Stars and Writers All Ready for a Streetfighter Sequel

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 02. 2009in News Chat

Apparently the upcoming Streetfighter: Legend of Chun-li has an ending that is so blatantly obvious they are setting it up for a sequel.

MTVMovies Blog says:

Now, I’m not going to tell you who lives and who dies over the course of the movie. But suffice it to say, the sequel would revolve around an “Enter the Dragon”-like martial arts tournament that would bring all the “Street Fighter” characters together. And, well, let’s just say that some returns would be easier than others.

Now just because it is set up for a sequel with an obvious teaser ending, and the writers and actors are all willing to come back really doesn’t mean they WILL come back or that anything has been given the green light yet.

However, it sounds like the movie they are hoping to head into next is more what the fans might have wanted NOW. I applaud them on a bold move of focusing the storyline around one of the secondary players on the character selection screen, and I do think that Chun-Li had a lot more story to her than the main characters did. But with an “Enter the Dragon” style martial arts tournament follows closer to the concept of the game itself.

So I think that it would make sense that after they finish with Chun-li’s story, everyone would come back with grudges and rematches in mind in a bloodsport of martial arts tournament. Which of course would involve the core storyline of Ken and Ryu, the classic player one and two. Their entire purpose revolved around proving themselves to be the best fighters. Pretty simple, but with some movie to set them up into it that is all you need to make a movie about those two.

They had me on board from the get go. I was willing to give this a chance. Anything would be better than that VanDamme flick. But then they released a pile of scenes to tease you with some action and I was turned off completely. Like finding out your date used to be a man.

MTV does have another article about the lack of stunt doubles and how signature moves were incorporated into the movie to make sure everything fit in the Street Fighter world. Judging by the fight scenes in the bits they published last week not only do they need a sound editor, but they should have used stunt doubles for the fighting anytime they could.

Interestingly enough, the interviewer asks each star of the movie what THEY would do if they were a streetfighter and without exception - even Michael Duncan Clark - gave examples of how useless they would be in a fight. “I’d just hug it out,” grinned McDonough, the film’s villain. “I’m a lover; that’s what I do. I’m Bison the hugger.”

And these were good choices for action stars??

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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24 Responses to “Stars and Writers All Ready for a Streetfighter Sequel”

  1. Party Marty says:

    Im guessing Bisons return is the difficult one, maybe he will inhabit a different body or something and wear something closer to the red uniform. That loosely fits the plot of Street Fighter Alpha 3.

    • Rodney says:

      Nothing saying Bison dies in the movie. Perhaps this is the obvious sequel tease they talk about. Bison is believed dead and he is transported to a new body.

      This is also a big part of Bison’s storyline in Streetfighter 4 too. He wants to be the ultimate enemy “Seth” so he can have his soul placed in his superior body.

    • bigsampson says:

      ya in sf4 bison has plans….dont know the role this has in the movie…but really who fucking cares….this movie is crap and kinda devalues the efforts that were made to the game…story mode in the game is horrible IMO …justa really good fighting game.

  2. Seth Rex says:

    Anyone is capable of becoming a fighter if they had to. I’m waiting for this flick, and ultimately the sequel. But you’re right about actors and such not always returning. Some of it has to do with scheduling too.

  3. Grave says:

    HAHAHHAHA This is funny shit! They have an idea for the sequel that should have been made into the first film.

    Over at they had an article of a review of this movie and the person says its worse than the Vaan Dam film.

  4. obi-wan kubrick says:

    Poor Kristen Kreuik. She showed so much promise in Smallville.

  5. dax says:

    i don’t think this movie will get a sequel.
    the sad part is that this movie might be worse than the first Street Fighter.
    Who’s bright idea was it to remove the best characters from the games? There’s no E.HOnda, Dalsim, Ken, Ryu, Sagat, Guile, Blanka, and a host of others.

    • Kitty Kats are Funny! says:

      ya…I haven’t seen the film but assuming none of the mentioned characters are in it…

      Lets take Street Fighter. Remove every single character everyone likes in the game minus a couple. Take those couple character and completely disregard how they appear in the videogame.

      Regardless, Street Fighter the movie. No. can’t even comprehend why someone would make a movie of this game. Playing Street Figher 4 recently and reading comments on the game, I had no idea it even had any sort of story. Which isn’t interesting anyway…

      How bout take a game with an actual good story and make a movie based on it while sticking close to the source material. There are plenty of ones that come to mind…tho I’m sure many movie critics would disagree since every videogame movie that has been made strays so far from the source material that, not only does it end up being a terrible movie, but it gives people a bad impression of videogames in general (the ones that don’t play them I mean…like majority of the movie critics).

    • dax says:

      Kitty Kats,

      Yes All those characters aren’t in the movie. There’s even more missing characters.

      I felt that Mortal Kombat was loyal enough to the games, but still was a good movie. I don’t get why it’s so hard for them to copy what Paul Anderson did. Fanboys hate his guts, but he did a good job with Mortal Kombat.

