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Plot For Point Break 2 (Point Break Indo)

By John - March 4, 2009 - 11:38 America/Montreal

You know what really sucks? When they make a “sequel” to a movie that has nothing to do with the original movie whatsoever, or very little to do with the original. How the fuck do they make a Road House 2 movie without Patrick Swayze? How on earth do you make Open Water 2 that has nothing in common with Open Water other than the fact that there’s water involved?

And most importantly… how the hell do you make a Point Break 2 without either Patrick Swayze or Keanu Reeves???

Well… I came across this little tid bit over at Coming Soon about the upcoming “movie” (I’m willing to put money up that this thing goes straight to on Demand or DVD)

Moviehole reports that Melbourne actor Damian Walshe-Howling will play the villain-a sea pirate named Dali-in the Jan de Bont-directed Point Break Indo. Walshe-Howling has appeared in Ned Kelly and series “Blue Heelers” and “Underbelly.” In the film, Dali and his team wear masks of “The Bush Administration” (George Bush, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, etc.) as they strip boats for loot. Dali’s sister, Teela, ends up falling in love with Billy Dalton, an undercover Fed working in Dali’s gang, which complicates matters.

I think my next movie that I’m going to direct will be No Country For Old Men 2. Oh it won’t have Javier Bardem, Tommy Lee Jones or Josh Brolin in it. It’ll be about a poker player in Vegas who loves to eat pork chops and is warned by his doctor that he has to slow down. That makes sense right?


  1. Matt K says:

    i really enjoyed the first POINT BREAK even thought it was ripped off by the FAST AND THE FURIOUS films, but Reeves has just proved to me(many times) that he cant act and i can understand swayze not being apart of this w/ his battle w/ cancer, but i say dont make this, POINT BREAK doesnt need a sequel in my opinion and especially if they arent gonna bring in the original cast

    • Matt K says:

      lol i meant that the FAST AND THE FURIOUS films were a rip off of POINT BREAK, sorry human error

    • Nathan says:

      Fast and furious 3, had nothing to do with the first 2. And had no familiar actors from the first 2 except vin diesel at the end. They can do pointless sequel and will all the time they’re making lots ‘o’ money!! :)

    • Matt K says:

      yes, and it did the worst of the three at the box office

  2. SX0T says:

    Effing with Point Break in any way shape or form is bound to be a disaster anyway. Point Break has such a huge cult following and I personally love the film. I think this is beyond a terrible idea.

  3. 3R!C says:

    The plot sounds similar to the first movie. No one can top Johnny Utah!

  4. Rafael says:

    Why do things like this get green lit? There goes my “no originality” theory working again.

  5. Johnson says:

    Bodhi, this is your wake-up call man. I am an F, B, I, Agent!

  6. Tommie says:

    This is ridiculous. Movies like this should go straight to hell, nowhere else.

  7. Darren J Seeley says:

    Please tell me Lori Petty does a cameo.
    No? John McGinley as the FBI dir…no?!


    Hey I know—-!
    Jason Patric and Sandra Bullock!!
    Yeah, I know they were not in the first Point Break. But they were both in Speed 2, the last time DeBont did a sequel on a boat!


  8. Libertad says:

    I think they should go for it… out with the old - in with the new!

    Point break was an awesome film, and personally I’ve been waiting for a similar story line combined with magical photography for a long time!

    Imagine the surfing and action sequences shot in Indonesia - AWESOME

    The title is just a marketing strategy anyway to get the studio exec’s looking at a script. If they can’t get a great script right after 20 years then there’s something wrong… Jan I trust you!

    And if we get to see the next breed of of Swazye and Reeves take on the mantle, I reckon it will be a massive hit!

    Bring it on…

  9. michael mckenzie says:

    i love the first point break, reeves and swayze were amazing, they had a great chemestry. by the way the fast and the furious movies aint got crap on the point break movie period!!!

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