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New Star Trek Poster Online

By Rodney - March 30, 2009 - 09:47 America/Montreal

A brilliant new poster for Star Trek has hit the net.

I previously said I liked the North American release poster and that hasn’t changed, but I have a deep appreciation for the classic nature of this poster. I think I like this one most of all just because of its tribute to the original series and reminds you that this is still Star Trek. Abrams has said repeatedly that he wants to respect the source material in this sequel/reboot, but the die-hards still feel slighted by the change to the timeline.

I hope this is a very dramatic nod to those die hards that there is still a heart of Trek in this story.



  1. leeloo says:


  2. Jeremy K. says:

    Am I the only one that sees in the poster an alien slapping its forehead with some sort of jet propulsion device on it’s elbow? Can’t wait for this movie, looks to be quite epic.

  3. Matt K says:

    reminds me of the x files.

  4. HAZMAT says:


    We should play the game “What does this poster look like to you!!???”

    To me it looks like a really blurry shot of a shower from the bathfloor

    It also looks like the silver surfer is wearing a silver cape and he just got stabbed in the back by a Star Trek toy

  5. leeloo says:

    rorschach in the k hole.

  6. Devan Price says:

    so now that we have pointed out that it can be identified as something else besides the ship… it looks a little to simple and rushed.

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