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Harold Ramis talks Ghost Busters 3

By Rodney - March 30, 2009 - 10:07 America/Montreal

Ghost Busters 3 has been rumoured in and out of Hollywood more times than I can count. But with the release of the Ghost Busters video game and Harold Ramis spearheading the movement, we are getting closer and closer to seeing a third chapter to the 80s classics over 20 years after the last film. And from the sound of things, possibly a rejuvenation of the franchise.

Harold Ramis was interviewed by MTV and talked in detail about the progress of Ghost Busters 3. ScreenRant has most of the inverview, but I am just going to hit the headlines.

- Judd Apatow will not be involved at all

- Apatow film staples Rogen, Rudd, and Frano (original rumoured) will not be in this film

- The original cast will return (Though Bill Murray is just Ramis’ speculation - he is confident he will get him on board)

- There will be a “Passing of the Torch” with younger (not teens) Ghost Busters taking over for the retirees.

- Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky are writing the script. (Akroyd, Ramis and Ivan Reitman consulting)

- Rumours of the casting have been going on for a LONG time. Ramis said one of the early rumours he heard was Chris Farley, Ben Stiller and Chris Rock.

So far this sounds like it is shaping up and headed in the right direction.

The overall intention is that they want to do this right, and having the original cast, and director consulting, while still having the original Ghostbusters in it, this will be a true sequel instead of a half assed remake.

Any thoughts on a Ghost Busters 3?


  1. B.Hathaway says:

    Cannot wait…It sounds like they’re doing this right and i’m perfectly fine with a passing of the torch. This is a fantastic franchise that does not need to die the death nor go the way of the new Indiana Jones and the Slap in the Face.

    Who ya gonna call?

  2. Tony says:

    I am fine with a sequel. I love those movies but if it is like The Next Karate Kid, I’ll hold on to my ten bucks. If they do this, they had better do it right. Bring back the whole cast, including Rick Moranis. Don’t do the whole everybody is in here but just a split second cameo. If they are gonna past the torch do it in a way that all the original guys still play a major role in the movie.

    • Rodney says:

      I dont think Rick Moranis needs to be involved. He was part of the movie, but not part of their jobs.

      The point of this is to have them retiring from their jobs, not reminiscing with old clients.

      However I am not OPPOSED to seeing a Moranis cameo.

    • Derek 8-Track says:

      I think Louis Tully/Moranis was probably inducted as an honorary member at the end of the second one after he thought he himself defeated Vigo. Plus he was in the cartoon and the cartoon reads pretty cannon for the most part. I think it would be a fantastic idea to have Louis back, maybe as an office worker for the Busters or something.

    • Rodney says:

      I am not opposed to bringing him in for a cameo, or having him be their accountant or something. But he isn’t a Ghost Buster.

      And the cartoon was not canon at all. Slimer was their pet for crying out loud.

    • Derek 8-Track says:

      It is Canon! watch the eleventh episode called Citizen Ghost. it takes place seconds after the first movie and explains how Slimer became their pet.

    • Seth says:

      Moranis MUST be involved! That’s like making an Indiana Jones movie without the whip! He may not be a Ghostbuster - but he is essential.

  3. Jeremy K. says:

    “Rumours of the casting have been going on for a LONG time. Ramis said one of the early rumours he heard was Chris Farley, Ben Stiller and Chris Rock.”

    If Chris Farley is in it, this will be a real ghost busters movie!

    • Jeremy K. says:

      By the way, I just hope the people that they pass the torch to are not a bunch of Saturday Night Live drop outs or current cast members.

      I still stand by my words from a while ago, they should pass the torch to a female group and one of them should be Janeane Garofalo!

    • 1138 says:

      That idea of a all women Ghostbusters is interesting…could bring a whole new meaning to the the phrase” I got slimed”.

    • chris....the real one says:


  4. Yamo says:

    Passing of the Torch” with younger actors i hope this means no Zac “Fucking” Efron or any of Apatow guys. Why wont they keep it all the same cast and forget passing the torch. Give Slimer a bigger part

    • Rodney says:

      Because the original cast is closing in on 60. Thats why.

      And slimer never had “a part” he was one ghost in one scene. He doesn’t need a bigger part.

  5. Kevin says:

    I think this is a better solution than a remake. The first movie especially was ICONIC, and pretending it didn’t exist doesn’t work for me. I could handle a passing of the torch. If it’s not those guys, though, I can’t think of who to cast for the new Ghostbusters. Do you try to cast a woman, in there, some SNL alumn, or a bunch of unknowns?

  6. The Best says:

    Want to release as soon as possible. I can’t wait.

  7. Meli says:

    Until now I was not interested in a 3rd movie, but the fact that Apatow and crew won’t be involved gives me a huge sigh of relief. Don’t get me wrong, I love those guys, but they need to stay away from Ghostbusters and keep on doing what they do.

  8. SX0T says:

    Seems to be a lot of Slimer bashing going on in these comments.

  9. Mladen says:

    May get a lot of hate for this one, but I’d like to see Rainn Wilson as a Ghostbuster. That image just works for me.

    And for one completely out of left-field: Dwayne ‘the rock’ Johnson. He’s a good ’serious’ foil for comedic actors.

  10. bigsampson says:

    the rock….no i think not…now rainn wilson i can see for sure.

  11. Shane Hero says:

    This is sounding very promising. It looks like the original people want to see this done right, as opposed to just doing it for the sake of a quick money grab.

    I won’t fret over any casting choices until I see how the film starts shaping up. Whoever gets chosen won’t be changing the tone of the film. They’ll choose people who will fit in. I’m fairly confident of that.

    Recent GB merchandise like the game have been paying tribute to what made the original so great, and I hope they can do the same with a third film.

  12. Angela says:

    And as for slimer, it was 2 scenes, the hotel and the bus where he drives rick moranis to the museum. Not defending, just correcting.

  13. War-Journalist says:

    Consulting could mean anything from walking the directors through the process step by step to “what was that one ghost’s name again?”. And Chris Rock as a Ghostbuster?! You’ve got to be kidding me. Ben Stiller I can see (even though he’s only 13yrs younger than Aykroyd). But at least it won’t be a teen drama (which every movie about teenagers ends up being). As long as the o.g.’s are easily transitioned throughout the film (2-3 events with the originals, 2-3 with everybody, 2-3 with new guys). I don’t know. It just breaks my heart to see them say goodbye. It won’t really be their series anymore after this. And I don’t think it will do well without them. They try to make a pass-the-torch to realte with modern culture, but if that was their goal then they should have remade it. Because only those who knew them before will recognize them in the movie, and even after that everyone will say “Ray, Egon, Peter, and Winston are the only TRUE Ghostbusters”. I can’t stand to see a proton pack strapped to anyone but the originals. But who knows. I’ve been swayed before.

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