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Miley Cyrus says No More Hanna Montana Movies

By Rodney - March 31, 2009 - 07:01 America/Montreal

As a genetically engineered Disney project the singer/actor combo is pretty standard. They nearly disqualify the “singers shouldnt be actors” rule because they tend to be equally good at both things. Which for the most part is “not very”.

But Miley Cyrus has taken her cutesy pop and tv Dis-com show to teen popularity including a Feature Film based on the property. So will we see the Hanna Montana character again on the big screen? Not if Miley has anything to say about it. But she is up for more movies.

Yahoo says:

“We got really lucky with having the material to make one movie,” Cyrus said in an interview Monday. The film reveals Hannah Montana’s identity to the world in a way Cyrus says is “very clever” and diminishes the chances of a sequel — but doesn’t dampen the future of the popular Disney TV show.

Even though I am double the target demographic I cannot deny her domination of the teen pop world. And no doubt there will be people who like to jump that bandwagon to hate on her, but I do find a few of her songs very catchy.

Her upcoming Hanna Montana movie will be much different from her last foray on the bigscreen which was just a stage concert in theaters that combined her tv character’s music and her own. (Costume changes included) But this will serve as a turning point for her show. In the program, normal highschool student Miley has a secret identity as popstar Hanna Montana. The film will not end the series, but will change it as the film will serve to expose the secret.

Her future projects will step away from the role she is famous for, which is a smart move if she ever wants to outgrow the Mouse. But in a glimpse of brutal honesty Cyrus said she is waiting to see “a good actress or not, or if I’m just good at playing myself. Which might just be the case.


  1. Andy says:

    There is a God! My daughter is begging me to the press screening of this next week. I, however, will probably catch “Observe and Report” instead. Not a Hannah fan. No sireee.

  2. Slushie Man says:

    I actually like the duet songs she sings with her father…

  3. Eric says:

    who cares?

  4. Yamo says:

    I will like to thank the baby jesus for make this girl think she to old to play a person that made her money. All i have to do is take my sisters to this movie and im done.

  5. AARON says:

    Yeah right, they’ll probably have like 4 more, what did humanity do to deserve this?

  6. Thos says:

    Meh. Who cares.

  7. bigsampson says:

    hannah who?

  8. prahanormal says:

    This is the greatest thing I have ever heard in my life. Now all we need is for the Jonas Brothers to say they’re not making any more albums and I’ll be set.

    • Matt K says:


    • Rodney says:

      This mentality is just stupid. If you are so opposed to them and so offended they exist… dont watch their shows, and don’t listen to their music.


      I don’t know how you would be “set” just by a teen band not making albums, or Hanna Montana not doing another movie.

    • Kiddo says:

      maybe he was just joking??

  9. chris anderson says:

    I triple that sayin… no one cares

    • Rodney says:

      The record sales, and dvd sales and ratings for her TV show would disagree.

      Clearly someone cares. Just not you.

    • Kiddo says:

      someone cares… just not the demographic that reads the website

    • Rodney says:

      And you are tracking our demographic to know this?

      We have readers from all over the world and from very wildly ranging age groups.

      Who are you to say this doesnt appeal to our readership in some way.

    • Kiddo says:

      …sigh… now this just feels like an IMDB message board so I’ll stop here

  10. HAZMAT says:

    Wait…theyre both the same person?

  11. Andy says:

    I think most of the comments above, including mine, are attempts at humor. Miley Cyrus does what she does well and I’m sure she’ll be around a long time. Not my niche, but like Rodney said, her billion-dollar bank account is evidence enough of her stardom.

  12. Thos says:

    Rodney… the people that visit themovieblog don’t care about this and don’t “dont watch their shows, and don’t listen to their music”… just sayin’…

    • Rodney says:

      And you have personally met with each and every visitor to this site to decide which articles I should or shouldn’t write?

      Next time I will check with you to see if its OK that I write an article about a MOVIE related topic.

  13. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    Question is- Will she be around in 5 years in movies?
    I say Yes


  14. The Jim Walker says:

    Rodney wrote: “…because they tend to be equally good at both things. Which for the most part is “not very”.”


    Hahaha! I nearly shit my self when i read this ’cause i was thinkin the exact same thing before i even read the words…

  15. fullmetal_medji says:

    Oh my god I had no idea Miley Cyrus and Hannah were the same person. Seriously, I don’t think she’ll outgrow the mouse. I mean look at Hillary Duff, Raven Symone, Lindsay Lohan etc. If course I’ve been wrong before. I mean Shia Lebeouf has escaped the mouse.

    • Rodney says:

      If you were unfamiliar with her stuff, that is not a big surprise. People hear the names, but if it doesn’t appeal to them its unlikely you would know the premise for the Hanna Montana show.

      Hillary Duff and Lindsay Lohan have careers outside of Disney and their own identity. Can’t say the same for Raven.

      Lots of Disney kids have outgrown the preteen demographic of their tv programming.

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