Will Ferrell Sings the Land of the Lost Theme

Posted by Rodneyon 23. 02. 2009in News Chat

The big screen adaptation of Land of the Lost is fast becoming a Will Farrell comedy. Which is good news if you are a Will Ferrell Fan, but maybe not so good if you are a Land of the Lost fan. Land of the Lost was an adventure film, filled with all the wonder of this strange new world. I keep wanting to like this because of my nostalgia for Land of the Lost, but Ferrell keeps reminding me that this isn’t it.

I have said it before and I will again. I am just tired of Will Farrell’s comedy. So far what I have seen of this film in trailers and promo clips, I flip flop from recalling just why I love Ferrell and then I get tired scenes like the one above that reminds me why I am tired of him.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Will Ferrell and I think he is fine for his sort of comedy. If this is what you are going for, there is no better man for the job. But I think that I have seen his stylings a little too frequently and its just going on too long for me. Nothing serious, just not all that excited for it.

Anna Friel might be the only thing that saves me and gets me to watch this. I don’t know that I could resist.


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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Will Ferrell Sings the Land of the Lost Theme”

  1. Gigan300 says:

    wow i still have some hope for this, yes even after watching this clip

  2. chris....the real one says:

    danny mcbride and the chick from pushing daisies in a movie with will farrell…and that movie is land of the lost…FUCK YES!!

  3. Royal says:

    Funny stuff. You can’t deny the power of Ferrell, Will, not Colin, although Colin’s got skillz too.

  4. fullmetal_medji says:

    I could never get tired of Will Ferrell. The dude just makes me laugh so hard. I don’t anything about land of the lost, but it looks funny.

  5. Craig says:

    I just recently saw the trailer for this and it looks terrible. Will Ferrell is so hit or miss and this looks like a huge miss. He is trying to make a funny version of journey to center of the earth, just looks bad.

  6. shadess says:

    I like him and his movies and I’ll probably like this one as well.

  7. Larry Lee Moniz says:

    There are a few changes from the series to the movie, the biggest being Will and Holly aren’t Rick Marshall’s kids. But I am going to give this a chance.

    BTW, The Land Of The Lost logo you are using is the (highly less popular) nineties remake logo that barely resembles the original show.
    The 70′s one is better!
    (I am a graphic designer, and a dork)

    Thanks for the clip!

    • Rodney says:

      I too am a graphic designer, and I didnt use the pic because of its accuracy, but just because I liked it.

      There is a LOT changed about this to the movie. Its only loosely based on the premise and some of the iconic creatures they encounter, otherwise its all different.

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