    • Kitty Kats are Funny! says:

      well I liked the first Mortal Kombat movie actually. But I saw it when I was like 12 or something…so that may of been a reason :p

      I’ve seen it in my later years tho and still think it is a fun movie. However, the sequel was atrocious.

      The only other videogame movie that comes to mind that I enjoyed with Silent Hill. Watching it felt like playing the game to me. They nailed the atmosphere I think. Plus they used the music from the game which made me happy. I can see why majority of the audience wouldn’t of liked it tho since it was pretty ambigious with what was going on (especially the ending).

  6. DirkAnger23 says:

    How could this movie not get a sequel? I mean it ain’t like last night was the first time I ever even saw a TV commercial advertising this movie or anything, even though it comes out next week. I mean how could this possibly not be a massive hit…………..gasp.

  7. BamKazaam says:

    i’ll just stick with the game lol

  8. Darren J Seeley says:

    I’m looking forward to this as I am looking forward to Tekken.

    Yes, no hope at all.
    So a door is open for a sequel. Meaningless.
    Are they better than the Steven DeSouza craptacular? I’m sure of it. Could they get any worse?

  9. AARON says:

    Does anyone really care that it’ll get a sequel? Looks horrible

  10. NYCKing says:

    The only way this flick’s gonna get a sequel green-lit, is if it does well and rakes in some serious cash. Judging from the clips released a while back that I saw, this thing looks to be a serious disaster from start to finish.

    I was willing to give this a chance, as I like to keep an open mind, but I just don’t see anything good comin’ outta this.

    The serious lack of logic, though, is the fact that this was another chance to make a SF film about Ken and Ryu, but it didn’t happen. That’s what fans really wanna see, period. I guess I’ll have to continue to stick with the SF2 animated film that was incorporated into my SF The Anniversary Collection PS2 copy.

    • Grave says:

      ohhh NYCKing, dont settle for just the bad DVD quality of a great anime. Get the real DVD picture is better and you get to see more of chun-li in the shower which is what the legend of chun-li should have been.

  11. John says:



  12. Liberty says:

    I saw it and I gotta say, it wasn’t that bad. It was 100 times better than the first. I think the writers made the right choice by going with this route first instead of starting out with Ryu and Ken because come on, out of all of the characters she has the deepest storyline to work with. I’m glad they didn’t make it too video game like. That was done before and look how it turned out. The way they did this one looked a whole lot more like a real movie and not some cheesy TV movie.

    I don’t know what you guys are talking about with the fight scenes, as far as I can see it was pretty flawless and so much better than in Mortal Kombat. The fight sequences actually looked like real fighting, they were moving at believable speeds — like someone who actually knew what they were doing. Okay, I’ll admit that there were some bad parts. Overall, a lot of these people were good actress/actors but some of their lines just weren’t delivered well. Seriously though, what did you expect? It’s a movie based on a freaken video game! It’s not going to be winning any awards.
    Thank god they didn’t dress the characters like the video game, it’s just so ridiculous (hello??? Look at the first movie, cheap and cheesy that’s how it came out).
    This movie had more depth than the first attempt at Street Fighter but yes, it lacked some in story but then again, they’re hinting at a sequel. This was just the lead in.

  13. Frank says:

    This thing is currently sitting at whopping 0% over at rottentomatoes with some of the 10 or so critic reviews suggesting that the 1994 film is better that this movie. So, yeah, if this is that bad, I hope that it completely flops at the box office so we can be spare from another crapfest. And is not like I’m not a Street Fighter fan (I have SFIV, which cost $60), but I think is time for us the fans to send a clear and loud message to the people who keep producing this thing. And that is for them to stop fooling themselves by thinking that the fan base that managed to made the first film profitable back in the days is still too young and naive to know what a good film looks like. On a positive note, Chris Klein’s performance is so legendarily bad that we can at least expect to have some laughs once parody videos begin to hit the net.

  14. Shane Hero says:

    Just because they set it up for a sequel doesn’t guarantee we’re getting one.

    After all these years I’m still waiting to find out what Mario and Luigi are going to do after Daisy came running into their house to say they had to go back. I’m guessing Super Mario Bros 2 is still in the works.

    And according to the end of the Van Damme Street Fighter, Bison is not dead. So I’m sure we’ll be getting a sequel to that film as soon as it fits into Van Damme’s busy schedule. “Who wants to come with me… AGAIN!”

  15. Kristina says:

    This will not open in the Top 10.

  16. Robert(wolf) says:

    Not only has this film been getting reviews so bad it makes my future grandkids hurt, but this opened against the Jonas Brothers movie….JONAS BROTHERS for Christ’s sake. Street Fighter is going to tank.

  17. windy gloves says:

    That’s an interesting article. I just wondered if you could tell me where to find more info on this topic ?

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