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Drag Me to Hell Poster Online

By Rodney - March 31, 2009 - 05:24 America/Montreal

Sam Raimi’s Drag Me to Hell looks like a great horror film and a new poster has hit the net.

I like how literal the poster is, and from the trailer it looks like Alison Lohman’s character will be experiencing the emotional equivalent to this imagery throughout the film.

Now that the horror pendulum is swinging the other way and we are seeing less of the torture porn type horror and more suspense thrillers, I can see myself watching more of this kind of film.



  1. Devan Price says:

    Title comes off weird to me :\

    Every thing on the poster looks good except for the hands that are crawling on her.

  2. Gutpunch says:

    Wow that’s a really weak poster. Way to posed and not in the moment.

  3. riggs says:

    why is she outside posing?

  4. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    yeah, lose the hands.

  5. Kaneda979 says:

    I don’t think it’s that bad, I mean I do like the hands, because it’s classic Raimi style, ala Evil Dead.

    But I do agree that her pose looks way too fake and over all the poster doesn’t look much better then a poster for some cheap strait to DVD movie.

  6. leeloo says:

    i would have gone with a bunch of demon claws grabbing a pair of ankles over the edge of a bed.

    i hate when that happens.

  7. bigsampson says:

    i like it…i dont see what all the fuss is about…its a poster…..looks like she is getting dragged to hell…which if im right is close to the title of the film?

  8. nbakid2000 says:

    I agree, the poster does look really cheap. I also don’t buy the look of horror on her face. She looks like she’s at a rock concert.

  9. Charles says:

    Looks like supernatural but with a chick…

  10. Kiddo says:

    Can’t wait to see this movie, looks awesome

  11. ken says:

    This movie is going to be awesome.Alison Lohman seems great from the trailer, and justin longs a cool actor.Also this poster reminds me of a scene from pulse starring kristen bell,where hands tried to suck her into there realm.

  12. JohnZDelorean says:

    This movie will suck. Raimi is so overrated and his best work was A Simple Plan and he’s never gotten close to that ever.

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