says:

    i love the hunger games, its likee the best book ever :) (yyyy)

  105. Micah says:

    I love this book so much, i first read it on a fan-fic page, and then got the book. I literally peed in my pants from excitement…ok i didnt pee…that’s be gross. But its so amazing. And whoever said something about Selena Gomez or Demi Lovato playing Katniss should seriously fall in a hole, thats an insult to the book and author. We need someone with intensity and truth. Someone who can portray emotion well. Not Demi or Selena. Don’t get me wrong, I love them both but seriously? They are for comedy and drama, not action and intensity. Nuff said. =) I hope the movie is amazing

  106. Micah says:

    WTF? animated? You’re kidding me? Who the hell is producing this movie? Who is directing, oh lord…its going to fail…im might just cry too cause that will run EVERYTHING

  107. Ally says:

    I LOVED THIS BOOK!! i could not put it down till i
    finised reading it. i cant want for the 3 book to come out. i cant wait to see the movie, im just dying to get it! this book rocks!!!!!

  108. Hugh says:

    The Hunger Games rocks! I have just finished Catching Fire the other day, I really think a movie would be good but nowhere near as good as the books.

  109. Hugh says:

    I really really really really! liked the book and it should be made in to a movie and i dont think the rating should be r thats stupid I reckon pg-13
    is good r is a little over the top

  110. Brianna says:

    Oh My Gosh, The Hunger Game Books are Great..there addicting just like twilight! I love the books but, it’ll have you debating over GALE AND PEETA! Stephanie Meyer and Stephen King gave supporting comments to the book.

  111. kia936 says:

    im not a book person but this book made me really want a movie for it

  112. Ty says:

    I’ve read lots of crazy-ass books, and nothing compares to THIS book, Suzanne Collins has written the best book that I’ve read so far, and i can’t wait for it to come out, even my girlfriend loved it.

  113. Ty says:

    can’t wait 4 this movie to come out, best book ever

  114. hotrod says:

    you know who i think would be perfectfor petta. hunter parrish and katniss is imposible to find some one for

  115. JESS says:

    i love this book and if its not turned into a movie i will be very sad :(

  116. ed mar says:

    hope the movie goes well as it says in the book.. lets us also read the third book..The Victors

  117. Hannah says:

    So i read both of the books out of the trilogy, and these are hands down the best books i’ve ever read. i’m so excited for this movie, and i never expected it to be made! The characters in this book are so easy to relate to your own life. Im pumped! <333

  118. irish says:

    i think it would be great to make it into a movie. I’ve read the book,actually both of them, and it was amazing. I really loved every part of it. So really I’m hoping that a movie would be pushed through.Ü

  119. anna says:

    ok so i have always been an obsessve fan of twilight and my friend started reading this book and at first i wasnt really interested but one day i decided to read it!! wow when i was done i honestly wanted to trash anything related to twilight dont get me wrong its still a great book but it doesnt even begin to compare to the hunger games or any of the sequels for that matter. i love the hunger games! when i found out it might become a movie i was soooo excited i cannot wait!

  120. Cherish says:

    The first two books are absolutely amazing. I read the fisrt one yesterday, cover to cover, and came upon the second one by chance today.. which i have just finished, in one day.. cover to cover. I came up to my computer to see what the third one is called, only to find out that its not out until August! AHH!! Im not trying to rush thought, Suzanne take your time and make this one the most amazing!!!

    I think the movies will be quite impressive too. Looking forward to the future.

  121. alex says:

    the movie is going to get violent once they start the hunger games

  122. Megan says:

    hi i just love these books their just amazing. im 13 years old and just finished reading the 2nd book waiting for the 3nd. im also so excited to hear about the movie comeing out ! i cant wait (:

  123. Hungry for Hunger Games 3 says:

    reply if you agree!

  124. peter fehr says:

    the book is ausome

  125. Sam! says:

    this book is definitly one of the best. On the contrary, im not sure about a movie. i mean it would/will be awesome if it comes out but I like to have the characters all planned out with my imagination, not a movie directors. I like seeing district 12 in my perspective, not anyone eles. Btw I read 1 & 2 and i will definitly read 3 when it comes out this august! it is a faboulous book.

    • Lisette says:

      i agree with you. there is no way that i would ever want this amazing book to ever be a movie. it’s too good for that and imagination IS what gives books good reviews. i don’t want to imagine any actors playing those characters anyway, it would totally change the way I’VE seen them and imagined them.

      • Rodney says:

        You do realize you are on The Movie Blog arguing that a good story shouldn’t be a movie?

        Every movie deserves a good story, so why shouldnt this be a movie?

  126. Lisette says:

    i loved the book! but honestly, i don’t think the book should be made into a movie. many books that have been made into movies rarely turn out the way that we all picture them to be. i think the hunger games is such a good book that it shouldn’t hit the big screen. our view of the characters will be entirely changed and everything else that we’ve imagined. that’s the whole point of reading. to use our imaginations. i would like to keep it that way too.

