Samuel L Jackson signs 9 Movie Deal as Nick Fury

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 02. 2009in News Chat

In the Marvel Ultimates comic book, Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD was remodeled to tribute Samuel Jackson. So in a surprise appearance in the closing credits of last year’s Iron Man, fans were giddy to find out that Samuel L Jackson was playing the part literally drawn for him. Since then it has been up in the air as to his return, but now that the dust has settled, Sam Jackson has himself a NINE movie deal to play the character.

MovieWeb offers:

While the casting uncertainties continue to mount around certain Marvel Studios films, it seems they’ve locked in one actor for a very long haul. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Samuel L. Jackson has inked an unprecedented nine-picture deal with Marvel Studios to portray Nick Fury.

Now as unprecedented as this may be, it isn’t like they are signing a deal for Nine Nick Fury films. Just that as the character seems to be making the rounds in all Marvel films dropping hints to the Avenger Initiative, when Nick Fury shows his face, that face will be Jackson.

Eventually this scattered cameo rampage might build into some involvement in the Avengers movie and climax in a full fledged S.H.I.E.L.D Movie, and if it does, Jackson has the papers to say they use him.

I like the consistency, and I love the mounting excitement they are bringing with their films. Crossing over the characters really unites them as one world, and one team. And when that one team assembles, I hope it is a big event. Then the lesser knowns can have their own films etc… The possibilities are endless.

And yes. DC/WB is paying attention.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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43 Responses to “Samuel L Jackson signs 9 Movie Deal as Nick Fury”

  1. Phil Gee says:

    Well I’m glad he’ll be a part of future films but I’m starting to get a little concerned by how little Marvel’s future films are moving along.

    All we’ve heard about Iron Man 2 is who WON’T be in it. If it’s going to make it’s May release date, they should be getting ready to shoot right now.

    Thor is supposed to be out for July 2010 and we haven’t even heard casting RUMOURS yet.

    • R1ZE says:

      Speaking of which…

      Does this really mean anything? Howard had a 3 picture deal IIRC and he was thrown out, so…

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      I’m not concerned…after all, with this news it’s now a given that Sam’s Nick is now in Iron Man 2 and the role won’t be recast or chopped out. Also, while it’s too bad Emiliy Blunt and Mickey Rourke won’t be around, I consider this sort of thing not really that dire. We still have Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer, right?

      In addition, I want to bring up The X-Men. Hugh Jackman auditioned, but lost the part to Dougray Scott. MI2 went over schedule…Jackman came in as the second choice, yes, but still a last minute replacement. Jackman, of course, is ready to be seen in that character again for the 4th time come May 1st.

      Both Cap and Thor have scripts and directors, and we know they have a cameo from Sam Jackson somewhere.

  2. riggs says:

    i. am. ecstatic!, The one thing i cant get around is that the ultimate universe is almost entirely different to the marvel cannon but it is as close as one could get.

    • Rodney says:

      Well considering the movies are not Marvel Canon either, they can draw inspiration from the best of both to give us a good movie.

    • Pman says:

      What they’ve done is meld the two universes together. Iron Man’s origin story was canon, while the Hulk was closer to the Ultimate Universe, especially with the connections to the Super Solder Serum. I’m hoping that they use the original Thor, because I’ve never really gotten into the Ultimate Thor.

    • chris...the real one says:

      ultimate thor is similar to regular thor exept he didnt talk like a norse God, and was an activist (kinda)….cool thing tho, loki made the ultimates (ultimate avengers) thing that thor was an insane mortal who stole a suit that gave him his powers…..the ultimate universe kicks ass….when written by millar

  3. AARON says:

    I can totally see this happening

  4. leeloo says:

    i do.not.want. no nick fury in a thor movie.

    • Rodney says:

      You know at most, he will just be a cameo saying “Hey Thor.. come hang with the Avengers” scene right?

      What’s the harm in that? Thor joins the Avengers anyways. What can it hurt to have Fury show up and offer him a beer?

    • leeloo says:

      add to thor’s earthly misery and offer him a modern beer.
      make it a lite beer.
      i like it.

    • Johnson says:

      Beer for the Thunder God!? more like some Mead!

      Seriously though thats some job security for Sammy L J.

      My 2 cents on Marvel cannon is to keep the movies and comic separate, treat the movies like they are taking place on a alternate marvelverse that way you don’t get too hung up on origins and other little details.

  5. chris...the real one says:

    im very happy about this, the ultimate marvel universe, has some really good, modern ideas about classic marvel heros, and a combination of ultimate and regular marvel comic lore can make for a great movie

  6. Matt says:

    im glad i thought jackson was pefect as nick fury

  7. Monty says:

    I can’t wait to see Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury in a Power Pack movie.

  8. HAZMAT says:

    NINE movies?

    ironman 2, thor, captain america, avengers…(looking at fingers..)

