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Around The Web - March 27

By Rodney - March 27, 2009 - 17:03 America/Montreal

Just about to head out to the Test Screening for The Anniversary, and today was a light dose of news, so I figured I would condense them into a “Around the Web” kind of post.

So here goes…

Marvel Films is taking applications for writers to bring their properties to the big screen. Because Hollywood has such a shortage of writers?

Cobra Commander toy reveals disfigured transparent masked Leader of Cobra Why are they bothering with a mask if its going to be transparent? Doesn’t that defeat the point of the mask?

Serinda Swan joins Tron 2.0 as a temptress Tron 2.0 looks like it will have some more eyecandy. Are there any guys in this movie?

Ron Moore’s The Thing Prequel faces rewrites. Rewrites are a double edged sword. They either fix it, or make it worse. Who knows.

Tony Stark’s rival Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2 We get a badguy to fight Iron Man and a badguy to challenge Stark. I like that they are keeping a Stark story too. Now just get him drunk.

Canadian supermodel Noot Seear is Heidi in Twilight Saga’s New Moon. Worst Supermodel name EVAR!! But she’s cute. I wonder if she can act?

Now I am off to the movies!!


  1. Grave says:

    If Marvel is looking for writers its more possible that Hollywood writers suck when it comes to game or comic translations. Remember Fantastic Four and Super Mario Brothers?

    Dont but too much stock into a figure based on a movie character. Im sure they will make a more movie accurate toy. Then again this could prove to be the hump to break the camels back. Wait and See.

  2. Matt K says:

    Serinda Swan is sooo fucking hot and i actually cant wait to see “the thing” prquel

  3. Matt K says:


    are you gonna post a review of John’s film?

  4. HAZMAT says:


    Justin Hammer?


    Unless theyre only having him in it because of the death squad then i want an explanation

    Oh I hope you enjoy the Anniversary Rodney!
    Tell us how it is!
    Shit are you going to review it!?!?

  5. Matt K says:

    as for the first item about marvel taking applications this is the perfect oppertunity for those who complain about the plot of comic book films and who say “there is no creativity left in hollywood” to prove what they can do.

  6. Jeff says:

    Its possible that the figure of Cobra Commander is a chase figure and not the normal version of the figure.

    The other possibility (and most likely) is that the movie is titled “The Rise of Cobra” because its a prequel to the events in the cartoon and may end with Cobra Commander getting his old-school mask.

  7. party marty says:

    Well Cobra Commander has two equally iconic appearances, they couldnt have gone wrong. Only they did, he has a freaking CRYSTAL SKULL!!!

  8. bigsampson says:

    1.) why does marvel need writers….isnt comic book lingo good enough for a comic book movie?

    2.)who cares what cobra commander looks like…every one new they would fuck it up…for gods sake he wore a blue sheet on his head…not hard to figure that out….

    3.) tron 2.0…who cares

    4.)wow if your getting acclaims for a t.v. show thats ending, thats not teally a good thing….must have not been good enough..btw the thing is pretty much one of the best alien movies ever….FUCK YA!! i want a prequal now!

    5.)iron man 2…yadda yadda yadda…cant wait yadda yadda cant wait etc

    6.)i watched twighlight last night cause iwas drunk….go i felt like i was watching degrassi high or some shit…..wtf why wouldnt any one be able to tell that this doctors family are obviously vampires…they all have micheal jackson skin and are easily over 18…why the fuck they in school…i swear that movie is one big trendy high school meeting of douchebags…wtf is up with the female lead and her wierd mouth gestures and the male leads out there hair…people dont act or have hair like that….THERE VAMPIRES of course!!

    • Matt K says:

      wow i couldnt stand to watch twilight even if i was drunk

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      What was wrong with Twilight? Sure,it had the pace of a snail and the effects are not great (but a least they are quick and painless) but I didn’t have any problem with the overall story and the acting was alright. I actually wound up liking most of it.

      I was drinking coffee at the time.

    • Rodney says:

      Some people just like to hate. His reasons are vague and make him sound like he didn’t watch it.

      I was on the outside and I wasn’t going to bother, but I picked it up out of curiosity and I was pleasantly surprised.

