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Pre-Oscar Podcast

By John - February 22, 2009 - 17:26 America/Montreal

Hey guys… no big build up. Here is our pre-Oscar podcast… join us after the Oscars for our post-Oscar podcast too.

OR you can just directly download the mp3 HERE


  1. Kristina says:

    I’m here for Hugh and the FASHION!

  2. moviegab says:

    lol big props for jackman’s opening !!

  3. IncliningPizza says:

    Yeah, makes sense we discuss it here.
    Jackman was great. :)
    Here comes The actress award.

  4. IncliningPizza says:

    Good for Cruz!

  5. Kristina says:

    VIOLA DAVIS SHOULD HAVE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Justin says:

    God damn Penelope Cruz is hot CONGRATS to her! *adds Vicky Christina Barcelona to my NetFlix*

  7. AARON says:

    Good thing Cruz won, Wall-e will win Best Animated, but Kung Fu Panda should

  8. IncliningPizza says:

    Nah, are you crazy? Wall-E is way better. Kung-Fu may be more entertaining to some, but Wall-E is superior.

    I’m not going to complain about Milk winning Screenplay. I liked In Bruges more, call me crazy.

  9. Justin says:

    Is the screen play for Milk really that original seeing how it was based on actual events?

  10. AARON says:

    No I’m not crazy, Wall-e will win but I don’t think it should.

  11. IncliningPizza says:

    Sweet. Slumdog. I’m predicting Slumdog will win 8 oscars, if not all 13. :P

    Nice work Jack Black.

  12. Yamo says:

    Yeah jack black hit it right on with that joke

  13. Yamo says:

    Yeah did wall-e have to win

  14. Justin says:

    well who didn’t see that coming from 358937894573495734 miles away?

  15. IncliningPizza says:

    Wallllll-eeeee, as Aniston says. AARON, I’m not saying that Kung Fu Panda isn’t a good movie! I thought it was great. Wall-E was better, which most people will agree with.

  16. Justin says:

    Has anyone here actually seen any of these short films? I mean I’m a big movie lover but I didn’t see any of these.

  17. Justin says:


  18. moviegab says:


  19. IncliningPizza says:

    Well, Presto was before Wall-E, Justin… :P

    And we’re back!

  20. Yamo says:

    The dark knight got this one

  21. Ray says:

    my good lord… SJP is one ugly women. lol

  22. Yamo says:

    i was way wrong

  23. IncliningPizza says:

    Yeah she looks like a foot Ray.

    Damn right Button won Art direction.

  24. Justin says:

    Wow I was pulling for Changeling on this one.

  25. IncliningPizza says:

    Yeah, I thought either Duchess or Road should’ve got it. Good!

  26. Justin says:

    Well that’s not surprising medieval period pieces always win best costume.

  27. Ray says:

    Good god. Get SJP off the stage!

  28. Justin says:

    I’m digging the smooth Jazz in the background.

  29. AARON says:

    Heath’s got the mKEUP

  30. Ray says:

    Dark Knight better win!.. The Joker was well done.

  31. Yamo says:

    looks like some fanboy are getting piss 0 for 2 TDK

  32. IncliningPizza says:

    The Joker? Really? Don’t get me wrong, he looked awesome, but Button deserved it. At least in my opinion.

  33. AARON says:

    Benjamin button won, dang! that’s like 3 in a row i got wrong.

    Guys, I’m making a prediction: If Sean Penn doesn’t win best actor (my pick for best actor) then I think MILK’s got best picture, but Slumdog is a big competition , so i think that’ll win

  34. moviegab says:

    Joker’s makeup was awesome but I find Button was way superior with all the different time periods

  35. Justin says:

    Me thinks the Academy really doesn’t like comic book movies….lets hope they do the right thing with Best Supporting actor.

  36. IncliningPizza says:

    Thank you moviegab!
    Yeah I’m betting on Penn for Best Actor too. Or Frank Langella for my next pick.

    Yeah, I don’t think they like comic book movies either to be honest.

