New Moon gets its Wolf Pack

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 03. 2009in News Chat

Chaske Spencer, Bronson Pelletier, Alex Meraz, Kiowa Gordon and Tyson Houseman will form the wolf pack in The Twilight Saga: New Moon.

ComingSoon says:

In the story, the wolf pack defends humans against vampires although they have a tribal history intricately entwined with Edward Cullen and his family. The wolf pack members will join Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and fellow wolf pack member Taylor Lautner in the film directed by Chris Weitz which will be released domestically November 20th.

I really look forward to seeing how they portray werewolves in this series that took a completely fresh look at Vampires while still maintaining much of the iconic lore.

Will they “wolf out” and grow hair and look more wolfen, or will they simply get an eye colour upgrade and exhibit physical talents of the wolf? I haven’t read the book, so I don’t know how they will look, but after seeing the first movie and adding Twilight to my reading list, I am very curious about the tension illustrated between the native locals and the Cullens.

It seems they are observing the books strong tie to their native ancestory as they were careful to pick actors all of Native American decent.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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11 Responses to “New Moon gets its Wolf Pack”

  1. Jeremy K. says:

    In the books they pretty much turn into full on large wolves, so it will be interesting to see how they do this. Will they be all CG or they going to bring in some animal trainers? Time will tell, hopefully they have a bigger budget for this one and don’t skimp on the effects so much as they had to on the first one.

  2. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    veeeeeryyyyyyyy inteeereeeeessssssting.

  3. Meli says:

    Looking to forward to how they’ll transform the wolves — the take for this supernatural being is different than the traditional and even has a cool mythology, if they decide to keep that scene that explains it and if they do we won’t see it till Eclipse.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Im just scared theyll have the transformations and the wolves look lame…I mean, Twilight didnt have the best special effects…but it was forgivable because it wasnt considered an action film….but this movie will have freaking werewolves…

      hopefully they look more Van Helsing-ish then Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban-ish

    • Meli says:

      Agreed. Twilight’s action sequences suffered greatly, but I don’t blame so much budget as director. Catherine is not an action director, she tried, but didn’t managed to pull it off. Chris Weitz at least has experience in this area, so I’m a little more hopeful we’ll get something decent.

  4. HAZMAT says:

    In the books they tell you that they grow like up to 15 feet and theyre completely filled in fur and they look like wolves…huge wolves

    Also they arent skinny and human looking…theyre completely morphed into huge wolves so much that they cant even talk in wolf mode

    The only way they can comunicate while in wolf mode is by using their minds. Whish is a drawback because every member of the pack sees everything youve ever seen or thought about. They can only do this when theyre wolfs but…its very open and fucks up their privacy.

  5. Meli says:

    Guys! Rodney hasn’t read the books so anything in the upcoming movies is new to him, stop writing spoilers even small ones.

  6. HAZMAT says:

    lol, sorry!


  7. MechoPower says:

    What I am interested in seeing is how big they are going to make the actual guys…in the book they are all well over 6 feet tall and extremely muscular. That is what accounts for the size of the wolves when they phase…the bigger they are physically in human form is how much bigger they are in their werewolf form. I hope that with the popularity of the first movie, that this one gets a bigger budget and some great effects, acting, story, etc…yes i am hating on the first movie!!! The books are great…the movie did it no justice but GOD I HOPE they dont fuck up the wolves and the the pack!!!

  8. Ash says:

    I have to admit that i’m not very impressed with the wolf pack cast. But then again i’m curious to see how its going to turn out. If anyone can save the twilight movie saga i believe that it is Chris Weitz. The Golden Compass’ CGI was spectacular and i cant wait until New Moon comes out.
    Show us what you’ve got Chris!

  9. D Pencil Pusher says:

    I’ve read the first 3 books and I imagine the wolves are going to walk/run on all fours, they’d look like normal wolves but bigger and more muscular with fur color matching the guys’ hair color. anything else would be unacceptable!

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