  127. jumana says:

    i have read this book and well im telling the truth when i say that this is probably the best book i have ever read in my entire life. i 1000% agreee that it should be a movie. i would be the first to be in line for a ticket. cant wait!!!

  128. rby says:

    i have never read battle royal but ive seen a summery and I think there are some very important diff. the hunger games is good

  129. Lior says:

    I’m 19 years old and studying English Literature in University. I cannot stress enough how good this book is! While reading the first two books I was holding my breath throughout the tension was so great and the excitement so real.
    I loved the books so much I recommended them to a fellow English Lit student my age and she became as obsessed as me!
    I really hope they do the books justice in the films, and make them as gory and as shocking as the books are, if they don’t, and they turn them into some soppy, blockbustery, PG farce then the films will be useless.
    The books are amazing, and there is HUGE potential for the films to be great.


  130. Clyde says:

    all of you better get better at getting pacient. the third book is not comming out until agu. 2010.
    if the books are made into movies, i don’t care what anyone says i’m going to ball my eyes out when Rue dies.

  131. Jordana says:

    The Hunger Games is waaaay better than the Twilight Saga (which was good) and I am looking forward to see who they cast….please not Kirsten Stewart. She screwed up the character of Bella in the Twilight movie (she was better in New Moon) I never like Bella much but she just made it worse.
    People against Kirsten Stewart as Katniss unite!

    • Heather says:

      it will be hard to find someone so down to earth like katniss… but NO KRISTEN STEWART!!!!!! to tel you the truth, shes not that good of an actress

      • Rodney says:

        Casting Katniss will be easy - and it won’t be Kristen Stewart.

        No one believes it will be Stewart, and no one involved has ever said it would be.

  132. Heather says:

    I am the biggest fan of the hunger games ull ever meet! im not a big reader but i got sucked into this one instantly! if they dont make this a movie i will be heart broken! this is a waste of an award winning movie! lionsgate had the productions to make this movie.. well what are u waiting for. this book beats twilight over a mile. cant wait for the 3rd book!

  133. abby says:

    I LOVE THE HUNGER GAMES!!!! it is the most amazing book ever!!!
    i wanna know who plays peeta! ;)

  134. Danielle says:

    OMG i LOVD the book i couldnt put it down my new fave book but if they make it into a movie i will be soooo excited i honestly think its better than twilight and i was obsessed with it!

    BTW i hope peeta and katness end up toghter

  135. anna says:

    I LOVE the hunger games! Can’t wait 4 the MOVIE!!!!

  136. ashleywood:D says:

    I’m thirteen and I love this friggin’ book. If it was a movie it’d be ammmmmazing. I’d go totallt crazy:D I’d love the makers forever!<3:D

  137. Kaylene says:

    I think that they should make this book into a movie so that the fans of the book can watch the romance between Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen will ever be boyfriend and girlfriend in the first book and also I think that this is the AWESOMEST book that I have ever read in my whole life.

  138. Jacy says:


  139. Naomi says:

    I love this book! And i just want to say that i found this book without the recommendation of stephenie meyer. I’m pretty proud of myself. The Hunger Games totally pwns twilight, btw

  140. Mat Morrison says:

    Dear susan collins my name is mat morrison im 13yrs old. every one thinks the hunger games book one and to are the best book yet and from reading it them myself i coudn’t put the down.See i never liked reading i didn’t even think i could read a 450pg book and i finished the hunger games in three days and catchig fire in two.so could you make a movie about the books.
    yours sincerly mat

  141. Emily says:

    I really don’t think The Hunger Games should be made into a movie. Every book made into a movie is awful. I don’t care how good the actors/actresses are, or how good the film company is, it’s probably going to be awful. It’s just not the same.

  142. kerry says:

    i loved this book but i think that it sucks that Megan Fox is playing Katniss (dont you think she’s a bit to old?).

  143. Kate says:

    love this book! me and my friend are obsessed! cant wait for the 3rd one!!!!!!! hope they make a movie.

  144. Brianna says:

    Well I hope You guys dont expect the movie before the thrid book long time wait soo yeahh….

  145. frankie says:

    i totakky dis agree with the selena gomez thing they should get some girl nobody
    nos and same with all the other cast members and even though im 11 i read it and it was amazing!!!!!!!!

  146. fraser says:

    i totlely agree with the point about the actress playing katnis they should use some one new.

    and i heard it was going to be animated

  147. Kitty says:

    You r completly right

  148. Kristy says:

    WTF it’s going to be animated that would completely ruin everything!!!!! And I agree they should get someone new and I know the perfect person!! If anyone cares and wants to see a pic let me no

  149. PeetaLover says:

    i know!!! i want to see who the super cute(in my mind) peeta mallerk will look like!!!!!!

  150. abby says:

    i totally agree! i think peeta would be amazingly sexi

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