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Michael Bay Admits Megatron Is Back In Transformers 2

By John - March 6, 2009 - 11:27 America/Montreal

To be fair to Michael Bay… he did warn us over a year ago that he would purposefully leak fake information about Transformers 2 in order to keep everyone guessing and blur what rumors and “leaks” are true and which ones aren’t. As an online film fan I hate that… but I’ve got to admit it was probably the most brilliant thing he could do.

One of the things he said early on was that Megatron was NOT going to be back in Transformers 2. I think most of us suspected this was one of those “fake” pieces of news since, how can you have a Transformers movie without Megatron in some way, shape or form?

But with information leaking out… including a picture of a Megatron toy in the full Transformers 2 packaging, it looks like Bay has had no choice but to come out and confirm that Megatron is indeed back. Our friends over at IESB give us this:

From Bay’s site, “Okay cat is out of the bag. Megatron is back —- but you will only get to see him from the long lost past. We go way back in time as this movie explains the mythology of the Primes. He is not a tank like everyone suggests, but an alien vehicle. But sadly he does not has much screen time. Michael”

This is like A-Rod having to admit he did roids after getting caught. But here’s the thing… even though Bay has admitted Megatron will be back, I don’t think he’s telling the truth about how much Megs will be in the movie. I suspect he’ll have a much larger role than what Bay is letting on right now. What do you think?


  1. tri leisure says:

    Yup, he’s lying.

    • Elliott says:

      He is totally Bullshitting us. not a tank? BS. the TOY is a tank.

    • Calviin says:

      I’ve never wavered in my assertion that he’s back in this movie. I actually think the Michael Bay trick was terrible. He never fooled me with any of his lies and all the leaks that were true had a fair enough amount of proof behind them. I can’t remember off the top of my head if it was you, John, or Rodney that had their head in the sand trying to say they believed the poop that Bay was feeding them, but that kind of gullibility over something so transparent was very frustrating. I have a higher standard of expectations from the people who work on this site. I’m glad you’ve finally come around.

    • Calviin says:

      Ok, I reviewed old threads. It was Rodney who doesn’t want Megs to be back. I’m glad he is. I’ll be even more happy if the idea of Galvatron can die in a fire. If I never see Galvatron again, it’ll be too soon.

  2. MattK says:

    like ive said before if megatron is in this movie and has a major role, then this movie officially has too many villians.

    • Grave says:

      This is transformers, not Batman. We dont need explanation of their personalites or history like that. I say bring it on

    • MattK says:

      it doesnt have to be a superhero film to have too many villians, this film already has enough:the fallen, devastator, starscream, and about 15 more decepticons, we dont need megatron in a major role

    • thunderlove says:

      hell yes we need a background… what? so were just going to say optimus prime and the rest of the transformers just came hear from cybertron- thats it? no i need more substance, i want to know how the all spark got there why it was sent to earth and what happened in the war for cybertron

    • isaiah says:

      its a war between auto-bots and decepticons man, its just like the world wars man, just alienated, of course u need all of them, it’ll be ridiculous if there is only one villain, its the civil war of cybertron, think people, think!!

    • MattK says:

      where did u get that there is one villian? lets see we have the fallen, devastator, starscream, and many others, we dont need megatron in this film at least not in a major role save him for the third(if there is one)

  3. Monty says:

    Megatron will appear after the end credits, He wants to talk to Sam about the Avengers Initiative.

  4. Android Invasion says:

    Who cares? I hope he is lying about it. Shit man, I don’t want the movie to be spoiled before I see it.

    • MattK says:

      then why are you reading the post? sorry just asking

    • Android Invasion says:

      It’s kind of hard to avoid when the title is in BOLD FACE stating Megatron is back. I didn’t seek out the info, it was just there. Besides, I consciously skip reading any paragraphs containing details about this movie. I’m not complaining, I love this site. Just voicing my opinion. God Bless you for calling me out

    • MattK says:

      hey alien
      my bad man lol i just woke up when i posted that comment

    • Android Invasion says:

      No worries man, you said the same thing I probably would have

  5. riggs says:

    he’s right that its not a tank, but its a alien vehicle which resembles a talk (double talk FTW!)

  6. Black says:

    im so surprised…./sarcasm.

  7. HAZMAT says:


  8. sam witwicky says:

    i think hes back in a big way. having him in a short flashback sounds like bullshit. and the “mythology of the primes” thing sound like bullshit too.

  9. Grave says:

    Yea sounds fake to me. Like when a kid lies then gets caught and tells another lie to cover up the first one. Still theres alot of the movie we still dont know and thats cool.

  10. Jeff says:

    I won’t say that the history of the Primes is bullshit. It would make perfect sense (assuming the
    Fallen is an ancient enemy) for Optimus to have to give a narrative of the history of the Primes for the viewer to understand the history of the Transformers and the Fallen.

    Decepticons FTW.

  11. Darek-T says:

    it’s a good thing you don’t need to have good gramar to be a director

  12. John says:

    i like what bay’s doing with the true/false rumors. it generates buzz, without totally giving the plot away.

  13. thepicklebot says:

    There is no way that he will make a Transformers movie without Megatron, it’d be like Star Wars without Vader!

    • HAZMAT says:

      they made like 3 of those

    • MattK says:

      really he didnt become vader until he put on the suit at the end of the third film

    • cloud720 says:

      Yea they made 3 star wars movie without vader but those moves werent very good.

    • MattK says:

      well that depends on who you ask b/c i can tell you i didnt mind them of course im not a hard core star wars fan, but only b/c the acting and the directing and some characters were miscast(jake loyd)

  14. Elijah says:

    I know megs is going to have a larger role than Bay is saying do to the fact if its just flash backs to Cybertron why have Weaving. because they didnt speak english on Cybertron. Just saying it would be a wast to have weaving just for a few flash backs.

  15. Brandon says:

    I don’t know that origin stuff is kinda lame,(Like the extended senate sessions in Attack of theClones….although I liked it.)again I don’t care if it’s done right but that just dosen’t compute to me…especially given the trailer. Also not sure he can pull off that kind of complicated dialouge.

  16. Movie Spoilers says:

    Well, we all knew Megatron wasn’t going to be gone permanently but I do think it’s a little lame that he’s going to be coming back in the sequel.

  17. BamKazaam says:

    aaaaa crap!

  18. Nazer says:

    Well i heard that he only comes out in the beginning of the movie, there were also rumors of the Dinobots coming out in the sequel but at the end, turn out to be false

  19. Caliboi2012 says:

    I’m glad they’re going to put some more backround info in the movie. The first Transformers lacked some detail and I wished they shedded some more light. Is there any more info about the movie? Are there new Autobots too? Please tell me!

    • MattK says:

      yeah there are new autobots like sideswipe(i think thats what hes called) and there are others just cant remember at the moment.

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