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First Pictures From Halloween 2 (H2) Online

By John - March 4, 2009 - 11:25 America/Montreal

Hey you know what’s funny? You know how Rob Zombie directed a remake of Halloween? And you know how just a few years earlier Zombie said a filmmaker who does a remake is an “asshole”? Well… he’s doubling up and doing the sequel now.

I’m not a fan of Rob Zombie as a director at all and I certainly didn’t like the first Halloween flick he did (the funny thing is, I really dig his music). So obviously I have about 0% anticiaption for his follow up, H2 (oh what a clever name). Anyway, the first pictures from H2 are now online over at the site of our good friends at ShockTillYouDrop. You can see them here.

Oh, and for those of you who forgot… here’s what Rob Zombie said about directors who make remakes…. just before he went and did a remake:

I feel it’s the worst thing any filmmaker can do. I actually got a call from my agent and they asked me if I wanted to be involved with the remake of Chain Saw. I said no fucking way! Those movies are perfect - you’re only going to make yourself look like an asshole by remaking them. Go remake something that’s a piece of shit and make it good. Like with my movie (House of 1000 Corpses) I have elements of Chain Saw in it because I love that movie so much, but I wouldn’t dare want to “remake” it. It’s like a band trying to be another band.


  1. Jeremy K. says:

    Hahaha. Love how he contradicts himself through action. I did like his Halloween movie, but then again I hated the original. Kinda weird since I am in the age group that you would think would prefer the original. Also like him as director, which I did not at first. Saw House of a Thousand corpses, was not all that impressed. Saw Devil’s Rejects in the theater, again was not impressed. Got the Devil’s Rejects on DVD and watched the making of featurette and he had since grown on me and am now a fan of the Devil’s Rejects. Not sure how it all happened, but I now like his stuff. To top it off, not a big fan of his music still.

  2. J L says:

    In all fairness, he didn’t say he would never do a remake, he said he wouldn’t remake a movie he thought was perfect. Maybe he thought the first Halloween was a piece of shit and he could make it good.

  3. alfie says:

    yeah i mean how dare anyone change their minds about something.

    i forgot there was a rule that said once you have said something you must stick to that forever. you cannot change your mind about anything. you must stick to what you said once in an interview years ago for the rest of your life. no exceptions

    • John says:

      Yeah, cause there’s absolutely no difference between saying:

      “Meh, I personally wouldn’t make a remake”


      “It’s the worst thing a filmmaker can do… You’re only going to make yourself look like an asshole… It’s like a band trying to be another band.”

      Oh wait… you’re going to back a dump truck full of money up to my house? I’ve changed my mind!

    • Matt K says:

      well said john

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Granted there was a four year difference between the Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween remake. That is a quite a long time to have a change of heart or forget what you said about remakes. :D

    • John says:

      Hey Jeremy,

      Actually he came on board with the Halloween project in 2004… so it was 2 years. Not that it makes much of a difference… just sayin. :)

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Ahh, point taken. Didn’t know he was brought on so early for Halloween. Figured there would be some time before actual release date, but figured that would coincide with the time prior to the Massacre remake. Still, 2 years is enough time to forget something, especially when you got Mooni the wife for distractions. Not to mention money can make you forget a lot of things when the price is right.

    • John says:

      Hey Jeremy,

      Oh for sure. Everyone knows what I think of Chris Tucker as an actor. I think he’s terrible… but back up that truck of money and I’ll do a movie with him for sure. Yeah that would make me a hypocrite… but I’ll sleep well under my blanket of 100 dollar bills. :P

    • Monty says:

      Campea and Tucker for Rush Hour 4.

    • alfie says:

      people change their opinions about things that don’t involve money.

      I know people who at one stage believed in christ and couldn’t see life any other way who are know atheists and i know people who didn’t believe who are now fully fledged christians.

