Penn, Carrey and Del Toro are the Three Stooges?

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 03. 2009in News Chat

The Farrelly Brothers are closing in on their take on a big screen adaptation of the kings of slaptstick, The Three Stooges. Sean Penn is signed and Jim Carrey and Benicio Del Toro to play Curly and Moe.

ComingSoon shares:

The studio has set Sean Penn to play Larry, and negotiations are underway with Jim Carrey to play Curly, with the actor already making plans to gain 40 pounds to approximate the physical dimensions of Jerome “Curly” Howard.

The studio is zeroing in on Benicio Del Toro to play Moe.

Earlier rumours pointed that they wanted Johnny Depp to play Moe, but Depp’s name gets thrown around as “in consideration” for every role lately, so I automatically dismissed it.

Should be interesting to see Jim Carrey pack on some serious pounds for Larry, which I think is a good fit for a slapstick character. He did look more like Moe in Dumb and Dumber though.

I still think this doesn’t need to be made. (it failed our litmus test) but that wont change that they are doing it anyways The original still holds up for what it is. They didn’t invent slapstick, but they did perfect it, and I would watch a Biopic about the Stooges, but I just think this will be another Dumb and Dumber … which I hated.

What do you think about the casting? Does the very idea of adapting the Stooges to the big screen even have appeal to you?

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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27 Responses to “Penn, Carrey and Del Toro are the Three Stooges?”

  1. leeloo says:

    penn del torro and cary /= the 3 stooges.

    the idea is moronic. lol.

  2. HAZMAT says:


    Some things just NEED TO BE LEFT ALONE!!!!

    You cant make a 3 stoogies movie! you just CANT

    Its not right!

    I hate saying “Hollywood has no imagination or creativity because of all the book movies and remakes” because i believe that people that say that are stupid


    If they make this movie then it is OFFICIALLY true that hollywood has no creativity…Make something new! Leave the 3 stoogies alone! seriously! you cant make a 3 stoogies movie. Thats something from the 40s (or whatever) and it needs to be left alone

    Sure there are old shows/movies that can be remade but not the 3 stoogies. Thats like making a charlie chaplin movie

  3. Matt K says:

    please tell me this is an early april fools joke

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      it has to be. this is insane, ludacrous, ridiculous, perposturous, didn’t they make a t.v movie already? This is comlete madness.

  4. AndyS says:

    Sorta like DB3 being an April Fools joke?

    • Matt K says:

      funny how you constantly bash that movie even though your obviously obsessed w/ it, hell on almost every post rodney or john make you mention it(event the ones that have nothing to do w/ that film)

  5. AARON says:

    I’m sorry guys I disagree, I’m with you guys that Hollywood needs more creativity, because I don’t believe in remaking the classics, however this is interesting only becasue all three actors

    Except for Carrey, him being in three stooges? Idk but Penn? Yes!

  6. 3R!C says:

    I’m assuming they’re casting Penn because of his look in Carlito’s Way.

  7. Erick - moviereign says:

    Rodney… You take that back about Dumb & dumber… my favorite movie of all time!!!.. Albeit, you’re entitled to your opinion

  8. herby says:

    OK boys settle down. This isn’t a Three Stooges Movie. This is a Biopic about the men who made up The Stooges, Moe Howard, Larry Fine Shemp (Samuel) Howard (who was a stooge before Curly while they were on-stage with Ted Healey), Curly (Jerome) Howard, Joe Besser and Curly Joe DeRita. I think it’s a great idea.

    • Rodney says:

      Sorry Herby… this is NOT a biopic. Just like I mentioned in the post I wished that it was. That would be worth the watch.

      However this will be a straight up comedy staring a remade Three Stooges.

      “The film is not a biopic, but rather a comedy built around the antics of the three characters that Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Howard played in the Columbia Pictures shorts”

      Quote right from Variety .

    • Matt K says:


      i read the article and my anticipation died, then i read herby’s comment and felt better, then you killed my anticipation again

    • Rodney says:

      Sorry Matt, reality stings sometimes.

    • Matt K says:


      oh well its just a movie

  9. herby says:

    Oh one more thing. If this turns out to be good, I am hoping someone will do a Biopic on “The Marx Brothers.”

  10. Batman says:

    If this is just a Three Stooges Movie with these guys trying to “remake” the originals, then it’s a waste of time. Not interested.

    But if this a biopic, then I’m in.

    • Rodney says:

      Sadly it is not a biopic.

    • Anti-Septic says:

      Yea, this is a tragedy waiting to happen! Why in the world would they even think of doing this?

      I am much like you, if it were a biopic then I would be for it. Otherwise I’ll save my ticket money for something more deserving.

  11. herby says:

    If this is a straight up Stooge film, it has disaster written all over it. I just can not see Sean Penn in a straight up Stooge film (Carey maybe, but I would hope he of all people should know better.

    That being said, if they do nab Benicio Del Toro for Moe, he should play the role as a Brooklyn Jew. Being a Brooklyn Jew myself, I think that would be hilarious.

  12. herby says:

    BTW if you want to see a very good Biopic of the stooges you should try to find the 2000 TV movie “The Three Stooges staring Paul Ben-Victor (Moe), Evan Handler (Larry), Michael Chiklis (Curly) and John Kassir (Shemp).

  13. Android Invasion says:

    The consensus seems to be in favor of a biopic. That’s why I like this site, most of the people here seem to be in my age range and have good taste. I just wish the Disney channel would show some more of those old school Donald Duck cartoons, who doesn’t remember that big snowball fight?

  14. AB says:

    i dont know about this one im a big three stooges fan and seeing penn carry and del toro as the master of comedy, they would have to A. make me belive so bad that they themself are the three stooges B. take a note from heath ledger and considering studying the meterial so good that they would completely disapear on screen meaning that i dont see Sean Penn and Jim Carrey and Benicio Del Toro i see the stooges. just an idea i thought might be good, but however these guys decide to fo-fill these roles every fan in the world will be judge jury and executioner.

  15. kanthan says:

    for fucks sakkkke!!! wait for the fucking film to come out before you judge. If you dont want to see it then don’t. for all you know it could be genius and if its carp then sooooo what?

  16. Johnny Boy says:

    It’s more hip to criticize something, especially in online forums… Remember Heath Ledger’s casting as the Joker? That’s just one recent example. Besides, it’s so cliche to say “Hollywood has run out of creativity.” Sure they make unnecessary remakes and sequels, but that’s all part of the business. A lot of the ideas people throw around online are far worse and cliche. Also, it’s not an adaptation. It’s a new film with those characters in it.

    I think this casting of the 3 stooges and the film itself is an awesome and I wouldn’t be surprised if the film is a huge success.

    • Matt K says:

      you know we are entitled to our opinion, and isnt that what the comment section is for,voicing your opinion, and i agree that people will go to see this

  17. Che says:

    If YOUR personal litmus test is that you hated “Dumb and Dumber”, then this is going to be a massive hit with every other guy I know.

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