Monsters Vs Aliens Dominates the Boxoffice

Posted by Rodneyon 30. 03. 2009in News Chat

Monsters and Aliens topped the Boxoffice on the weekend, and ask any squash around here and you will see that wasn’t a big surprise.

ComingSoon reports:

DreamWorks Animation’s Monsters vs. Aliens dominated the weekend box office with an estimated $58.2 million from 4,104 theaters for an average of $14,181 per theater. It was the biggest debut so far in 2009, topping the $55.2 million first weekend of Watchmen in early March.

Horror flick Haunting in Connecticut was in a happy second on about two thirds as many theaters. Rounding out the top 3 was last weeks topper Knowing.

I like that they mention how this is an impressive weekend for the film and how it just inched past Watchmen, which people are convinced was a failure. We know it wasn’t, just interesting to see how people’s perspectives call it a flop because it didn’t rake in $150m.

I still have no interest in seeing this movie, but I might rent it for the kids.

Did you go see this?

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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22 Responses to “Monsters Vs Aliens Dominates the Boxoffice”

  1. Matt K says:

    i didnt see this although i want to, but im not all that suprised it dominated the box office either

  2. Chris says:

    I saw it and it was alright. I would definitely take my kids to see it if I had kids, as I saw many of the kids in my showing laughing and enjoying many of the jokes. I honestly enjoyed 12 rounds more, but that’s just me.

  3. Joshi says:

    I saw this movies and personally, didn’t like it as much as I thought I would. The beginning didn’t draw me into the story or make me invested in the characters, the jokes were few and far between (the only funny ones coming from Seth Rogen) and the 3D animation was pretty average. I’d certainly say that kids would like it (as my cinema was packed with them and they all seemed to enjoy it), but adults would probably find it okay at best. Not terrible, just okay.

  4. David Lopan says:

    Saw it last night, it was definitely fun. I’m also really looking forward to Up and that other movie where it rains food…forgot the name of it.

    • Amanda says:

      The adam sandler flick? I belive it is called Bedtime Stories if that is what you are thinking about. The scene was a gumball rainstorm.

      I can’t wait to take my kids to that either.

    • Meli says:

      He’s thinking Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs its an animated story loosely based on a children’s book.

    • David Lopan says:

      Cloudy with a chance of meatballs! The trailer for that looked pretty entertaining. It definitely wasn’t bedtime stories because that already came out.

  5. AARON says:

    I guessed it fall fall around 55 M, but I’m suprised the Haunting In Conneticut got so much

  6. Jeremy K. says:

    Feel free to correct me on this if I am wrong. I find it interesting that a “PG” Monsters vs Aliens only made $3mil more opening weekend than a “R” Watchmen did. This is where my numbers may be off since I am at work and fastest search to figure out budgets is that awful wikipedia site, but from what I read Monsters vs Aliens had a bigger budget. Granted the drop off over the next couple weekends may be what separates the PG from the R in this case. With this kind of box office take, does that mean Monsters vs Aliens is a failure? Or that Watchmen is not as much a failure as some critics like to think? Just curious, and apologize if I am wrong on the budgets.

    • Monty says:

      “Granted the drop off over the next couple weekends may be what separates the PG from the R in this case. ”

      Yes, animated kid movies have legs, and if Monsters Vs Aliens performs to type, it should pick up around 200 million dometically and 400 million over seas.

      Watchmen will never recoup its 200 million production/marketing budget based only on worldwide boxoffice (currently 170 mil)alone.

  7. RAF says:

    I saw it this week with my little brother in IMAX, and I have to say that it is one of the best animated films in a while. The jokes where really funny and overall it was a really good movie. I might go ahead and just say it was better then Shrek 2.No surprise taht it was #1 at the Box Office.

  8. Meli says:

    The kid and I went to see it this weekend, in 3D, and had a lot of fun. The story had a lot of potential, but sadly, never reached the point that would endear the movie to its crowd as a classic. Seth Rogen’s voice acting/character was really funny and ridiculous, which made him more funny. Anyone with kids I would definitely recommend a viewing. The 3D thankfully wasn’t gimmicky with things flying in your face through out; however it wasn’t overly impressive either. So far Coraline is my favorite movie to have watched in 3D. The whole movie came to life and dropped you into the middle of her world, much like Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D. When 3D is used for that reason I enjoy it so much more.

  9. BLAKE says:

    I checked it out yesterday, unfortunately not in 3D. I had a blast. If I had kids I would totally take them to this. We made sure to sit in an area with kids in front of and behind us and their laughter and enjoyment added to the experience.

    Was this a great movie? No, not by a long shot, but it was fun and I think that’s what it was trying to accomplish. They weren’t out looking for an Oscar for best picture, but they provided a movie that made you smile pretty consistently and laugh here and there as well. I’d watch it again.

    On a side note, one of the kids behind us started howling during the trailer to “Where the Wild Things Are” and that was pretty awesome :)

  10. dax says:

    I have no interest in MvA.

    Watchmen wasn’t a giant flop, but it probably won’t make any money for the studios either. Considering that the ginormous costs to make it.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      From what I have been reading on several sites now, the budget for Monster vs Aliens was around $165mil. That is a pretty big budget as well.

  11. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    saw this, not as funny as I hoped, but still worth it.

  12. HAZMAT says:


    sorry…I have to say that everytime someone mentions shrek 3 sucking….

  13. joe says:

    this movie was awsome in 3-d

  14. Ken says:

    I saw this movie last Friday and I’m still trying to get over how awful it truly was. The comedy that was portrayed in the trailers made me think that this would be a worthwhile movie like Madagascar 2. But damned if I wasn’t way off. This movie is slow from start to finish. I was waiting and waiting for the movie to pick up and make up for deliriously long pauses in the comedy and action but it never happened. The trailers were even funnier than the movie and I didn’t think that was possible. I will not be taking my son to see this movie nor will I be buying it when it comes out on dvd. I don’t want him to be like one of the kids I heard that day saying “why is she crying?” when referring to Reese Witherspoon’s character being left at her wedding or being shunned by her family. I didn’t even hear more than two points in the movie where kids were laughing. This movie was a total waste of time. And I feel I can say that because I went and saw “Dude, Where’s My Car” in the theatre as well.

  15. jaycion says:

    Just saw MvsA and I dont thnk it was all it was cracked up to be.I am a big animated film buff and when my seven and twelve year old lost intrest in the first 20 min it was hard to keep them awake.

    • Rodney says:

      I too just came back from that same movie (in 3-d) and my 11 and 6 year old boys were glued to the screen the whole time. One of the few films they have sat through.

      That being said, I enjoyed the film, but not blown away.

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