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Hitler is Dismayed By The Ending To Watchmen

By John - March 4, 2009 - 15:12 America/Montreal

Movie Blog reader Randal sent this to me earlier this afternoon. We’ve seen these little mashups of the Hitler clip before, but this one is over his dismay about the ending to Watchmen.

Warning: This could be considered a spoiler… so watch at your own risk:


  1. Donald says:

    Screw that! I just got back from Watchmen and it was AMAZING! When you compare it to other adaptations, the loyalty to the book is unbelievable.

    This movie was great point and simple. If you want to be a hard core fan boy to the point that only a 6 hour film covering every little detail with someone reading ‘Under the Hood’ for fifteen minutes then yes, the film comes up short.

    The ending was fine. The squid and the sub-story of the pirates was too long to fit into an already 3 hour long adventure.

    And don’t give me that crap about Hollywood. Name another movie that has as many shots of male ass and penises! Seriously, name one. This film did a lot of things that Hollywood is normally afraid of.

  2. HAZMAT says:

    no squid ruins the whole point of watchmen

    ozymandias DID bring world peace…the “alien invasion” brought the whole world together by fear…no one knew that it really wasnt an alien squid so they were scared shitless because they thought aliens were taking over…a nuke is from planet earth, how can ozymandias bring world peace by showing us what einstein invented? how does a nuke scare us? a nuke wont scare us to the point of world unity, itll just make us nuke everyone else
    he killed half a city with a fake alien squid but the rest of the world was united…i dont see why people think ozymandias is a villain, hes the hero IMO…and ill have to see how zack snyder made ozy achieve world piece with no fake allien invasion

    there NEEDS to be a squid…or even if its not a squid, make it ahuge alien, it can be an alien bunny or an alien snake..as long as its an ALIEN

    remember how in “independence day” the whole world united and there was world peace at the end of the movie? its kinda like that. thats what aliens do. nukes just piss people off and make us kill MORE people

    whatever im sure its still good

    • Rodney says:

      There is still “an event” that will replace the squid, but there will be no intergalactic alien monster squid dumped on New York.

      I don’t think it has to be an alien invasion that will bring the world together. A cataclysmic event of this magnitude that is clearly not a terrorist attack would have the same result.

    • HAZMAT says:

      yeah youre right, like you said: if its clearly not a terrorist or another country (russia) and its HUGE, then its good. my beef was if they made it a nuke which is what ive been hearing

      …if its a fake dr manhattan attack that ozymandias framed then i can buy it but not if its a nuke from adrian veidt

      i mean, people would totally go for world peace if they think dr manhattan popped and killed half of new york

      im really looking forward to TMBs watchmen review btw, i have IMAX tickets and im watching it again on saturday

      i just REALLY hope they dont waste ozymandias’ character because hes my favorite watchmen…people say hes boring but i think hes insanely fascinating…i have the feeling zack snyder kinda threw him away and didnt make him as epic as i found him in the novel…

  3. War-Journalist says:

    1. What movie is this from?
    2. As long as it makes sense for superhero movie, I don’t care how it ends.
    3. You can’t always have your nerd/geek/fanboy cake & eat it too. Life goes on.
    4. Hasn’t hurt my chance of seeing it.

  4. darthmuppet says:

    I for one am completely on board for the new ending… I haven’t seen the film yet, but I was always worried that the giant squid would have come across as nothing but hokey. Framing Dr. Manhattan seems to be a much more logical ending for the film.

    Having said that… that video was pretty fucking funny!

  5. 3R!C says:

    Meh, I’ll wait and see. I heard Clint Eastwood died in Gran Torino and I still went to go see it.

  6. BrDanzig says:

    That was pretty funny. There are lots of parodies of this scene. Downfall is an awesome movie. It is one of the best WWII movies I have ever seen. Bruno Ganz’s performance as Hitler is one of the best performances of all time.

  7. tom. says:

    Saw Watchmen last night. The ending WORKS. The movie was great, however as a fan of the graphic novel I couldn’t help but notice what was left out and parts of the movie felt hollow because of that. I wish it was somehow possible to squeeze all the details into 2.5 hours, but it isn’t. Zack Snyder did a great job considering the constraints.

  8. Kausty says:

    I managed to see the watchmen last week, I thought the film was brilliant! Yes Granted it was a bit slow about an hour in.. but all in all I really enjoyed it! Im no fanboy either.

  9. Andrew says:

    Why is everyone so up in arms about the new ending to Watchmen when the graphic novel just plain fucking sucked? I read the novel, and I thought it was plain bullshit from begining to end. It had a good concept, but was just poorly executed. And since the novel sucked, I have no interest to see the movie. Give me Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen instead.

    • Shane Hero says:

      Maybe you just didn’t understand the book, and it was a bit too deep for you to comprehend. The only people who seem to not like the novel only ever seem to be people who’s critique extends to the depth of “it just plain fucking sucked”.

  10. Chuck Norris says:

    Re: The parody video. I only wished that they had made the font a little harder to read.

  11. JohnZDelorean says:

    I have not seen the movie yet but Imax tickets are in effect for friday and everyone knows about the ending being changed because as good as the graphic novel was that was the major gripe most people had about it was the ending of it. This is hollywood and I’ll take a tied up neat ending to a Watchmen 2 Rise of Dr. Manhattan.

  12. fullmetal_medji says:

    That was Hilarious! I wish the font was easier to see, but very funny. However, I just finished Watchmen a few days ago and thought the ending was very creative and unconventional. The film is an adaptation of the book and I’ve accepted that fact.

  13. shedragon says:

    Watchmen the movie sucked. No question about it. Don’t defend it just because you are a geek who is proud of having read the book. I’m usually reading something and really enjoy it but I have no interest to read this one if not one person who read it is mature enough to admit that the movie was nothing but 2 and 1/2 hours of boring character developement which included mabe one well acted part by that molester guy from little children. The music was (at times) cool and some of the scenery and outfits were cool as well but just wasn’t enough and ended up seeming out of place without any substantial story or direct conflict to embelish. It might do a good job of confusing you when you are stoned, but in reality being vague isn’t the same thing as having depth.

    • Its2bad says:

      Truth. This movie was boring. It opened with one of the greatest title sequences I’ve ever seen and then fell flat. Nerds and fan boys try to defend this movie by implying that people who didn’t like it are not intelligent enough to understand it, but that is tired, lame, and a typical elitist geek response. I read the comics and still thought the movie was a bomb. Some things are better left on the page.

  14. Mastermind (Michael) says:

    Also gave the film a 4 out of 4 stars!!!!

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