  37. Yamo says:

    I m making a prediction if i see Zac Efron sing or Presenting i am going to hollywood to kick his ass

  38. Justin says:

    Ok seriously: Nick and Norah, Sex and The City, and What Happens in Vegas? Did they really belong in that montage?

  39. AARON says:

    atleast MILK was in there

  40. Yamo says:

    there are movies of 2008 so i think so

  41. IncliningPizza says:

    No Justin, they didn’t. Although I have to admit I thought Nick and Norah was cute.

  42. Justin says:

    WTF????????? AT BEN STILLER!

  43. moviegab says:

    HAHAHA ben stiller killed it !!!

  44. IncliningPizza says:

    Oh Stiller… what the hell…

  45. Yamo says:

    take that Joaquin Phoenix lol

  46. Ray says:

    lol. Stiller is priceless.

    Slumdog got this.

  47. IncliningPizza says:

    Thank you Yamo!
    I actually thought that Dark Knight would’ve been a nice choice for Cinematography. Slumdog was pretty good I guess. :D

  48. Justin says:

    What was so great about Slumdog Millionare? I just don’t see the appeal of it. Changeling and Dark Knight had such great cinematography while Slumdog was shot on a fucking cell phone!

  49. AARON says:

    Justin, sorry man, but Slumdog ruled

    • Justin says:

      To each his own but I saw that trailer and I told myself that I wasn’t going to fall for all the hype surrounding it. I really hope it doesn’t win and Milk does because Milk has to do with an on going issue in this country.

    • moviegab says:

      Justin, I said the same thing when I saw the trailer for Slumdog until I actually saw the movie and ended up loving it.

  50. Yamo says:

    i feel that the Dark Knight will only win for Heath Ledger and iron-man will win for Best Visual Effects

  51. IncliningPizza says:

    It doesn’t matter what a movie is shot on Justin. It’s all about the people filming it, and if the movie was good.

  52. Justin says:

    Oh man *adds Pineapple Express to my Netflix* This montage is fucking funny as hell.

  53. IncliningPizza says:

    Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama? CUTE.

  54. Ray says:

    Agree’d Justin.. I didn’t like Pineapple Express personally, but this is pretty funny.

  55. AARON says:


  56. Ray says:

    Ledger better win this.. Nothing to do with my love for the Dark Knight( I thought Slumdog was by far the best film I seen last year ).

  57. Yamo says:

    i want Robert Downey, Jr to win

  58. Ray says:

    Hugh is the perfection of man….. lol

  59. IncliningPizza says:

    Fucking Beyonce. Get off the stage.

  60. Ray says:

    Man o man. Thunder thighs is at it again tonight..Her legs are huge!

  61. Yamo says:

    fuck you Zac Efron die

  62. IncliningPizza says:

    Best supporting actor is a tough category, and Heath Ledger did a fantastic job.

    Hey YAMO! YOU WERE RIGHT. Look it’s Efron!

    Can we please get back to the awards?

  63. Justin says:

    That aside from High School Musical was FUCKING AWESOME!

  64. Yamo says:

    that was 4 mins gone now they will have to cut people off who wins.

  65. AARON says:

    Heath has got best supporting locked up

  66. IncliningPizza says:

    Best Supporting Actor… I’m going for Ledger. He deserves it the most. But if Downey wins, I won’t complain. :)

    Yeah. Efron doesn’t really have that much talent to deserve the fame he has, unless you consider a pretty face talent.

  67. Yamo says:

    here we go

  68. Ray says:

    You just summed up Efron.. He is nothing but a pretty face..

    Ledger will win this, if not the academy clearly has it out against sci-fi’s.

  69. Ray says:

    and comic movies*

  70. IncliningPizza says:

    YES! Damn right Ledger won! Fanboys rejoice!

  71. Ray says:

    Fuckin` right!

  72. Yamo says:


  73. AARON says:

    YES!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!! HEATH WON

  74. Justin says:

    THANK YOU ACADEMY FOR DOING THE RIGHT THING! R.I.P. Heath you are truly missed by all.

