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Rosario Dawson Talks Sin City 2

By Rodney - March 5, 2009 - 10:10 America/Montreal

Seems like the rumours around Sin City 2 have been around for so long that I worry people will stop caring if it ever happens.

Recently in an interview about some of her other projects Rosario Dawson spilled a bit on the progress of Sin City 2.

ComingSoon quotes Dawson:

Q: Jamie King said she’s read the “Sin City 2″ script. Have you?
Rosario Dawson: No, I have not. She’s working with Frank [Miller] to possibly produce something together. I just talked to Frank about it though and said he finished it a couple of months ago so I’m really excited to get it going. Supposedly it’s going to happen in 2009.

Q: Did he tell you anything specifically about the script?
Dawson: I get to wear a mask in this one. Is that specific enough?

So at least she is in talks for it and stuff is going on. But as much as I loved Sin City, I don’t know that I need to see another one. Furthermore, with other over stylized films being so hit and miss lately, could Sin City ride on its popularity to elevate a sequel?

Do you want a Sin City sequel or could you do without?


  1. MattK says:

    i would really enjoy a SIN CITY sequel, however i am worried about Frank Miller directing it after that abomination THE SPIRIT, but maybe he will suprise us(hopefullY)

  2. JohnZDelorean says:

    I want another Sin City only if Robert Rodriguez is directing and not that bum Frank Miller but all the news I seem to hear is Miller taking a more active role in this one. Have the stories for Robocop 2 and 3 taught us nothing? More recently The Spirit and All Star Batman and Robin? We all know RR gave him a co direct credit just to get the movie done. Quentin was more involved in shooting Sin City than Mr. Miller.

  3. bigsampson says:

    who cares…about 90% of the people i have asked if they liked sin city one…they all say it sucked…me i kinda liked it but nothing to special IMO.

    • davej says:

      Thats funny, I’ve had the complete opposite experience. I don’t know of anyone that didn’t think it was a good film. Some people have complained about the portrayal of women in the film, but even they didn’t think it was a bad film.

      I’m surprised that there isn’t more hype around it.

  4. Mofo Toshio says:

    I loved the movie when it came out, and still go back to it on DVD every now and then, but the truth remains that the years have diminished my appreciation for it as a whole, and the sequel has been in development hell for so long that I’ve pretty much lost all interest in the whole thing. I’ll see it for sure if it comes out, but it’s hard to care anymore with so many other movies (300, The Spirit) de-revolutionizing (if that’s a real word, lol) the gimmick that made Sin City such a radical experience at the time.

  5. Darren J Seeley says:

    While I am not the biggest die-hard as nails fan of the first Sin City, I did like some of the performances, most notably Mickey Rourke and Clive Owen; but at the time the film was also in the first wave of the stylish CG “backdrop” like films (Immortel Ad Vitam and Sky Cp’n being the other two) and thus seemed fresh and exciting to many in such regard.

    With Max Payne and The Spirit- that double dud whammy suggests maybe the style is getting stale or watered down. Sin City 2 should have been out a year or two ago, striking when the iron was hot. I’m sure folks will be interested in seeing Sin City 2, but the real Question is “how many?”

    However, I am somewhat surprised at the anti-Miller comments. Just think, one year ago the man was a King; now he’s the ousted court jester. My my.

    The fate of RoboCop 2 & 3, John Z, were not entirely his fault, as he was rewritten in some areas and the film reedited in others. Some of Miller’s RoboCop 2 work actually resurfaced and put into RoboCop comic book. I can’t say (much less anyone else) if Robo 2 and/or 3 would have been better or worse with Miller’s work intact. Both sequels were not as great as the first, but I find it dishonest if not unfair to blame the failure/disappointment of those sequels squarely on the shoulders of Miller.

    • Rodney says:

      I still hail Miller as a writer (BRING US RONIN!!) but he honestly isnt a good director.

      His directing credits on Sin City were a courtesy. He was more an adviser since he wrote the thing.

      I think he figured he could do it, and then flopped. Baby steps. Maybe someday.

  6. fullmetal_medji says:

    I can’t believe I’m saying this, but my interest in Sin City 2 was waned significantly. I haven’t seen the Spirit, but I heard terrible things about it; so let’s hope Rodriguez will do the sequel. My dream is that they adapt the Hell and Back story with Johnny Depp as Wallace. That would be magnificent.

  7. MADMAX_007 says:

    Franky’s a bad-ass writer no-doubt. He should stick to his forte and let someone else direct his stories. He fucked up The Spirit. While RoboCop 3 blew whale-dick, I enjoy watching RoboCop 2 a teensy bit more than the awesome original.

  8. David Lopan says:

    It’d be nice to have a sequel, considering it wouldn’t really be a sequel and just more adaptations from other stories. I hope Rodriguez comes back to direct and not Miller doing the direction duties. I like Miller as a creative force and writer, but he needs to keep things in a realistic perspective and understand that he’s not a director. This has been in limbo for so long though that I doubt its even coming out and I wouldn’t doubt that actors signed on get apprehensive and cancel on the project, due to how sloppy and long this is taking to be made.

  9. Bub says:

    I would love a Sin City sequel…

    …two years ago.

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