Watchmen Promotional Clips Collected

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 02. 2009in News Chat

Recently I have been getting a lot of emails letting me know of clips coming out for Watchmen and I was reluctant to post them because, well they seemed to be releasing a new one every day.

Who am I to deny you these clips? So for the sake of those who want to see every last moment of the film they can before it comes out, I gathered all the clips I could here, starting with a 9 minute complilation on Youtube that I found that has some of the shorter clips all together.


Prison Break

There is some crossover, but for those of you who have that craving for a little Watchmen, there ya go!

Also, buzz says that “the Squid” may not be in the movie, but it “is in the movie” (The computer Dr Manhattan is working with is called the Sub QUantum Intrinsic Device.)

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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30 Responses to “Watchmen Promotional Clips Collected”

  1. Phil Gee says:

    I’m not watching any clips, I can hold out.

    I just managed to get my IMAX ticket for the first Saturday and was damn lucky I decided to do it now. The thing is practically sold out for the entire first weekend.

  2. Mr. Chris says:

    Going by the cheesiness of that prison break fight scene, I can already tell this won’t be a “Dark Knight” caliber movie, but it definitely looks fun. I love how the Spectre just rolls into the opening shot.

  3. Leo says:

    It looks great, a bit heavy on the slow-mo but still awesome.

  4. Gigan300 says:

    what happened to the transformers post, the one about megatron returning?

  5. chris....the real one says:

    hmm…im kinda sad after watching these clips….the 1st two were fine, but that prison break was way too cheesy for my taste…i know i shouldnt have watched them but, im kinda disappointed

  6. Tripp Van Easille says:

    Any scen withe the Silk Spectre works at this end! Woof-Uberman-Woof!!!

  7. HAZMAT says:

    prison brake scene uses the same music from 300 =]

    the “dan…youre a good friend” scene was Fd up in my opinion…that was my best part of the novel but, it looks crappy in the movie

    ozymandias OWNS all…ozy is THE ABSOLUTE best!

    agh! i love how the comedian just burns his map..he doesnt know whats comig to him for fucking with The Ozymandias

    …no one messes with The Ozymandias…

  8. Tripp Van Easille says:

    So what is the consensus on the chances of this film to be as big as TDK ..or somewhat close??? Its a little hard to gauge, whether it’ll be ‘genre-specific and just for the comics fanbase or a more wide audience….thoughts???

    • Mr. Chris says:

      $200M-300M isn’t completely unrealistic if it’s good. TDK’s success will help it a little, but it’ll still be a hard sell with it’s R-rating, 160-minute running time, and lack of any known Heath Ledger-sized star power.

      It’s biggest problem will be it’s obscure premise. I’ve been following stories on it for months and even I don’t know what it’s about. One time, I listened to a bunch of people discuss the poster while waiting in line at the theater, and one of them thought it was a remake of “Mystery Men.”

      We’ll find out in 10 days how it turns out.

  9. Gordon Freeman says:

    In the prison break clip, you can obviously tell that their punches and kicks aren’t making contact…I was excited for this movie but that clip pretty much ruined it for me.

  10. Eric says:

    just bought my tickets yay!

  11. says:

    While I really want to like this film, nothing I see in these clips works for me.


  12. Tripp Van Easille says:

    I just re-read the limited edition hardback and again was flown back to 1986 once again. Personally, I can’t wait for the opening of this one and hope it does well. The bar has been raised by TDK and this will (I hope) re-enforce that new standard. We’ll see….

  13. John says:

    i’ve never understood the appeal of this thing.

  14. 3R!C says:

    Movie looks cool. I think the audio was out of sync on the last clip cause you can hear the sound of the punches and kicks before they happen on the screen. The older Silk Spectre looks like the mom from Back To The Future.

  15. Ross F says:

    I think it look s OK…not spectacular, but good. However, I can’t stand the guy they got to play Ozy, and how he plays Ozy. Maybe it’s just my preconceived notion of the character that I got from the comic, but he wasn’t a small guy that slouched. He was a pretty big guy that knew who/what he was and stood very straight, etc.

    Whatever…still want to see it just for Rorschach

  16. Hiland says:

    This movie looks dissapointing to me. I was really looking foward to this but now after watching these clips I’m not to pleased….. Way too much SLOW-MO!

  17. Nite Owl's Limp Noodle says:

    I hate to say this…but this movie is going to be the greatest movie ever made…It will be the movie to end all movies…Forget Dark Knight…forget Godfather…Watchmen will own…but only in the minds of fans.

    The rest of the world will not GET this movie…just like when I saw “The Fountain” and by the end of the movie I was the last guy in the theater…

    This movie’s gonna tank so hard…It’s too complex for the simplistic minds of most people to understand. They need their American Idol…their Dancing with the Stars…They will say it sucks and the box office will reflect that…but we shall know the truth…and the truth will set us free. ;-)

  18. AARON says:

    Nite OWl, this is coming from a DIE HARD fan of the graphic novel. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE the novel and I think the movie will be awesome. I agree, the general public will not get it at all. However…I do not think it will tank, though in it’s second weekend I predict MAJOR drop off, probably out of the top 6 or 7, it’ll be awesome, but here’s why it possibly won’t tank.
    1. “from the visionary director of 300″
    That’ll get some people’s attention

    2. It’s a super hero movie, that again will rack in bucks.

    But, here’s why it possibly will.
    1. the trailers and TV spots give nothing to explain what it’s about.

    I still think it won’t tank, the novel is so amazing and mind blowing, people who haven’t read the novel and who won’t like the flick, DO NOT know what they are missing out on

    • Nite Owl's Limp Noodle says:

      It’s just a shame. I read a horrible review today where the critic was calling it campy and pointless. I need to stop watching the clips here, because it’s making me have my doubts about it now.

    • Rodney says:

      I think the reviews for this are going to be very polarized. Either they will love it and call it an instant classic, or they wont get it at all and call it cheesey and campy.

      The clips here have never implied the movie will be cheesey.

  19. AARON says:

    Didn’t I hear Snyder say The Squid wasn’t gonna be in the film? Not sure how I feel about that

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