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Star Trek Next Generation Cast to appear on Family Guy

By Rodney - February 26, 2009 - 11:28 America/Montreal

With the New Star Trek poised to overwrite history all that went before/after will be sealed in its own discontinued parallel universe, but the cast of Star Trek The Next Generation had a reunion of sorts and it may be the last time all of them are in the same room together. The entire cast will be offering its services to voice a cameo appearance of their popular characters on an episode of Family Guy.

IESB.net shares:

In the episode titled “Not All Dogs Go to Heaven,” the “Next Gen” crew (Patrick Stewart, Levar Burton, Gates McFadden, Michael Dorn, Wil Wheaton, Denise Crosby, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner and Jonathan Frakes) will provide guest voices as the Griffin family heads to the annual Quahog “Trek” convention.

“Stewie blows a fuse when he doesn’t get a chance to ask his favorite ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ cast members any questions,” reads the logline. “He devises a plan, builds a transporter and beams the entire cast to his bedroom so they can spend a fun-filled day together in Quahog.

One thing I love about the Simp… Family Guy is that they get voice actors to actually voice their cameo parts. The scenes are funny enough when a celebrity makes a cameo and they dont HAVE to use the orignal voice actor for the part - its animation. But its just far funnier when they do.

I am really eager to see how they play out this episode.


  1. AARON says:

    Yes!!!!!! I am an extreme Family Guy fan, and anything they do is hilarious, so this should be good

  2. robert4042 says:

    This sounds awsome I can’t wait to see to see it. I Love Family Guy

  3. frankwolftown says:

    Holy poop! Now if I could only remember when this show is on again.

  4. HAZMAT says:

    i swear to god if they make one “teenage star trek” joke i will throw the refrigerator at my cat…

  5. AndyS says:

    Family Guy is great, can’t wait to watch. Rodney The Simpsons have sucked for the past 10 years.

  6. alfie says:

    woah…are family guy going to reference an old tv show???

    wow - the really like to break new ground ;)

  7. Koko says:

    I love Family Guy, I love The Simpson, new and old. What I don’t get is how people find American Dad funnier than family guy???

    I like American Dad but I laugh maybe 5 times compared to Family Guys 50.

  8. AndyS says:

    I think American Dad is just as funny as season 7 of Family guy. I also think it is far more offensive and that tends to be my humor.

  9. Todd W in NC says:

    I’ve never watched Family Guy, but I might have to this time.

    Oh, and the picture at the top of the post has Data and Wesley in the wrong seats.

    • Rodney says:

      Dear God in heaven… that matters?

      Because clearly with them sitting in the wrong chair, they are totally unqualified for that station and the animator responsible for that image will be putting thousands of fictional lives in danger!!!

      While we are at it, Riker shaved the goatee during the 7 and a half episodes that Deana wore that specific shade of purple in her non-regulation uniform, and Worf’s hair was much longer then.

      God the incompetency!!

    • Todd W in NC says:

      Dude, calm down.

      No, it doesn’t matter that they got the seats wrong. I think it’s a little odd that the show would play homage to TNG by lampooning it in an episode but not get something so simple correct (unless they’re making the “mistake” on purpose to see if anyone notices).

      *But*, no, it ultimately won’t matter if the bit is funny, and I was really just bringing it up because people like me who used to be huge fans of TNG are admittedly geeky enough to notice little things like that.

      I kind of brought it up to be funny, but your skills at blowing a simple, half-joking comment way of proportion are pretty impressive. Good job.

    • The Dude says:

      I agree. I noticed this too but was too afraid to comment because of the way that Rodney reacts. I also was wondering why they would get it wrong, considering that MacFarlane is a Star Trek fan. It must have been done on purpose.

    • Rodney says:

      Todd, I find it deliciously ironic that your blowing my simple half joking sarcastic response way out of proportion.

      I really think that if it was on purpose it was to get under the skin of trekkies that would react the way I mockingly did to your comment.

      Exhale dude. No one is upset here.

    • Todd W in NC says:

      My apologies, Rodney. About five minutes after I submitted that I thought of a less abrasive way I should have responded. In my defense, however, your comment didn’t seem half-joking. Maybe we should use smiley faces or something when we’re just joking around. ;)

      The tone in which I made the first comment was similar to that of Phil Farrand who wrote several volumes of the Nitpicker’s Guide to the various incarnations of Star Trek. He was a devoted fan but realized that the writers & production people on Star Trek tended to slip up on continuity to an unusually high degree -thus, the Nitpicker’s Guides.

      I’m a detail-oriented person in the first place, and I was obsessed with Trek enough during high school that I spotted many of the technical & continuity errors that are in the Nitpicker’s Guides (I think I even found one or two that weren’t in the books).

      That’s why I thought it was funny when the Family Guy artists made their “mistake” in the picture above, and that I still cared enough to notice it and point it out. I’ll agree with The Dude that something that blatant was probably done on purpose to see if it would get a reaction out of someone. Mission accomplished. ;)

  10. AndyS says:

    It was sit in the wrong seat day, duh!


      Why does Data have to sit down anyways. He’s a machine. Cant he just plug himself into a socket and give up the chair to another officer. Even better get down on all fours and let Wesley sit on top of him…

      This thread could go on for ever… LOL

  11. MattyPlant says:

    My friend is a Trekkie but he hates Family Guy, its goin’ on the phone and I will watch it and laugh while he sits there and shakes his head in disgust.

    He will also comment on the seating, Shade of dress, goe=atee, wharfs inconsistant unibrow, and the fact that Laforge is on the bridge, Ass, lol!

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