Fuzzy Animal Movie Culture Clash

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 03. 2009in News Chat

I found this online and I couldn’t resist. It showcases the cultural differences that studios from different countries will go to in the pursuit of entertainment.

Fluffy Animal Movies made in America:

Disney’s G-Force (not to be confused with the name we all called Battle of the Planets)

Fluffy Animal Movies made in Japan:

Cat Shit One: The Animated series (Based on a three issue Manga called Apocalypse MEOW)

Of course this is all in good fun, and clearly if you choose movies of a specific nature you are going to be able to find this kind of extremes. But it was funny to see the two displayed side by side.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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17 Responses to “Fuzzy Animal Movie Culture Clash”

  1. Matt K says:

    i will admit that Cat Shit One looked nice

    • Jake says:

      In contrast to G-Force, which looks…pretty bad. I hesitate to say that only today’s Disney could come up with something like this.

  2. chris...the real one says:

    cat shit one looks amazing…bunny snipers and bunnies slitting throats…i want to watch this right now!! lol the japanese are genius

  3. Kaneda979 says:

    LOL, I just found out about the Apocalypse MEOW manga about a week ago, hardly know anything about it yet, but I didn’t know they already started a freakin’ CGI series based on it. It looks freakin’ hilarious. You can tell they’re totally playing off of jokes aimed at hard core warfare gamers.

    Reminds me so much of all the warfare games I’ve played over the years with my buddies, only it’s cute furry animals blowing the crap out of each other instead. Wish the trailer was in English, cuz judging by titles, both the manga and the series’, I bet the dialog is filled with crazy humor, while the characters are all sounding serious and dramatic like. Hope it come state side some time soon, I’d love to see it.

  4. Shane Razey says:

    Wow,and to think this was just on Attack of the Show (G4)yesterday….

    • Rodney says:

      Wow, and to think that not everyone watches that show every day.

      Perhaps the guy who posted it in his journal saw it on there. Perhaps it was co-incidence.

  5. Joshi says:

    Back when I was about 12…ish, I wanted to write a story about a group of friends who go off on adventure kicking ass to save the world and they were led by a ninja rabbit (no really).

    As retarded as that sounds (and yes, that wy it was never written), Cat Shit One looks to be about as close to kick ass bunnies as I’m ever going to get and that makes me happy.

    • id says:

      not that retarded, what about Usagi Yojimbo? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usagi_Yojimbo (also shows up in TMNT)

  6. Matt K says:


    theres an article on http://www.monsterislandnews.com about THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT remake has begun filming

  7. Brendan says:

    Oh my god- Cat shit one looks amazing- and has an awesome name too.

  8. herby says:

    Count me in the shit!!!

  9. bigsampson says:

    i just changed my name to cat shit one on counterstrike for the week lol

  10. Tony says:

    that’s a funny title for a cartoon

  11. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:


  12. Jack says:

    I cannot remember the last time I laughed so hard. That Cat Shit One video made me actually cry I was laughing so hard. Now my belly hurts.

  13. Gutpunch says:

    As awesome as this looks one has to wonder what’s the point? Cute realistic animals waging war in a realistic manner, I would guess the joke would wear out pretty quickly, if that is the joke.

  14. Cajungirl says:

    Clearly this is a children’s movie and I think kids will enjoy this sort of film. It has all the great elements of action, comedy, and adventure with fun-loving animals and real life characters as well. I think with Jerry B. behind the film, it will be sure to please.

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