      People can change their minds thats all. I don’t think you should be held to something you said one time in an interview years ago for the rest of your life or else get called a sell out.
      for one texas chain saw is his favorite film of all time and he was talking specifically about that remake. when it comes to things like that people do get carried away sometimes and go over board.

      So you guys are saying that you never said something or felt a certain way about something and then changed your minds later on after thinking about it???

    • John says:

      Hey Alfie,

      There is a difference between “changing your mind” and being a hypocrite.

      Saying, “I’ll have a sandwich for lunch” and then ordering the eggs is changing your mind.

      However, bashing and condemning people for doing something, and then going ahead and doing that thing yourself for a big paycheck is being hypocritical.

      I am curious… if you don’t consider this situation by Zombie hypocritical and just a simple “changing of his mind”, then what would you qualify as hypocritical?

    • alfie says:

      for one this dump truck of money talk is nonsense.
      the film was low budget. his paycheck would not have been that big considering he was already a fairly successful musician so he hardly a starving artist desperate for money.

      and again when people raise the point of him being a hypocrite it always goes back to this one paragraph from one interview. the same one gets brought up time and time again. there is not a series of interviews of him saying this as if it was his lifes motto.

      again i don’t think it is fair for anyone to be called a sell out and a hypocrite because of ONE thing you said ONE time years ago off the cuff during an interview when talking about someone remaking your favorite film.

      hating egg salad and then finding an egg salad you like is not being hypocritical.

    • MattK says:

      he may not be starving for money, but it doesnt mean he didnt do it for the money

  4. SX0T says:

    I’d consider making a Halloween III for a dump truck full of money. Any offers? As long as someone is willing to pay, there will be someone willing to make. Point and case.

    (As a side note, I’m not a huge fan of Zombie’s films with the exception of Devils Rejects which is one of the better horror films I’ve seen over the past years)

  5. 3R!C says:

    Didn’t Loomis die in the last one? Also, didn’t Michael get shot in the eyes? You could tell after what happened to him in Halloween 2 back in the 80’s that he wasn’t coming back for a sequel. I wonder how they’re going to pull this one off? Didn’t Zombie say that he wasn’t going to do a sequel?

    • Matt K says:

      well he also said that he thinks those who do remakes are assholes, then he turns around and does one himself

  6. John says:

    Hey 3RIC

    You said:

    “Didn’t Zombie say that he wasn’t going to do a sequel?”

    He also said he’d never do a remake… so there you go. :)

    • 3R!C says:




    • J L says:

      John, You are making a generalization about what he said. He wasn’t talking about remakes in general, he was talking about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre specifically.

  7. Eric says:


  8. Vincent Stephen-Ong says:

    Um, unless it’s a technical error on my part, there is no link to H2 pics in the post.

  9. Slushie Man says:

    Loved the remake. Can’t wait to see this one too.

  10. JohnZDelorean says:

    Does every post about a Rob Zombie movie have to include how the person doesn’t like Rob’s directing? He gets so much hate and I would’ve understood it after 1000 corpses but Devils Rejects was a movie that really grew on me and I loved Halloween from jump and I am not a fan of his music in any way.

    • MattK says:

      thats cool that you like his directing, but i can honestly say ive seen all his films and well they blow

    • JohnZDelorean says:

      I’ve seen all his movies as well and out of 3 movies I though Corpses was horrible, Rejects was good and so was Halloween. You’ve got your opinion and I’ve got my own. Nihilistic, violent and slightly mysoginistic? Sure but I happen to like his flicks that way.

  11. Darren J Seeley says:

    First of all, it might be interesting how Zombie gets himself out of that corner from the first film’s ending—but, need I remind folks of the original ending of Halloween II where Myers gets his eyes shot out, and DIES in the explosion w/ Dr. Loomis! After the brief interlude of Halloween III ( which I again triple dare someone to remake they brought both Myers and Loomis for 4,5 and 6! Then 4,5, and 6 never really happened according to H20. But Myers and his sis are back…so…

    Anyway, I am one of those who LOVED the Carpenter original, think it still holds up in terms of suspense and dread. While Zombie’s version skipped the mysterious ‘awe’ of the stalking Myers, and focused more on brutality and his nilihism worldview, those last 20 minutes of the remake was nothing short of brilliance. That’s what I was wading through the drek of a hour and a half for…just for the last 20 minutes (as you might suspect, I didn’t care for the film overall).