  75. Jawmuncher says:

    Looks like TMB was wrong about Heath not winning.
    Thank Goodness

  76. Yamo says:

    i am going to watch TDK after this for Heath Ledger R.I.P.

  77. IncliningPizza says:

    When did The Movie Blog say Heath wouldn’t win?

  78. Jawmuncher says:


    It was awhile back, it was a piece they did saying why he wouldn’t win.

    Doug will probably talk about it tomorrow

  79. IncliningPizza says:

    Well okay then Jawmuncher, I trust you.

    Bill Marr, what was the show he used to host a few years ago where they brought in celebrities to talk about everyday social topics?

  80. Ray says:

    Encounters shoudl win, Man on Wire will tho.

  81. EZELL says:

    Everyone looked like they were going to cry when they gave it to Ledger that is with happiness that he won but sadness that he is gone.

    Why did a talented individual die why could it not be Paris Hilton or Brittany Spears

  82. AARON says:

    Hey, i was fighting tears, and he got a standing ovation

  83. Jawmuncher says:

    Wait I might be wrong about TMB saying Heath wouldn’t win. Since I can’t find the story on the site. I think I got it confused with if he should be nominated.

    My bad and sincerest apologies

  84. tony says:

    i didn’t like heath that much before but i became a fan after this movie

  85. moviegab says:

    lol wtf !!! speed racer clips ????

  86. Tony says:

    hulk rules

  87. IncliningPizza says:

    It’s fine Jawmuncher. :)
    And yes, thank you, it was politically incorrect!
    Why does Ledger die, and not Spears or Hilton? Some people are just meant to suffer, I guess, No it’s not fair.

  88. Justin says:

    Good ending on that one with Iron Man.

  89. Tony says:


  90. Yamo says:


  91. Tony says:


  92. IncliningPizza says:

    Damn right Button won best effects. Iron Man rocked my socks, but yeah, some of the stuff in Button looked so real that it almost didn’t look generated.

  93. Justin says:

    I’m telling you guys the Academy doesn’t like Comic Book movies unless of course you’re Heath Ledger.

  94. Tony says:

    hulk should he been nominated

  95. EZELL says:

    wtf benjamin button for visual effects they are just prejudice against action flicks

  96. Ray says:

    Wall-E.. got this

  97. Justin says:


  98. Ray says:

    pfft… :P

  99. Tony says:


  100. Yamo says:

    the Academy need me to work for them i know who needs to win what. and i will be fare for all movies

  101. Tony says:


  102. Justin says:

    Seriously? Slum Dog for sound mixing? God I hate this movie I will never fucking see it. I really hope Milk wins best picture.

  103. IncliningPizza says:

    Action movies are all about special effects. If they can make something look extraordinary like with Transformers for example, then it should win. IF it just looks great, then it doesn’t deserve the win all that much. And yes I agree with the last two sound awards.

  104. Kiddo says:

    Can we just give Kate, Rourke and Slumdog their oscar and just end this shit?

  105. Tony says:


  106. Justin says:

    Oh look Slum Dog won again excuse me while I go puke!

  107. IncliningPizza says:

    Slumdog for editing? …eh…okay. I thought Milk did a way better job, but yeah I guess Slumdog did a great job too.

  108. IncliningPizza says:

    Get used to it Justin. It’s going to go on for the next hour.

  109. Tony says:

    THIS is just a slumdog kiss ass show

  110. Yamo says:

    now there going to make a Slumdog Millionaire 2 with all these awards they are winning

  111. IncliningPizza says:

    Jesus Christ, 134 comments! This has been fun so far guys.

  112. EZELL says:

    That is how the Academy is every year they they pick one film and give it every award it is nominated for. Like No Country or Departed they lost like one out of ten nominations.

