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Greatest Muppet Movie of All Time Script Review

By Rodney - March 19, 2009 - 20:50 America/Montreal

You know what the world needs now? More Muppets. It would solve world hunger, bring peace to the Middle East and ease the pain of the Economic Crisis.

Its an emotional Bail-Out.

Well a new Muppet movie is in the works called The Greatest Muppet Movie of All Time (they already anticipate all further Muppet Movies will pale in comparison) and someone has read the script and offered up a first look review.

Row Three shares:

Segal’s love of the classic Henson Muppets oozes out in the script and there are plenty of great gags and cameos for us to feast on. He does admit that some of the script falls flat and some of the jokes seem outdated, but I am sure that he read and early script and there will be plenty of revisions before shooting begins. One thing I find interesting is that apparently Kermit is not running away from Miss Piggy’s pursuits, but much in love with her and acting like “a jealous boyfriend” - hmm.

I love that Jason Segal is behind this. I really think we are just starting to see his genius, and we already know he has a thing for muppets after that staggering Vampire Muppet Musical we were treated to in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

I am surprised however that the reviewer only remembers Kermit running from Piggy. I am pretty sure in the last few, his relationship with her was solidified and its good to see them get past that and make them a couple.

I look forward to seeing what comes of this. Its been far too long since we had a good Muppet Movie.


  1. Vidsub says:

    This is gonna be awesome

  2. Grave says:

    Ohhh I cant wait. I love the muppet movies they have a certain charm to them that makes me still watch the films and randomly peek the Muppet Babies episodes on youtube.

  3. Mladen says:

    I would see this.
    If I had kids I would make them see it too.

  4. heyshenanigans says:

    Bout freaking time. That made my night.

  5. T-Vo says:

    I love the muppets and can fondly remember watching the TV show when I was kid, it always bring a smile to my face.

  6. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    in the tradition of[?] the great muppet caper and take manhattan, i will so be there.

  7. Yamo says:

    give us muppet Nudity lol

  8. Kaneda979 says:

    YES! After the last 2 Muppet movies I’ve been so sad that the Muppet’s just aren’t any good anymore. I kept thinking, why can’t they pull off a good Muppet movie again? And that also the world needs the Muppet’s to come back.

    I mean come on, go back and watch some of the greatest Muppet stuff after having a bad day and tell me it doesn’t put a big smile on your face and a harm felling in your heart, making you all but forget the troubles you had for that day. I can’t think of anything new now a days that can do that.

    I’m so happy someone is finally bringing them back full force with hopes of making them better then ever. I CAN’T WAIT! >_<

  9. fullmetal_medji says:

    I don’t know; I thought the muppets were just a fad because there hasn’t been any type of muppet movie in a while.

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