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Sorority Row Trailer Online

By Rodney - March 19, 2009 - 20:39 America/Montreal

Sorority Row looks like your typical slasher flick filled with pretty girls and gore as a hooded terror hunts down and punishes a group of Sorority Sisters who all have a dark secret.

Check out the trailer here:

Now when I said it looks like a typical slasher flick, maybe I should have said it looks a lot like I Know What You Did Last Summer crossed with Jawbreaker. Not really my cup of tea, but it looks like it might get itself rented.



  1. Henrik says:

    Youre next.

    Is Bolo Yeung from Bloodsport in this film?

  2. Mike Mai says:

    i’d see it if it has hotter girls

  3. Devan Price says:

    I might actually go see this. only for the fact that Friday the 13th didn’t satisfy my slasher film needs.

  4. AARON says:

    Looks intense but not scary

  5. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    carrie fisher? WoW. well, there you go. This looks like an okay popcorn flick, maybe when it starts playing on USA i’ll give it a shot.

  6. leeloo says:

    rumer willis didnt win the talent lottery either.

  7. robertwolf says:

    Looks like horeshit. Let’s remake another horror film, with lame actors and no nudity from the gals we want to see naked. It’s the same bullshit formula as we see almost every month.

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