  113. Yamo says:

    they are going to make a new award for tonite best Bollywood dance ending. the nominees are Milk-The Reader – Slumdog Millionaire- The Dark Knight-and WALL_e

  114. Ray says:

    I dont understand the hostility towards Slumdog! I thought it was an amazing film :P

  115. Justin says:

    No offense but seriously Jerry Lewis? Did they give this to him because he’s gonna kick the bucket or something?

  116. Yamo says:

    It will be real f### up if he pass away this year somtime too.

  117. EZELL says:

    oh and every film that wins best editing win best picture so we all know Slumdog won I think this might have been the most predictable year yet.

  118. EZELL says:

    oh and thank god Nathan Fillion is back on TV but f#%k him for killing Ledger

  119. Ray says:

    @ Ezell.
    The Academy is not unknown to mess up. You have to remember these are the same people who gave Best Actor to Denzel for Training Day, when Crowe or Penn put in much much much much better performances, even Smith in Ali did a better job.

    • EZELL says:

      yea Denzel was the supporting actor it that film Hawk was the lead. They just wanted to give a oscar to a black man and black woman in the same year.

  120. IncliningPizza says:

    Thank you for seconding my motions Justin. Much obliged.

    And EZELL I second your motion as well.

  121. Ray says:

    Yay for violins :)

  122. IncliningPizza says:

    Hey Yamo, look who’s back!

  123. Justin says:

    Lets hope there’s a sniper in the balcony who blows Efron’s pretty fucking face off!

  124. Yamo says:

    FUCK U zac efron 2 times

  125. Justin says:

    *pukes again* DAMN YOU EFRONNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!

  126. Yamo says:

    anyone why TDK didnt get Best Original Score nom

  127. Ray says:

    I thought a bunch of asians were running onto the stage in protest, they are quick lil friggers!

  128. EZELL says:

    Oh and The Dark Knight had the best Music score by far come on that was where all the tension and emotion came from in that film.

  129. IncliningPizza says:

    Yeah, Ray, I was just about to say!

  130. Tony says:

    Hey John,Watching this now i know how u felt watching the MTV movie awards when transformers won every award lol

  131. Justin says:

    The only good Bollywood dance number was the one Thora Birch’s character watches in the beginning of Ghost World.

  132. Yamo says:

    atlest i seen the last of fucking zac efron for now

  133. IncliningPizza says:

    WOOT! Slumdog again… >_<

  134. Justin says:

    Jeezus tap dancing christ! I can’t puke anymore! And this guy that keeps talking is a jackass. He’s giving Apu a bad rep.

  135. Tony says:

    come to think of it this is like the MTV movie awards for stiffs

  136. IncliningPizza says:

    I bet the dudes at the front of the stage are having fun looking up the skirts of the dancers standing there. :P

  137. Allan says:

    hugh jackmsn killed this show with every note, and dance move he made in that opening. (It was soo bad gay and straght People across the board disowned him)

  138. EZELL says:

    Who the hell is Efron?

  139. IncliningPizza says:

    Exactly Tony. :P
    I think Jackman is doing an okay job. He’s not ass awful if that’s what you mean.

  140. Ray says:

    Funny, She doesn’t look like a Rita… :P

  141. IncliningPizza says:

    Efron is the teenage pretty boy that was presenting the award for Best Song.

  142. Justin says:

    That guy just set back Japan 42392356358346 years.

  143. EZELL says:

    Ok thanks yea that guy is just famous for being a handsom little boy he cant act to save his ass.

  144. Tony says:


  145. IncliningPizza says:

    Latifah? Really? Can we please get to the bloody Actor/Actress awards?

  146. Yamo says:

    next year host needs to be Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Christian Bale and Peter Griffin

  147. Ray says:

    I like the fact that they do this. Sadly listening to latifah makes me want to be passed away

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      I HATED this.

      The worst part of the entire show.
      Why? I could hardly see the tributes! ARrrggghhhh
      I had to friggin’ SQUINT to know that James Whitmore passed!

      And NO appluse for Chareton Heston. What’s up with that?!

