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Angel’s Andy Hallett dies at 33

By Rodney - March 30, 2009 - 18:20 America/Montreal

Andy Hallett, known in geek circles as Lorne on TV’s Angel has died of heart failure at the ripe age of 33.

EOnline reports:

Andy Hallett, who starred as Lorne (”the Host”) on the TV series Angel, died of heart failure last night at age 33, according to his longtime agent and friend Pat Brady. The actor passed away at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles after a five-year battle with heart disease, with his father Dave Hallett by his side.

His character Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan, or Lorne was first known as “The Host” and we later find out he is an outcast from a violent race of demons who don’t understand his love for music and performing. He quickly became a staple on TV’s Angel, and one of the most popular supporting cast member.

He wasn’t much outside of Angel, but he will always be remembered as Lorne the Host.


  1. DirkAnger23 says:

    This sucks. As cool, yet as dark, as Angel the TV show was, Lorne always brought a smile to my face when he popped up as a demon with an always sunny/positive disposition. Damn.

  2. David Lopan says:

    Was he a drug addict? or have a history of heart problems? Heart failure for a 33 year old is very odd.

    • Oliver says:

      Apparently he had a filling fall out. The cavity became infected without pain or swelling, and the infection spread to his heart irreparably damaging it.

      Fucking scary. Just had some fillings too.

    • David Lopan says:

      Awww man, that’s terrible. Especially when someone is that young too.

  3. David Lopan says:

    ah whoops…the rest of the headline didn’t load. i’m an asshole…nevermind hahaha

    • Tripp Van Easille says:

      I’m overdue for a dental check-up….where’s that phone???? He was always an entertaining character on the show.

  4. ButterOnMyPopcorn says:

    Sad, I loved that series even though the ending was lame. That is the second person to die now that was part of the cast I do believe.

  5. Doug (not Nagy) says:

    Yea, pretty sure the guy who played Doyle also died. Shame they were both so young. Great show.

  6. Jake says:

    Well, this freaking sucks.

  7. King Jonny says:

    Wow…To hear of one’s death is never a good thing, especially if they’re not that old at the time of death..

  8. Matt K says:

    Rest In Peace Andy Hallet

  9. The Best says:

    Sad. 33 is too young.

  10. Wise-man Named Bob says:

    How come it’s never the david spades that die?

  11. Cap'n Pickle says:

    Very sad…I know it is a part of life but I’m just tired of all the death.

  12. Andy D says:

    Fucking tragic :( I didn’t watch Angel too often, but the Host character was one that stuck in my memory the most.

    It’s sad that we’re losing so many talented young people lately, and it’s a brutal reminder that heart disease can affect absolutely anybody. Guy was just a few years older than me.

    Rest in peace, dude.

  13. Henrik says:

    WTF!!!! I am watching Angel right now! Im just finished with season four and im gonna begin on five as soon as i get it. This came as a real shock to me. I dont know what to say right now oter than season five will be difrent to watch now…

  14. Bart says:

    I just finish the tv series. ( i know i’m slow) but i loved Lorne and i thought he was great. He well be missed. He well live on in comic book form.

  15. Langleytwin says:

    its so dreadfully sad such a lovley guy, long lasting memories of him on stage at the Central hotel in Glasgow in a tartan bonnet reading a poem making himself cry and the audience.
    Rest in peace sir

  16. Anti-Septic says:

    Very sad, R.I.P. young man and God Bless!

  17. Chris says:

    Ya. This sucks. He was a really nice guy to meet and Lorne was an awesome character. This guy will be missed.

  18. lou says:

    just wanna say godbless x

  19. Henry says:

    Thanks for the memories Mr. Hallett. You will be missed.

  20. War-Journalist says:

    Godspeed (or whatever it is for demons XD). No but seriously we loved you, man. Favorite character of mine, he was. Such a shame.

  21. Solomon says:

    We will remember this great man for his role and humor.

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