Street Fighter Holding A Mighty 0% On Rotten Tomatoes

Posted by John Campeaon 28. 02. 2009in News Chat

Well Street Fighter has hit the theaters. Just for context, a year ago I wrote this about Street Fighter:

Now, if you’re sitting there reading that cast list and thinking “my dear sweet lord, this this is going to be horrible”, let your mind be at peace. The good news is that the man who directed such classics as Romeo Must Die, Exit Wounds and Cradle 2 the Grave, Mr. Andrzej Bartkowiak is directing so there’s nothing to worry about. Oh wait a second… all those movies SUCKED. Yeah, not a lot of hope for this disaster in the making.

And sure enough… as of this moment Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li is sitting at a big 0%. Maybe it’s just me… but I can’t remember another wide release film that held a 0% after being released in theaters. Who knows… maybe it’ll get lucky and someone will give it a positive review in the next few days… but I think the odds of that are pretty low.

So the big question here is… is anyone surprised?

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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64 Responses to “Street Fighter Holding A Mighty 0% On Rotten Tomatoes”

  1. MattK says:

    nope not suprised.

    • anthony says:

      that movie kick butt I liked the part where she and josie were fighting in the bathroom that was hot

    • MattK says:

      well anthony im glad that you enjoyed, but i can honestly say that i dont intend to ever watch this, but maybe i’ll give it a try when it comes on hbo or some shit.

  2. bigsampson says:

    hahahahahahHHQAHAHHhhds;la omfg hahha

    nope not suprised

  3. HAZMAT says:


    has that like…ever happened?

    well its only been like 20 hours so…

  4. Salem says:


  5. Kaneda979 says:

    Not surprised one bit. I had maybe 5-10% of hope for this film at one time, but that was about a year ago. If it truly deserves a zero, then good. With hope it will serve as another shinning example of how not to make a movie based on a video game. So that some day maybe we’ll actually get a good one. Granted Silent Hill and Hitman weren’t too bad, but still.

    Only thing is, how many freakin’ bad video game movies is it gonna take until someone finally does get it right…?

    This is the 2nd movie based on the Street Fighter series and it still sucks ass. Wow, just wow…

  6. Phil Gee says:

    It’s on course for a $4 million opening weekend apparently. Good job!

    Oh well, I still hold hope that the ‘Prince of Persia’ movie might be good.

  7. AARON says:

    I am shocked, I thought it would ATLEAST get a 1%

  8. Seth Rex says:

    I am hoping to see it. But what’s shocking to me is that barely any theatres near me are even playing it. And this is a 20th Century Fox release!

  9. obi-wan kubrick says:

    All of her Smallville fame led to this.

  10. Grave says:

    Nope not suprised, A Street Fighter movie without Ken and Ryu, terrible director, mis-casted, bad story, and bad action scenes. Whats even worse is this film is making the orginal look good. Over at RT it holds a 14% thats a huge gain over this film.

  11. King Jonny says:

    Mark the time and date, ladies and gentleman. We’ve just witnessed a redefining of the term “EPIC FAIL”.

  12. Kristina says:

    Romeo Must Die had some cool stuff, but the wire work in that film, particularly during the football fight, was absurd.

  13. MattK says:

    damn thats lower than DISASTER MOVIE.

  14. Gmagnum says:

    It’s alright, everyone knows that videogame movies are not the same as the videogames, Street Fighter IV kicks ass.

  15. fullmetal_medji says:

    Romeo Must Die was always one of my guilty pleasures. Seriously, I didn’t think the Street Fighter could be that bad. I think that last wide released film to get a zero rating was Strange Wilderness (the shit bomb from Happy Madison Productions).

  16. Eric says:

    haha lana lang sucks

  17. Splinter says:

    Gonna watch it even though this sucks… <3 Kristen!!!

  18. Man -boy says:

    I’ve seen both this and watchmen (“yes I have”)and i’m telling you all right now as bad as this movie is it’s a million time’s better than watchmen.

    • Dan says:

      Very doubtful you’ve seen “Watchmen”

    • really? says:

      man -boy. what the hell are you talking about. ZACH FUCKING SNYDER directed watchmen. i havent seen street fighter or watchmen…but i know ZACH FUCKING SNYDER directed watchmen and at the very least it will be watchable if not fucking spectacular. man you’re dull mate.

    • riggs says:

      even if he’s only talking about the motion comic film (i bet he is), he’s still full of shit.

    • MattK says:

      who cares if he thinks watchmen sucks that just his opinion and you shouldnt let it stop you from seeing it.

  19. justrobby says:

    Im still waiting to see this film. Surely it cant be that bad. Will this beat DragonBall Evolution..

  20. Steve L. says:

    I watched a review from that actually stated the first Street Fighter movie was better than this because at least with that movie they knew it was campy.

    This is just pitiful…Good God Hollywood!

  21. Man -boy says:

    Well Dan, I’m outside the U.S and i have seen it ,and i know what i know and the movie is to long and will not apeal to the broader maket beyond the few fan boy’s,sorry to be so right but this movie will suffer at the boxoffice.

