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New X-Men Origins: Wolverine TV Spot Online

By Rodney - March 19, 2009 - 20:57 America/Montreal

A new TV Spot for X-Men Origins Wolverine is Online.

This one offers up a lot of the same clips we have already seen, but for the less enthusiastic viewer, they have added character titles.

This confirms it was Emma Frost turning to diamonds and not Husk, and is obviously here before her days with the Hellfire Club (or not at all - if the movies will even use that plot), as she hasn’t earned the White Queen title, and this TV Spot was almost deliberate in not centering out Deadpool or this mysterious Weapon X (X11?) character.

Still looks nifty.



  1. Grave says:

    The idea for a movie about only Logan was a great one but the way this is looking it feels more like X4. Why have young Cyclops in a Wolverine movie? Also I the more feral looking Sabertooth from the first X-men film. In this movie he just seems like a villian from an episode of Heros.

    • Rodney says:

      I would sooner Creed be a real villain instead of a mindless animal. So comparing him to a villain on Heroes is a positive thing as far as I am concerned.

      Sabertooth was the second most wasted character in XM-en films, its about time we get to see him proper.

  2. MattK says:

    i was one of those who bitched about it having too many characters, then i was converted and actually looking forward to this now, but still the action scenes still seem a little bit corny to me.

  3. dax says:

    X-Men WOlverines doesn’t look as good as i would’ve hoped. The action sequences don’t look impressive and grand.

  4. HAZMAT says:

    Sabertooth has always been one of my favorite characters…Cant wait to see him kick some ass

    I want to see baby storm too

  5. Dragonslayer says:

    Looks like it will have good action and visual effects, but why thehell would they bring in Cyclops? That would fuck up the other movies.

    • Rodney says:

      Simple story hooks can easily resolve Cyclops presence in this movie.

      There is no saying he wasn’t abducted and tested on earlier in life before Xavier recruited him. It is suggested in the plot synopsis that they give his power to another mutant. Perhaps that is all the involvement the character has, and never crosses Logan’s path.

      Or perhaps he does and like Logan gets his memories erased. It doesn’t mess anything up at all.

    • HAZMAT says:

      I heard that weapon X needs Cyclops because they want to give Deadpool his beam vision thing

      And I can sort of vouch for these rumors because i saw deadpool in the trailer shooting beams out of his eyes

    • Rodney says:

      Actually you see another unnamed mutant who they are trying to embed with abilities.

      Due to a mistake on the toy packaging, people were lead to believe that was Deadpool.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Oh so thats not Deadpool??
      Good, I think its lame to have Deadpool have all those abilities…but i thought that was the case anyways since the end of the theatrical trailer shows a dude with no shirt and scars shoot beams out of his eyes

      So its not Deadpool…well he had scars on his chest like Deadpool…who could it be?

      No idea.

  6. Darren J Seeley says:

    1) The character was confirmed to be Emma Frost months ago.

    2) Not sure if young Storm is in the final cut or not. Last I heard, it was out on the edit floor.

    3) If Logan/Wolverine can have his memory erased, so can Sabretooth (here known as Creed) or Cyclops. It’s also possible that Cyclops in X1 may have either forgotten about his incident with Stryker’s team..or that he didn’t. There was some early mistrust between Cyclops and Logan in X1, although that from the first film was implied to be nothing more than jealousy.

  7. Party Marty says:

    When prequels are made, they always struggle to not fill the past with loads of characters from the original films. Star Wars did this, and it kind of shrinks the universe, instead of Wolverine having a mysterious past before meeting the X-men, he might end up hanging out with the teenage versions of them. Surely Logans origin is more than 20 years before the first X-men.

    As for Sabretooth I like that he is fairly human in this, as the character becomes more and more feral over time, makes sense.

    • Shane Hero says:

      I agree. That’s one of the things I hated about the SW prequels. They totally ruin the feel of the first SW film, where you though all the characters were meeting for the first time and coming together across the galaxy. Turns out they’re all just bumping into each other again. Lame.

      I really hope that doesn’t happen with this film. I already have great doubts that Sabtertooth and Wolverine’s past is going to be explained well enough in 90 minutes to make sense then when they meet in X1. And if you have the likes of Storm and Cyclops involved too, it gets a little ridiculous then why none of them recognize each other in X1.

      And no, erasing everyone’s memory at the end of the film will not be an acceptable plot device. That’s almost on par with finishing the film with Logan waking up and saying “oh, it was all a dream”.

      Even if they do that, as you say Marty, it still makes the universe seem a lot smaller due to the fact the same dozen or so characters just keep bumping into each other again and again.

  8. AARON says:

    It still looks alright to me, I just don’t know about this one. Even though it doesn’t interest me you gotta admit the helicopter and explosion in the trailer and the TV spot was cool

  9. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    at first i was like, WOW, then i was like wow, now i’m kinda like ehh, and i know i will be like whatever. Fox needs to stop right now, and get their shit together before this franchise goes way of batman and robin.

  10. robertwolf says:

    The trailers all look great to me, but what is being done to Deadpool just makes me cringe. Even the spot leaves him out for crying out loud, not a good sign right there.

  11. HAZMAT says:


    I dont know if this is old knews or not but…

    I just found out that Pippin from Lord Of The Rings is playing Beak!

    Or Merry..Maybe Pippin…one of those midgets

    • robertwolf says:

      I heard somewhere they changed the name of the character. There is also a picture of Dominic somewhere online, standing next to the rest of the cast.

  12. DR. Big Toe says:

    Can’t wait for this movie, I like that a lot of the movies these days are going back to the beginning show how it all starts can’t wait.

  13. isaiah says:

    doesnt deadpool have the same powers as wolverine, health regeneration, and doesnt he get all messed up becuz he gets cancer and takes an experimental drug that deforms him, im pretty sure thats it, i got it from the trivia questions on that x-men game for the original x-box, that RPG one, beg to differ if u want, correct me if im wrong

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