  148. IncliningPizza says:

    Justin, I apologize. I did not know she was presenting the passed montage. I just can’t stand Latifah.

    • Justin says:

      Just like I can’t stand shitty camera work. God was that awful. I mean Scum Dog Millionare had better camera work and it was shot on a Cell Phone!

  149. Tony says:


  150. Justin says:

    Really piss poor camera work on this montage.

  151. Justin says:

    Glad to have known you Paul Newman you were never a horses’ ass!

  152. IncliningPizza says:

    Paul Newman? Charlton Heston? All legends. I have all the respect in the world for the people that pass away in this business. Please don’t think that I’m being disresepctful to anyone other than Latifah.

  153. Ray says:

    Was Slumdog actually shot on a camera phone?

  154. IncliningPizza says:

    Yes sir! As Reese Witherspoon just said, Ben Stiller held the supposed phone that it was filmed on earlier in the show.

  155. Joey says:

    I know he got the supporting actor award, but shouldn’t Ledger have been included in the memorial montage?

  156. Justin says:


  157. IncliningPizza says:

    Do I hear the sound of Justin puking?
    Congratulations to Danny Boyle for the win. Well deserved!

  158. EZELL says:

    No Slumdog was shot on Digital Camera which is not very common for these types of films.

  159. Tony says:


  160. EZELL says:

    I really think Slumdog should be in the foreign category.

  161. Justin says:

    I can’t believe that no one attached to Scum Dog has thanked Ghandi. If it wasn’t for him you never would have gotten your precious god damn movie and Oscars.

  162. Ray says:

    Well, there is nearly two billion of them tony. Only a matter of time until they started taking over.

  163. Tony says:

    lol and we were worrying about the chinese

  164. IncliningPizza says:

    Precisely Tony! Alright, on to the actor/actress awards!

  165. Tony says:


  166. Ray says:

    Holy shit…. Sophie Lauren look horrible.. At least Micheal Jackson stook to only messing with his nose. DAMN

  167. Tony says:

    nicole kidman looks so stunning

  168. Justin says:

    Did anyone here actually see The Reader or did we all pull a Hugh Jackman?

  169. EZELL says:

    Halley Beary is the finest girl in that room

  170. Yamo says:

    All the Best Actress are women i will bang for 800 Alex

  171. Justin says:

    And Melissa Leo is?

  172. EZELL says:

    oh her skin looks nasty

  173. IncliningPizza says:

    She looks like that old chick from There’s Something About Mary.

  174. EZELL says:

    LOL it probably is

  175. Tony says:


  176. Yamo says:

    good for kate

  177. Ray says:

    @ Tony

    Kidman was amazingly beautiful in batman, Since then she has fallen out of my likeness.

    Winslet deserved this hands down, brilliant actress.

  178. IncliningPizza says:

    Yep. Most predictable Oscar show in history. Not that Cate didn’t deserve it, but honestly!

  179. Tony says:


  180. EZELL says:

    yea and she should have shaved that bush.

  181. Tony says:

    kate looks buff lol

  182. Justin says:

    Angelina was better in Changeling only because I haven’t seen The Reader like Hugh Jackman. I loved the whistling bit priceless Oscar moment.

  183. Yamo says:

    Brad Pitt or Mickey Rourke who will win

  184. IncliningPizza says:

    Agreed Yamo, and yeah that was great on Kate’s part.

  185. IncliningPizza says:

    Jesus, an all-star line-up of actors presenting! This is terrific!

  186. Tony says:


  187. Justin says:

    Grrrrrr I’m so pissed still that Adrien Brody beat Daniel Day Lewis for Gang of New York

  188. Tony says:


  189. EZELL says:

    Brolin should have been nominated I think he was perfect as bush

  190. EZELL says:

    Lewis was not the Lead in Gangs though

  191. Tony says:


  192. EZELL says:

    Its going to be Pen I don’t know how you think it could not be

  193. Tony says:


  194. Yamo says:

    no one ever talk about Richard Jenkins

  195. IncliningPizza says:

    Either Penn or Rourke. Take a look at Hopkins! Absolute legend.

