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New Star Trek Posters Online

By Rodney - March 27, 2009 - 14:51 America/Montreal

Just the other day we had a look at the UK Star Trek poster, and I wasn’t impressed. I wished upon a star for a better poster as I just wasn’t impressed and my pleas to a non-existent deity of chance were answered.

I like this one MUCH better. It still borders on the floating head thing, but it looks to capture the dazzle and adventure of the original series and still says everything that the new series has been promising. Oh, and an Enterprise in flight.

A few other posters were also released, but this is by far the best in my opinion. I could see that on my office wall.

MovieWeb has the rest.


  1. Matt K says:

    thats just a bad ass poster

  2. HAZMAT says:

    Lmao I never knew why TMB is so harsh on floating head posters

    But its kinda funny… floating heads poster lololol

    • Rodney says:

      Its not TMB that is opposed to “floating photoshop heads”, that is more my thing because of my background in graphic design.

      It is a common complaint among designers and a cliche to avoid.

      Just sayin.

    • HAZMAT says:

      No I think theyre lame too…most of the time

      This poster is kinda cool though


  3. Phil Gee says:

    Is it just me or does that poster look incredibly similar to the final Iron Man poster?

    I mean like ‘they just cut out the heads and replaced them with the Star Trek actors’ kinda similar.

  4. MandarinOrange says:

    It looks very unoriginal to me. Almost to the point of algorithm. Something like
    Make =.
    Insert , , , , .
    Make , , , , =.
    Make fallow .
    Increase =+.
    Tent =.
    Overlay image .
    Center .
    Overlay .
    Center bottom .”

    This is not a real code but the idea stands. You can use this same pattern to make so many posters. I want to see something original.

    • MandarinOrange says:

      Oops, it took out over half my code.

    • Rodney says:

      That was code? For what?

      Are you drunk?

    • MandarinOrange says:

      No I am not drunk. The original thing I posted was

      “Create (image).
      Make theme = (black)
      Insert (Iconic picture).
      Make (Iconic picture)=(image path layout).
      Insert (character1),(character2), (character3), (character4), (character5).
      Make (character1),(character2), (character3), (character4), (character5)=(character group).
      Make (character group) fallow (Image path layout).
      Increase (contrast), (contrast)=+(#).
      Tent (image), (tent)=(light blue).
      Overlay (peak scene image).
      Center (peak scene image).
      Overlay (title and credits).
      Center bottom (title and credits).”

      The problem the greater than, less than symbols instead of parenthesis.

  5. 1138 says:

    It’s OK just a typical poster. Nothing special. There’s nothing unique about it.

  6. leeloo says:

    yeah thats so much better than all the other abrams star trek posters that are EXACTLY. LIKE. THIS. ONE.

    star trek the photoshop menace.

  7. Brandon Daviet says:

    Who started these types of posters? I sat the SW ealey 90’s re-release right?

  8. Dragonslayer says:

    meh…which is a real word now.

  9. Tdogwade says:

    Star Wars *cough*

  10. Corey says:

    That Poster Is the Iron Man Poster, but with diffrent people and a diffrent title.

  11. The Jim Walker says:

    And no Pegg??? I wonder if they did that on purpose… Arguably, Pegg is the most identifiable person in the film, and yet he is know for his comedic roles. Maybe they left him out to avoid giving the impression that this would be a funny/joke of a movie. JJ Abrams has been pretty “serious” about the tone of this film… so best to avoid the comedy label? Thoughts?

  12. Chris says:

    Yea, I think they are trying to avoid a comedic label, although I don’t think seeing Pegg would make anyone think this is a comedy, comedic actors have been known to take on more serious/less goofy roles than they did before, and images of Pegg have been fleeting at best, the concentration has been mostly on Pine and Quinto, so at wost people might think Pegg is there for comic relief, but I really don’t think anyone is going to mistake this movie for a comedy/joke movie. Just MHO.

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