    I didn’t care one iota for House of 1000 Corpses but Devils Rejects wasn’t half bad. It had that 70’s B film quality to it, I understood where Zombie was going with it, I liked it on that level. I didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it. It took a few viewings on late night cable to win me over though.

    I always had this mash up dream thought of Otis and Baby Firefly meeting up with Jesse, Diamondback and Severn from Near Dark in a run down motel, but …

    Anyway, while I didn’t care a lot for his reimagined remake, I don’t think for one minute Zombie is a terrible director….despite the nilihistic negative worldview.

  12. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    How can anyone respect his Halloween when he serverly underwrote the main character from Carpenters classic-Laurie Strode. She just shows up half way through the film and she’s never developed as a character. The audience has no one to root for. Plus his violence against women in his films borders on SICK. I like horror but the guy is demented.


  13. The Reply-Cat says:

    O.M.G the H2 pic’s kick’s ass.p.s john only a 25 min podcast what the HELL man?.

  14. Travis says:

    I used to despise The Ramones. I, of course, told people how stupid they were and since I’m human, I talked trash to those people. I really hated that band too. Now I own there greatest hits, two years later. So call me a hypocrite, but shit happens. John, you’re just super good at making YOUR point more clear whether it’s fact or not, the guy must’ve changed his mind somewhere along the lines probably because of a bunch of different reasons… maybe he saw clips of Chainsaw and said “shit, i take back what i said cause this (to me) is the only worthy remake i have ever seen. i can do this with that halloween movie they’re trying to get me to do”. That’s probably what happened.

    oh and his music, sucks now. it’s gotten very electronic and fake. almost like a remake of a certain movie about a certain guy who got his brains blown out but is making trip two to the bottom of the barell soon.

    that’s just my opinion.

  15. Travis says:

    I used to despise The Ramones. I, of course, told people how stupid they were for liking them and since I’m human, I talked trash to those people. I really hated that band too. Now I own there greatest hits, two years later. So call me a hypocrite, but shit happens. John, you’re just super good at making YOUR point more clear whether it’s fact or not, the guy must’ve changed his mind somewhere along the lines probably because of a bunch of different reasons… maybe he saw clips of Chainsaw and said “shit, i take back what i said cause this (to me) is the only worthy remake i have ever seen. i can do this with that halloween movie they’re trying to get me to do”. That’s probably what happened.

    oh and his music, sucks now. it’s gotten very electronic and fake. almost like a remake of a certain movie about a certain guy who got his brains blown out but is making trip two to the bottom of the barell soon.

    that’s just my opinion.

  16. Andrew says:

    isn’t a “remake” different from a “re-invisioning”!!!!

    thats we he set out to do.

    he invisioned the movie from a different perspective, his perspective. his movie was nothing like the original. It was a completely different story.

    if given the chance most of you people would love to re-imagine the movie you love so dearly.

    • MattK says:

      i said that about GODZILLA and well if you’ve seen the movie then you know how it turned lol, but i do see your point

  17. JohnZDelorean says:

    Can Zombie bring back Joe Grisly as well as Loomis?

  18. MADMAX_007 says:

    I don’t really give a rat’s ass about slasher flicks, especially zombie’s first two films (Corpses and Rejects) which both blew big whale-dick IMO. But I sorta liked his Halloween remake cuz he added some depth to Michael Myers’ character, plus the violence was brutal and kinetic. Hope he can churn out a better sequel.

  19. drew says:

    I liked the remake of part 2

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