Twilight’s Eclipse gets a Greenlight and 2010 Release

Posted by Rodneyon 23. 02. 2009in News Chat

Hollywood is a fast paced town, and in this internet age, nothing needs to wait. Books are getting movie rights sold before the book even hits the shelf and sequels are announced before the first movie even comes out. Twilight is no different.

It looks like the third book in the series is already out of the blocks and running as Twilight’s Eclipse gets a greenlight.

Summit Entertainment has given the greenlight to the third film in Stephanie Meyer’s popular Twilight series. According to Variety, the film will be titled Eclipse, and it will have a release date of June 30th, 2010.

Just like New Moon got re-branded as “The Twilight Saga’s New Moon” I am sure this will quickly become “The Twilight Saga’s Eclipse”

But I think the rapid fire production schedule of this franchise is just further proof of the flash in the pan sensation that this has become. I am sure that the producers behind this movie are hoping to monopolize on the popularity of the series before it fades away and loses its luster.

It is a smart plan. They don’t give the Twilight fans a chance to lose their excitement and they still maintain their audience. If they dragged out the series with a film every other year, they could still potentially make as much money provided the fanbase stayed strong, but with technology as it is today, and a film like this that doesn’t require an effects heavy post photography process, firing these out as fast as possible maximizes their returns.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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11 Responses to “Twilight’s Eclipse gets a Greenlight and 2010 Release”

  1. Gmagnum says:

    I hope those execs that decided to have Harry Potter 6 delayed are regretting that decision, Twilight is starting to take over

    • Blaze says:

      I’d reserve judgment until Twilight’s sequel Comes out. Warner has made over 1.4 BILLION dollars on the property. That’s an average of 282 million dollars per release.Last I checked Twilight’s present number isn’t close to those returns.

      If and only if the second one can a) retain its original audience and b) widen its audience to include new non-fans than maybe it’ll come close to Potter’s final receipt.

      Warner could release the next harry potter on Xmas day or any other time and be assured to make over 200 million.

      Displacing it from its original was smart foresight, considering the state of the economy. They made great gains with the Dark Knight. Why not push a guaranteed success for a time where they will need the push to satisfy their investors.

  2. HAZMAT says:

    eclipse is the best book of the series

    if anyone knows what im talking about:

    i hope that they change the movies so theres fights at the end of new moon (vulturi versus edward and alice…added to the few werewolf ones)
    and add a huge fight at the end of breaking dawn (both the werewolf vs werewolf/cullen one AND the huge vampire gathering vs vulturi one)

    it would just make the movies better…i hope they translate it so theres more action

    • Andrea says:

      I agree. Eclipse was outstanding. However, I would love to see Breaking Dawn as a movie. That book reconciles the entire saga. I hope New Moon does justice to the Volturi, that would make their return in a possible Breaking Dawn movie even more potent. Now that I have read Breaking Dawn I just don’t think that the film experience of the ENTIRE Twilight saga is complete without it. Everything comes full circle and quinches our craving for the complete fruition of Bella and Edwards relationship and all the other twists. If they did not make anymore movies after Breaking Dawn it would be an easy way to offer closure on the entire story.

  3. Meli says:

    I think the Eclipse date is a little rushed unless Summit is planning to start filming before New Moon is finished. Not that I expect the movies to be a step up from Twilight it would still be nice to a bit of planning and effort. Heck, I read they’ll be using wire work again -UGH- that was a major fail for the final fight scene.

    Hazmat - Eclipse is my favorite of the novels as well and I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the fight scenes.
    It’d work in Breaking Dawn’s favor to change the ending showdown. As it is I don’t think the book is going to translate into a movie.

    • HAZMAT says:

      yeah youre right…it builds up a huge fight and then nothing happens, that would suck for a movie. but eclipse wont need any editing, its already filled with action.

      but it wasnt bad in the book, its not an action book its a romance, i love the books and i try to tell people that if they want action they should read something else. the twilight series are great romances, and the action it does have is pretty good

      the movies however, im 100% positive will have the action added in them, especially breaking dawn

  4. fullmetal_medji says:

    Geez, these movies are getting made quickly. After the 2nd one it won’t even be a year before the 3rd one is released. I was surprised on how much I enjoyed Twilight because I definitely don’t fit the film’s demographic. It was definitely flawed, but is was an enjoyable vampire romance story. Plus I don’t get this whole Twilight sagA thing. Can’t it just be Twilight 3 or Eclipse. It just sounds weird.

    • Meli says:

      It’s the Twilight Saga because there are four books and the books themselves are already refered to as a Saga instead of a Series.

  5. LBailey says:

    I just hope the soundtrack won’t be as horrid as the first movie….I ended up liking the beginning of most songs and ended up HATING them after hearing the lyrics. God help me if they follow the writer’s list! I will boycott in the worst way!!!! Teens LOVE these books/movies….they NEED to appeal to them more than anyone else!

  6. Elizabeth says:

    I hope they make all 4 books into movies, and try to make them as good as the books. They shouldn’t rush them - Make them GREAT! I really want to see Breaking Dawn made into the movie because it’s my favorite book.

  7. Rodney says:

    You need to calm down. If you don’t like the movie/books, just dont read the articles about it.

    We are not going to stop writing about movies just because you dont like them.

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