New Action Packed Star Trek TV Spot Online

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 03. 2009in News Chat

A new TV Spot for J.J. Abrams reboot/sequel of Star Trek hit the net today that focuses more on the action in the movie. Check it out:

I like that they focus on the action, as there always was some action to Trek movies, but the only part about this I didn’t like was the bold “Forget everything you know” part.

Yes, we are aware that this “sequel” will effectively reboot the series rewriting history and starting off the story in a new direction. This is a sore spot for die hard Trek fans that deep down know this needed to happen but are still bitter that it is.

Trek has been off the radar long enough, and the fans who will be getting on board again already know its a reboot. It just feels like a twisting of the knife that they have to announce in a TV Trailer that this is not going to be the same Trek.

I would have thought all the visuals that are clearly not Trek, yet still are very Trek would be suggestive enough, but this is also a market that requires you to have a warning on coffee cups that the steaming liquid inside could possibly be hot.


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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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16 Responses to “New Action Packed Star Trek TV Spot Online”

  1. Dave R says:

    Well I’m a hardcore Trek fan and I think it looks the business!

    Although it is technically a reboot, it’s also technically an alternate universe story, since the ‘Countdown’ comics indicate the villain, who appears to be a time traveller, comes from the post-TNG timeline, as does Nimoy’s original Spock, who of course is in the film also. Oh, and Archer from Enterprise is apparently namechecked.

    So, reboot and not-reboot. That’s suitably trek-ish for me, and frankly once you get over the fact that you won’t be seeing all the advancements of the TNG era tech on the screen for a long old time yet, I think trek fans realise that in order to continue the franchise, it has to be brought back to the beginning, and opened up for a larger audience.

    Can’t wait!

    • Rodney says:

      I agree. Time Travelling has always been a staple of Star Trek, and somehow no matter how many times they do it, they manage not to mess up history even in the slightest.

      Its about time they offered up a story where someone messes with history and there is a result.

      This time the result may be the rejuvenation of the franchise!

    • Jeff says:

      If the Archer name-drop is true, I’m VERY happy that they’ve tied the Enterprise series into the movie. I’m a die hard Trek fan from the first season of TNG onwards and I thought that Enterprise perfectly captured what Star Trek should be (as a show, not the hidden messages about modern society and the “lifelessons”) and I’m happy to see it acknowledged in this movie, if the rumor is true.

    • Dave R says:

      Jeff, apprarently the reason why Scotty’s picked up halfway through the film (as can be seen by his civilian clothing in the trailer) is because he’s been booted off starships for a transporter accident involving Porthos.

      I hope that’s true, it’s a right laugh!

  2. RonSalon says:

    This is going to be awesome. I have been an avid fan since 1971 and I couldn’t be happier they are rebooting ST. If the knife hurts I’m sorry, but it really isn’t a knife at all. It’s a scalpel because Trek needed some surgery. Hope it’s all healed by the time the movie comes out.

  3. The Jim Walker says:

    I kinda agree with the “Forget everything you know” having a bit of a sting to it for existing Trek fans…

    But Abrams has shown to most Trek fans, espcially with the last trailer, that he is taking it seriously and that it looks pretty cool. There has been stuff online, trailers, pics, quotes from JJ, etc. about the film where hardcore Trekkers can find info. But as other films have proven, Just because there is tons of positive internet buzz doesnt mean the film is an automatic winner.

    I think they are just making the grab for those final group of film goers that are on the fence about seeing a “Star Trek” film.

  4. Pman says:

    Hell there aren’t enough hard core Trek fans out there to worry about anyway. Besides, they’ll be there regardless. Even if it’s just so they can say terrible the film is, they’ll be there. Like most of you all ready stated. If this one is going to be a success Abrams needs to get new blood in the seats. The hard core fans have already shown that there enough of them to make a move successful.

  5. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    looks cool. I was never really a fan of the old t.v series, or the films and the multiple spin-offs and what-nots. however, I will be checking this out.

  6. Grave says:

    Well im still at odds about the film. Everything Im seeing I cant help but think that the movie is more for non-trek fans . However, I still believe this film has come way to early. Its only been 2 years since Star Trek Enterprise was canned. Trek fans are here by the millions and still loving the 40 years of history the franchise made. The films didnt do well after Contact and the shows after DS9 were repeating old ground. I feel this film will do about the same business as the others cause its too early for a reboot.

    • Rodney says:

      Because the actual trek fans dont support the shows anymore.

      Its not too early. Its a reboot after they desperately clung to hopes of a new series failed.

      There is too much history and the show just got tired. There was no new ground to cover.

      Now its all fresh. And no tribbles.

    • Grave says:

      Awwww why not have one tribble as Kirks pet? After all this is a reboot/sequel/retelling/time paradox anyway. Star Trek without tribbles is like Lord of the Rings without scruffy looking beards.

    • Dave R says:

      There’s a tribble in the movie somewhere - that’s been confirmed. Look for it in a lab at Starfleet Medical or something, that’s what I say!

  7. 1138 says:

    Hope this is good. I hope it’s a reboot like BSG was rebooted. Cool and smart ideas with barely any references to the past other than the basic core ideas.

    I am skeptical though not being a huge JJ Abrams fan. I never really got into Alias, Lost not interested (Tried with the first pilot but could not get into it) and Cloverfield was pretty cool but nothing special.

    My only complaint is now Star Trek looks more Fantasy on par with Star Wars and Buck Rogers than Science Fiction. It’s kind of ironic that show like BSG moved from fantasy to becoming great science fiction with the way the ships moved,the way things worked, to being socially relevant to reflecting our times…this are things great science fiction do!

    Star Trek seems to be moving more toward Fantasy, just based on the production designs. The phasers look like toys, the ship looks kind of preposterous with its ungainly design to the stupid police officer that addressed the young kirk in the teaser.

    But I will admit this movie has action, based on what I’ve seen, which is something Trek needed…quite badly…and I love Trek. This movie does remind of the TOS, based purely on it’s action.

    But I do wish Abrams took a look at Blade Runner, and Alien to look at brilliant production design or even some of James Cameron stuff. These guys incorporate great production combined with “wow the could really work” mentality with their movies.

    So far Trek seems like a great action movie vs a great Sci Fi movie with great action.

    I hope this good because if not this will definitely set Trek back years.

  8. Matt K says:

    maybe this will actually be a good star trek film

  9. Kaneda979 says:

    Can’t wait, I just can’t freakin’ wait. It just looks awesome.

    I didn’t know about the whole time traveling thing, so that just makes it even better. Being a Trek fan just might be a cool thing now.

  10. MADMAX_007 says:

    I never really cared for Star Trek. I always found it to be lame, too talky and unexciting. I am a Star Wars fan and also a fan of JJ Abrams’ Mission:Impossible III. This Star Trek trailer has definately peaked my interest. I’m very curious to see what Abrams has done to reboot this tiresome franchise. By the looks of things, I may become a new generation Trekkie.

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