Shrek Goes Fourth Synopsis Surfaces

Posted by Rodneyon 23. 02. 2009in News Chat

Leaving no stone unturned for a peek at what might be set for us with Shrek’s latest installment “Shrek Goes Fourth”, the synopsis for the film has turned up sourcing a document from the Copyright Office.

MovieWeb shares:

After challenging an evil dragon, rescuing a beautiful princess and saving your in-laws’ kingdom, what’s an ogre to do? Well, if you’re Shrek, you suddenly wind up a domesticated family man. Instead of scaring villagers away like he used to, a reluctant Shrek now agrees to autograph pitchforks. What’s happened to this ogre’s roar? Longing for the days when he felt like a “real ogre,” Shrek is duped into signing a pact with the smooth-talking dealmaker, Rumplestiltskin. Shrek suddenly finds himself in a in a twisted, alternate version of Far Far Away, where ogres are hunted, Rumplestiltskin is king and Shrek and Fiona have never met. Now, it’s up to Shrek to undo all he’s done in the hopes of saving his friends, restoring his world and reclaiming his one True Love.

So some paper pusher is doing his diligent job and now we can dig into those resources to get a tip to the new film.

I heard something close to this buzzing around a while ago, so this may just confirm it or tighten the plot. I really hope that this turns around the Shrek series. My excitement for the franchise dwindled exponentially as the series went on crashing hard on the third. Maybe Meyers can recover and give us a better chapter this time out?

I mean he can’t do worse than Love Guru right? Please tell me he can’t.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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13 Responses to “Shrek Goes Fourth Synopsis Surfaces”

  1. Monty says:

    “Days of Future Shrek’s Past”

  2. 3R!C says:

    I can’t believe he still has the haircut from So I Married An Axe Murderer

  3. GODFATHER says:

    OK. First, Guru was not a shit movie. It wasn’t the best work Myers ever put out, but get off it already.

    Second. The third Shrek flick was not as good as the first two. Fine, but was it a bad movie? No! It had its charm and “there are better ways to solve a problem than fight” message. You people seem to forget that this is a movie catering to children. Yes the first two also had something for the parents, but its primary audience is the kiddies. Remember that.

    Personally, I think this forth instalment will be nothing spectacular and probably rip off some already “what if my life turned out this way” storylines, but I’ll still make sure my nieces and nephews see it. They’ll enjoy it.

    • Rodney says:

      Guru was the worst effort Myers ever put out for a film. After it was out Myers himself was making excuses for it.

      Sorry Godfather, that film was the bottom of the barrel of unused gags from all the Austin Powers films that he didn’t even think were funny enough to use then.

    • GODFATHER says:


      Do you think Myers would’ve made excuses for Guru if it actually made money at the box office (as in “considered a success”)? I doubt it. He was probably too terrified that many execs were thinking along the same lines most reviewers were (and someone nailed it with the “too few tricks” comment) and that he would be out of Hollywood’s good graces unless he admitted to screwing that flick up.

      Personally, I don’t think Guru sucked, and like I said, it wasn’t his best film. However, it’s nowhere near as bad as a lot of other things out there (aka Mall Cop - talk about a one trick pony) but it certainly doesn’t deserve to continuously get beat up.

    • Rodney says:

      I think its a little too soon to say that MallCop was a one trick pony. He hasn’t had enough movies to pigeon hole him yet.

      With any comic actor, its sink or swim. Jim Carrey tired his audience with the same “one trick” and had to branch out. I don’t think it is any different for Myers.

      He has proven he can do different stuff, but when it comes to comedy he is singing the same song every time.

  4. Joey says:

    Myers has proved in recent years that he’s a dog with too few tricks. He needs another paycheck so it’s either another uninspired Shrek or another uninspired Austin Powers, or…. other with a big question mark.

    He needs to just go away, far far away.

  5. fullmetal_medji says:

    I thought this Shrek movie was going to focus on his past. Oh well. This sounds like a good plot, but I’m still doubtful about the franchise. I know I’m in a very, very, small minority here, but I thought Love Guru was hilarious. I think of it as my guilty pleasure film.

  6. Slushie Man says:

    I hated Shrek 3, but Shrek the Halls was pretty funny, so that shows they still got it, just Shrek 3 was some kind of bastard child mistake. So I’m hoping they make this closer to Shrek the Halls and Shrek 2, then Shrek 3.

  7. vargas says:

    It’s time for Shrek to retire.

  8. Kiddo says:

    I wish they would stop murdering this character! The first one was amazing (my favorite), the second one was also awesome but the third one… man, it just plain SUCKED. I remember NO ONE laughing at the theater I was seeing it in, it just fell FLAT. And the plot of this one also sounds like it’ll suck.
    This right here is the difference between Pixar and Dreamworks, Pixar cares enough about its character to not produce a crappy sequel if the story of that sequel sucks….

  9. Angry Mob says:

    alternate version? you mean a “parallel universe” kind of deal? ho man.. i read comics for so many years.. and one thing i know.. they only use that kind of crap when they have no more shit to tell us.. Shrek is done.. but im guessing they are going to juice the Shrek franchise until the very last cent..

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