    THIS means…that they obviously know the avenegrs will make tons of $ so theyre planning on an avengers sequel (maybe including some reserves like spidey and wolverine hopefully…but thats not relevant) and ALSO what i think would rule…a civil war movie

    i KNOW why a civil war movie would kinda…suck. the 2 main problems are the actors and the length..

    well, use the MAIN actors for cap ironman and soemother important ones and get new ones for the other nonimportant characters (punisher, johny storm) and as for the length…make it “civil war: part one” or something and release a sequel

    that STILL leaves room for the other 4 movies samuel signed up for

    and i KNOW that actors sometimes sign up for 5 movies and appear in 2…i get that….but obviously marvel is aiming at making a shitload of marvel movies…and what im hoping for is this: avengers sequel with spiderman and wolverine, and a civil war movie (or several)

    • Matt says:

      well maybe they’re making a film about nick fury

      just sayin

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      Hulk 2, should it happen (5)

      Ant-Man, should it happen (6)

      Runaways, if that happens (7)

      Nick Fury Agent of Shield, if it happens (8)

      Iron Man 3, if it happens (9)

  9. War-Journalist says:

    Sweet. I was hoping they’d keep him going. So let’s see:
    Captain America
    Iron Man 2
    The Avengers
    The Incredible Hulk 2 (when they make it)
    The Avengers sequel(s)
    Nick Fury

    That’s about it. X-Men is off-limits, so are Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Blade, The Punisher, Ghost Rider, & Daredevil. I personally believe that the Universe cannot be united until Marvel negotiates with Fox & Sony to be able to play off of their film incarnations of the characters. There is a lot of history between Fury, Cap, and Wolverine. Daredevil & Spidey have teamed up countelss times, and there are still plenty of characters left.
    Dr. Strange
    Luke Cage
    She Hulk

    The last two I’m not so sure about. Who knows. Hooray for Sam Jackson.

    • T-Vo says:

      I don’t see Marvel making both a Nick Fury and a S.H.I.E.L.D movie. Replace one of those with Dr. Strange and you have your 9 movies.
      Looks like Nick Fury movies is slated for 2010, from earlier reports. Also remember they have a Runaways movie and a Sub-Mariner movie in development.

  10. HAZMAT says:

    NO nick fury film!!!!

    i still have that horrible taste on my mouth from that david hasselhoff nick fury film…

    i still cant believe i watched that whole movie.

  11. NuClearLPU says:

    Iron man 2, The Avengers, Thor, Captain America,
    (Nick Fury Movie, maybe??)
    thats four (/five) movies he could appear in..

    but too compelte the Avengers we still need Ant-Man, Wasp and of course The Hulk..

    it would be stupid to make a movie for every Hero…
    Just to make a “Avengers” movie..

    i really don’t have a point, just thinkin out loud, maybe some one else can give my words some meaning?

    • NuClearLPU says:

      “In the Ultimate Marvel Universe, the Avengers are named “The Ultimates”, and were formed by Ultimate Nick Fury to protect America against superhuman threats..”

  12. T-Vo says:

    Fury is a staple of the Marvel Comics universe. Moreso in pre-registration act than now but he’s coming around again.
    In every comic, Nick Fury makes an appearance somewhere along the line, being that S.H.E.I.L.D was main police force of the Marvel U. so if Marvel is to have a cohesive universe than Fury is an important figure to keep around.
    Dude, Marvel needs to make a Moon Knight movie.

    • Rodney says:

      Moon Knight is pretty lame. I can honestly say Marvel will NEVER make a Moon Knight movie.

      He is too similar to Batman, and not popular enough that anyone would want to go see it.

  13. T-Vo says:

    You obviously haven’t read Moon Knight lately. He’s a somewhat insane character. Hell, he carved the face off of one of his arch-vallians Hannibal style and it would be easily adaptable to the big screen. Never say never, they were developing a Moon Knight TV show in 2006, but who knows where that is now. So in your rational, an Antman movie is fine but not a Moon Knight movie? Really? Um, ok.

    • HAZMAT says:

      if you find a moon knight movie to be lame then youre either a robot, a girl, or a baby

      i can write a 200 page essay on why moon knight is the best character for a movie
      he is the grittiest, darkest, and most insane character ive ever read about

      NEVER will you see him have a stupid romance in his movie, or have him dancing in a bar like spiderman or have him cry on top of a bridge. “i dont wanna be a superhero!” “i cant fit my personal life with my vigilante life” “i love my family AND my alter ego”
      yeah moonknight doesnt do that shit…hes too busy talking to people in his head

      less romance, more action, more blood, maniac, more action, hes a perfect combination of vigilante and superpowered hero…with no mix of stupid drama…the guys perfect and hes a perfect guy for a movie unless youre a chick and you wanna catch the notebook…so yeah i agree 100% with you

      and im not biased, im basing this on all the comic books ive read on the guy…i just read midnight sun for the 50th time today in my drawing 2 class

      im telling you the guy makes rorschach look like a girlscout

      problem is not everyone has read moonknights comic books t-vo so, theyre really not to blame when they say “hey hes batman hehe” or “hes stupid” and whatever they say. besides, everyones endowed to their own opinion

    • Darren J Seeley says:


      I dig Moon Knight a lot. The entire hook of Spectre losing his marbles and having multiple personalities is the best thing about that character. While I disagree with Rodney about the character being lame, I, too, cannot see a film based on the character. I’m not saying it can’t be done but - only if he’s more “Marc Spectre” than Moon Knight and/or has that MP problem and slip into various guises, leaving only the MK gear for stealth missions and/or real dangerous stuff.

