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Lost Boys 3 gets a Writer and Two Frogs

By Rodney - March 18, 2009 - 09:11 America/Montreal

Evan Charnov has been brought on to write the Lost Boys 3, the part we have been waiting for. Also, the original Frog Brothers, Corey Feldman and Jamison Newlander will be reuinted.

/Film says:

Fearless scribe Evan Charnov is writing the screenplay for Warner Direct’s direct-to-dvd threequel, The Lost Boys 3. Corey Feldman has signed on to return to reprise his role as Edgar Frog, vampire hunter. Moviehole is reporting that Jamison Newlander has signed on to reprise his role as Alan Frog from the original 1987 film.

If Lost Boys 2: The Tribe was anything, it was one big leadup to the wonderment that will be the battle of the Corey’s.

The movie itself was weak but it wasn’t terrible. If anything it served as a segue into the conflict that may bring about the answer to the questions all presented in the closing moments of the film.

We see Edgar Frog approached by Sam Emerson, who despite being an opposition to the vampires in the first movie, now finds himself taken by the blood and now an enemy of the Frog Brothers.

Corey Vs Corey.

If they do not secure Corey Haim, none of this will be worth it. Its not like Haim is tied up with other work, and this might be the ONLY thing anyone wants to see him in. Why waste the opportunity??


  1. Slushie Man says:

    Are you serious? I don’t want Haim anywhere near this movie. Not with the way he acted on the set of the second one. He’s a drugged out looser now and the reason he doesn’t have any work, is because nobody wants him on the set of their movies.

    Anyway, I personally loved Lost Boys 2. Obviously nowhere near as good as the original, but there was a lot to like there as well, IMO.

  2. Cinema-Phreak says:

    Most actors act like jackasses on movie sets, as long as they get it done on screen I could give a shit. I think Haims involvement in this one is needed. One Corey in a movie people are like ehh just another low budget movie, 2 Corey’s and people that remember the Corey’s back from the day will watch out of pure curiosity.

  3. Jeremy says:

    I hope it’s a prequel. I’d love to find out why Sam is a vampire now, and if he may be responsible for Alan’s death? Is Sam the new head vampire? So many questions - I’m not sure if I care about the execution so much as all the pieces being in place - so bring back Corey Haim!

  4. Derek Clem says:

    Lets just hope he can fully and completely clean himself up for the role. I want this so bad. this is what the second one should have been. the second one suuuuucked!

  5. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    Turning Sam into a Vampire in the end credits was an insult to the original. Feldman is good in the role of Edgar Frog. Part two was watchable for him alone.


    • Cinema-Phreak says:

      Part two was watchable and didn’t make me cringe but it in it’s self is an insult to the original. Once we get past hat then why not make Sam a vampire.

  6. Meli says:

    The Tribe was pretty damn funny and even though I’ll probably cringe while watching I’d totally be onboard to see this 3rd installment happen.

  7. chris....the real one says:

    all these remakes and adaptations are starting to make me realize something. it seems hollywood is really trying to please the fanboy audience. since comic and/”geek” movies are beginning to maake tons of money (iron man, the dark knight) the producers think we are a huge audience.

    looking back was lost boys really a good movie? i tried watching it again and it was awful, just stupid imo. i dont think too many people are really getting excited for a lost boys movie.

    it just seems like hollywood is aiming for that 20-30 year old kid audience. within the last month ive heard of way too many remakes or adaptations of 80s tv shows or movies. yea, yea i know no ideas are original but be creative in selecting stuff to adapt, i think obscure and good stories need to be told, where the wild things are looks to be really something imo. but now we are getting a smurfs movie and macgyver…i mean really, come on

    • Rodney says:

      Fans would be likely to go see something that appeals to them.

      Putting asses in the seats is what Hollywood does.

      You ARE a huge audience. Hollywood has always made the decision to make a film based on the likelyhood that it will sell. Giving you what you want sells.

      This isn’t rocket science.

    • chris....the real one says:

      i know its not rocket science, but its odd that hollywood is putting all their apples into 1 fanboy basket. for every dark knight, iron man…there are 2 punisher war zones or max paynes. im not gonna argue about the quality of modern movies, but as a whole most of these comic movies arent that great.

      im just looking for a lil variety is all and tired of them grabbing seemingly random 80s franchises to make a book

    • chris....the real one says:

      buck not book

    • Rodney says:

      You do realize that while there may be 4-5 hero movies in the works each year there are about 20 horrors, and 30 comedies, and 50 dramas?

      Obviously those numbers are completely made up, but considering how many OTHER types of movies come out compared to the relatively small number of Comic book movies, I wouldn’t say Hollywood is putting all their eggs in one fanboy basket.

      There are plenty of other movies too.

  8. Darren J Seeley says:

    The Tribe was pretty damn lame, it’s almost as if when folks know they are going DTV, that gives them a badge of stink. While I think Agnus Sutherland could have dyed his hair blond and could have been a resurrected David (the part played by his older half-brother in the original) the filmmakers didn’t go there.

    I don’t know if the new film will be any better or worse. But after witnessing 2, part of me is glad scribe Hans Rodnikoff isn’t back. And as much I liked his directorial debut The Desperate Trail a number of years ago (and even a soft spot for From Dusk Til Dawn 3), I have pretty much given up on PJ Pesce as well.

    Lost Boys 3? So what?

  9. Brandon says:

    I wasn’t aware there was a part two…

  10. David Lopan says:

    In my eyes, The Lost Boys is the only film. Didn’t want to see the 2nd one, and I really don’t intend on seeing this one either. The Coreys got worse at acting as they got older. National Lampoon’s Last Resort is a perfect exmaple, or what about Feldman in Bordello of Blood…yikes. Only reason I watched Blown Away was to see Nicole Eggert naked, since I’ve crushed on that girl pretty much my young adult life.

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