      I just wish they would make them run and climb more naturally.. those were awkward.

    • Matt K says:

      hating? are we not allowed to have a negative opinion about a film w/o it considered to be “hating”? hell i rented it on dvd the other day and it was horrible, i mean nothing about the film was appealing to me.

    • Rodney says:

      There is a difference between being critical of a movie and disliking it, and just going out of your way to spread the dark word of your displeasure.

      Twilight wasn’t bad, but it fits a demographic who appreciate it more than I do. Still I enjoyed it.

      Going out of your way to bash the movie and anyone who would choose to watch it is just hating.

      You are free to dislike it all you want.

    • bigsampson says:

      ya i didnt like it cause it was for teens…too teeny bobberish…like i said it was degrassi junior high all over again…i didnt finih it cause all these kids were so over the top high school it hurt to watch it.

    • Rodney says:

      I found that these highschool kids were pretty “normal” which I found refreshing. Most stories that happen in highschool are quick to cram every character into a specific niche.

      The only people who stood out in a crazy niche were the vamps… and they were supposed to.

  9. Darren J Seeley says:

    From ze Peanut Gallery…

    1- I actually went to the Coming Soon site. In the report, it implies some of Marvel’s second tier, but it is Vision and Iron Fist that got my attention. Vision because that could tie in to the Avengers (or after the Avengers?) and Iron Fist because…well, that means the rights have reverted back to Marvel and LGF no longer has it? What’s it been? Almost ten years in dev. limbo, right?

    A Vision solo film would be challenging, since I’m hard pressed to name any villain for the Vision. I suppose Ultron, but given that Ultron is Pym’s rebellious creation, and may or may not be a Avengers foe remains to be seen. Vision can’t be hitched to Wanda The Scarlet Witch, because of that character’s X-Men ties.
    That could be a Marv animated film I suppose, but I didn’t notice any mention of the animated films.

    Another character namedropped was “Nighthawk”? Do they mean Darkhawk? Or Night Thrasher? Hmmm…anyway…

    The announcement has no bearing on characters who are currently under a studio’s flag, such as the Spider-Man and X-Men films and related spinoffs.

    It sounds like the invite is going out to repped, established scribes or in Marv’s own house, and not looking for spec writers.
    That’s a bit of a downer, but expected.

    Anyway, I’d hope for a horror film featuring The Swarm, or pitch a Sleepwalker DVD flick.
    Or Doctor Druid, for that matter.

    Hell yes I’m serious.
    Doctor Druid. Heck, have Doctor Druid and Zawadi fight Swarm.

    2- Agree with the mask. Or lack therof. Or is a transparent mask still a mask? Some crook wears a stocking, you can still see his eyes, right? So…I…nevermind.

    3- The Temptress in Tron 2.0. With a name like The Temptress… what kind of videogame are they playing? Can I play? Heh Heh.

    Anyway, the first film is still a trip. Now more retro than ever, but still a trip. That two-disc DVD (20) I have is outstanding. Tons of behind the scenes film stuff. Oodles of movie geek heaven.

    4- I’m not surprised. The Thing didn’t need a prequel. What’s it about? The Norway dudes, (sometimes mistaken for the Swedes), who only speak Norwegian, with two dudes surviving at the end, chasing the Thing dog… only to get accidentally blown up and shot in the opening minutes of the John Carpenter film! Gee, wonder what the problem is? Any guesses?

    5- Sam Rockwell is one of my favorite actors. Hard to tell it’s even him. That’s a good thing.

    6- Noot Sneer….you have my permission. Disown your parents.

    • bigsampson says:

      nighthawk….i thought he was a member of avengers…the guy that shoot arrows and wears purple?

    • Rodney says:

      That is Hawkeye Bigsampson. Close.

      Nighthawk was a far less popular character, and not to be confused with Darkhawk. He basically had super strength and agility at night and wore a hawk themed costume with some gadgets that helped him fly. There was an ongoing cross dimensional theme throughout most of its run.

  10. Android Invasion says:

    Matt K.
    If you ever start your own opinion site, hit me up

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