      I see MK as more a TV series than a film.
      They did tinker with that idea before, but it didn’t come to pass (Spectre gets an honorable mention in Blade: The Series)

      Ant-Man/Pym has a bigger history, BTW, and, along with future wife (and ex-wife) Wasp, helped form the Avengers. Wasp actually coined the group name. It should also be said that the Ant-Man film hasn’t picked up a ton of steam recently.

      The way I call it is this:

      I would love to see a Namor flick. Okay. But if by circumstance, Marvel can’t do it, and say, they wound up finding foolks who put together a Killraven project up and that gets made before Namor (or Moon Knight) you won’t hear me bitching.

    • HAZMAT says:

      you know how sometimes theres a movie that comes along and sets like a new standard for other movies? like transformers did with the special effects and the matrix did?
      if they make a GOOD namor prince of atlantis movie, it could really go up in that list…i mean have it be like 70% in the water…and hes an awesome character…i can just imagine it now..some amazing set of fight scenes underwater…ive always found him to be a bit of a dick though but he should have goteen a movie WAY before electra

      well i personally think that moon knight is the easiest character to write a movie about…hes not CANNOT fuck it up…everything is GIVEN..its all OBVIOUS…not like other heroes who have the same dilema: “will we please the crowd or the geeks who know him?” “should we make it rated R or pg-13 to please everyone?” “how much of his personal life should we put in it?”
      no, with moon knight itll always be: rated PG 17, go with the comic books; itll please everyone, and no, just go with moonknight, the personal crap will take care of itself
      im sorry i just cant think of a human being who is capable of fucking up such a character…i really dont

      ant man should get a movie before moon knight though, ant man isnt as good as moon knight but as a member of the upcoming film the avengers, he should get a movie WAY before moonie

      im sure that when people watch watchmen…theyll ALL love rorschach the best out of all the other characters for the same reasons i think moonknight would be able to make a GREAT movie..theyre both psychotic twisted torturing vigilantes

      i just like the daredevil/moonknight/rorschach characters better then the supermans and the dr manhattans

    • JohnZDelorean says:

      They screwed up Daredevil big time and you would think his subject matter with his personal life in almost any of his love interests be it Elektra, Typhoid Mary, Echo, Karen Paige, Black Widow, Foggys Ex-wife, Milla Donovan and now Dakota North would’ve been way more intriguing with what Raimi did with MJ and Pete. You could have Luke Cage and Iron Fist jump into their own flicks off of Daredevil and Bullseye and the Kingpin are way more interesting villains than any of those in the Spidey movies. And finally Moon Knight is the avator of Vengeance and is crazy he is not a Batman ripoff.

    • HAZMAT says:

      hey i love how you brought up ironfist…i think a “spiderman: warriors” movie would be GREAT

      ironfist is in it with moon knight, along with that japaneese guy i forgot his name, dr strange, daredevil (i liked the daredevil movie) and of course spiderman….and in the comic book theyre a group that take down the kingpin, moonknight becomes ronin in it and its awesome and I think it would make an amazing movie…but rodneys right thatll have to wait cuz spidermans all sonys

      yeah…you can make the argument that nite owl is a batman ripoff (and fail) but not moon knight

  14. LMXV says:

    I don’t mind cameos, But I really don’t want to see Jackson in so many films. I don’t even like the guy.

  15. BamKazaam says:

    well lets just hope all these movies gets made.

  16. NYCKing says:

    This is good news, I suppose. It makes sense. The Ultimate Avengers Fury was modeled after Jackson, so it made sense to have him sign this deal, especially after appearing very briefly in the end-redits of Iron Man. There was doubt before from Marvel studios if I recall correctly, but in all honesty, it was a no-brainer.

  17. Movie Buff in the Buff says:

    I’m kind of suprised that everyone is counting out a Spiderman 4… and the fact that Fury could make an appearance in the movie… I mean, I saw it mentioned a couple of times above, but no one really touched on it. Isn’t a Spiderman 4 in the works?

    • Rodney says:

      The Spiderman franchise rights belong to Sony right now, so Marvel Films cannot reference or use the character in any way, so Fury will not be in a Spidey movie.

      Someday the rights will revert back, then Marvel can crossover anything they want. But the XMen properties are with Fox and Spidey is with Sony, so we will have to wait.

    • Movie Buff in the Buff says:

      Ah! That would explain it!

  18. T-Vo says:

    Sweet Christmas! A Power-Man and Iron Fist movie would rock!
    Tiny Zeus Liston as Power-Man and Ray Park as Iron Fist! Nuff Said!

  19. Man -boy says:

    Sam Jackson fairly black, John(podcast boy).

  20. DG Music says:

    Awesome…just…effing awesome. No other word for it, except maybe ‘fantastic’.

    …it’s awesome.

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