  196. EZELL says:

    He does not need one but hey might just deserve it I would like to See Rourke take it home

  197. Ray says:


  198. IncliningPizza says:

    Fucking A! Damn right Penn got it!

  199. Tony says:


  200. Justin says:

    YES! I’m so glad he won. This means so much to me because Milk deals with an issue that’s still going on today in this country.

  201. Yamo says:

    The Academy need to put more new faces as winners the pass two years the same actors won two Awards. dont get mw wrond Penn is great but give us someone new

  202. EZELL says:

    it goes to best actor of the year not best new actor who never won before.

    • Yamo says:

      i know that but look at all the actors that was nomination all did a great job but some actors just need to step down. or am i just dumb which i am lol

  203. IncliningPizza says:

    Alright! Best picture everybody! Let’s have our fingers crossed. Justin, get your bag ready!

  204. EZELL says:

    Spielburg is one of the best but I put Camron over him

  205. Tony says:


  206. IncliningPizza says:

    YESSSSSS… straight up Slumdog! Sorry Justin!

  207. Tony says:


  208. Justin says:


  209. Ray says:

    lol. Maybe now you should see it, eh Justin?

  210. Justin says:

    Biggest bunch of Bullshit since Ordinary People beat Raging Bull!

  211. EZELL says:

    its a foreign film so yes this is BS

  212. Tony says:


  213. Yamo says:

    lets see what John has to say about this

  214. Justin says:

    Wow what inconsiderate assholes not thanking or even mentioning Ghandi!

  215. EZELL says:

    did you guys think it was not going to be Slumdog

  216. IncliningPizza says:

    Alright, Oscars are over! Who has a cigar? John, we await the podcast, and your thoughts!

  217. Tony says:


  218. AARON says:


  219. IncliningPizza says:

    280! People on the east coast, let’s get some sleep!

  220. Justin says:

    By going with slutbitch millionare the Academy let homophobia and the terrorists win!

  221. Justin says:

    Well aside from all that Bollywood bullshit I had a great time with you guys SEE YOU ALL NEXT YEAR! Early prediction: Best On Set Meltdown: Christan Bale for Terminator Salvation!

  222. Garrett says:

    Damn you Slumdog!!!!

  223. Phil Gee says:

    Well I don’t have the luxury of watching the show next to my computer.

    Overall, very happy with this show this year. They made a lot of improvements, it was much tighter and Jackman was a great host (I just could have done without the musical number in the middle which nearly destroyed the whole show).

    On the downside, it was the most predictable oscars in ages and what they did to the ‘in memorium’ montage (usually my favourite part of the show) was an absolute travesty.

    What better way to pay tribute to this year’s losses to the world of film than have, what appeared to be, an over-excited Wall-E operate the camera and constantly glide past the screen of the deceased so we can’t even make out half the people being honoured. That really made me mad.

  224. Kristina says:

    I think Jackman was fantastic. The set looked gorgeous, and for once, people genuinely looked like they were having a fun time. Job well done, as I predicted.

    And Jai Ho is trapped in my brain.


  225. Mr. Chris says:

    What really baffled me was that montage of animated films. The whole thing was like a tribute to “Clone Wars” and “Space Chimps.” I can’t wrap my head around that.

  226. justrobby says:

    WOW, Mickey didnt win..

  227. Anthony says:

    Mickey should have won. Penn was incredible, but this role was made for Roarke.

  228. MoriaOrc says:

    Why waste time with a long and unnecessary top hat and tails routine which creates the train wreck of the Wall E song being raped by 2 slumdog songs?
    Was there really no time to perform a song or nominate more than 2 movies in that category?
    The whole panel of previous actors giving mini reviews of each nominee was beyond awkward.
    The montage of deceased actors and filmakers was terrible.

  229. 3R!C says:

    295 comments? Whew! It’ll probably hit 400 in the next hour.

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