    • retarded? says:

      man -boy. what are you talking about? the movie is short compared to today’s standards of 2 and a half hour plus long movies. fan boys will hate this shit because it does not represent the story of street fighter well at all. man. just throw your computer through a window and call it a night pal.

    • Chris says:

      There is a story to Street Fighter? Who knew?

  22. taco says:

    trainwreck wrapped in an abortion

  23. heyshenanigans says:

    Green dude isn’t in it from what I’ve heard. That makes it a FAIL right there.

  24. paul says:

    I didnt even know this filmed existed and thats sayin sumthin.

  25. Darren J Seeley says:

    Out of odd thought, what is the RT rating that 94′s Street Fighter currently holds? 15%, right?

    Let’s just hope that, unlike that film, nobody’s careers go down in a swirl. I would like Kristen to stay around a little while, do other films which may actually give her a chance to act.

    As for Bartkowiak, I, too liked bits and pieces of his past films (not counting DOOM, which I hated entirely) but he never came across to me as a good action director.

    The rest of the cast and crew hope for a sequel; I can’t say if that it will happen (hey, how many Childen of The Corn’s were there? You never say never!) or if they’ll get it right next time. I can, however say, that people can still pimp themselves out for a quick dollar.

  26. THE FOOL ON THE HILL says:

    It does deserve a big fat 0%, what a crappy ass movie, it’s for kids, little blokes…

  27. SlashBeast says:

    There was no doubt in my mind that this movie would suck. If it truly is deserving of 0% then it deserves all of the bashing it gets. I just love to say “I told you so” to all of the people who said it would be harmless fun.
    Studios need to learn how to handle video-game adaptions, most video-games DON’T translate onto film. CHOOSE the right ones to adapt, give us a Metal Gear Solid movie or something.

    • bigsampson says:

      i disagree…personally i think lots of video games would make great movies…problem is that the creators of these movies seem to be trying to creat video game movies…instead of a movie thats story is from a video game…big differance….like get a clue film industry. and MGS would be awesome.

    • SlashBeast says:

      I think that’s a good point. Alot of the time they know that the film has little audience outside video game fans so they pander too much to them. I still think that they’re choosing the wrong kinds of video games to adapt. There’s tons of video games with awesome stories but they seem to be choosing the ones where the plot can be written on the back of your hand.

  28. Slushie Man says:

    Personally, I thought it kicked ass. At least I had a fun time at the movies with it.

  29. NYCKing says:

    I’m not suprised myself. I knew this thing was gonna be a distaster from the beginning as soon as I saw the list of “actors” who were chosen when John posted it last year.

    I wouldn’t be suprised if it gets taken out of theaters next week and goes straight to video.

    King out.

  30. Dragonslayer says:

    I knew it was gonna suck…but damn..

  31. AndyS says:

    Just wait DBE will do just as poorly.

  32. DON says:

    Well it isn’t a wide release at all. It released in 1400 theatres.

    Anyways next bomb will be Dragonball.

    • John says:

      Hey Don,

      Exactly how many theaters do you think qualifies as “Wide Release” 1400 theaters is more than a wide release.

    • DON says:

      I thought 2000+ theatres = wide release.

      Didn’t know 1000+ = wide release.

      Anyways the studio couldn’t careless about this movie. Afterall they didn’t spend a single dime on the production of this movie. Only thing fox did was distribute and market and frankly speaking there was hardly any marketing both domestically and overseas.

  33. AARON says:

    600 theaters is when wide release kicks in I think

  34. The Shape says:

    i cant tell RMD, EW, and C2TG apart. its the same movie with a different soundtrack and they let THAT guy behind the camera AGAIN!!! somebody tell Fox that you never go “full retard”!!!

  35. Seth Rex says:

    I have to say that I enjoyed Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li greatly. I’m hoping it’ll warrent the sequel, that way the fans can get the film they wanted.

  36. Carlos says:

    I just checked Box Office Mojo, this movie will barely gross 5 million dollars. Uwe Boll used to be the only director to acomplish such box office numbers in it’s opening weekend.

  37. Monty says:

    Jean-Claude Van Damme we need you!

  38. bobsyeruncle says:

    Well, 0% may not be an impressive start, but I think they’ll double it once the buzz gets started!

  39. Henrik says:

    After seeing this movie, i had to see the Van Damme Street Fighter just to feel better again.

  40. AARON says:

    Once the buzz gets started????????? Dude! It’s at 4 M on opening weekend, there will never be any buzz

  41. DON says:

    I thought 2000+ theatres = wide release.

    Didn’t know 1000+ = wide release.

    Anyways the studio couldn’t careless about this movie. Afterall they didn’t spend a single dime on the production of this movie. Only thing fox did was distribute and market and frankly speaking there was hardly any marketing both domestically and overseas.

  42. Jake says:

    I’m not surprised at all by the reception of this movie. It looked bad from the start.

  43. Monty says:

    Street Fighter is now up to 6% at RT, Variety and The New York Times gave it positive reviews.

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