Potential Oscars 2009 Films Preview Online

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 02. 2009in News Chat

The Oscars are a popularity contest among the Silver Screen Elite. Clearly not a popularity contest of blockbusters or income. If that were the case, we wouldn’t need a suspense filled Oscar show to present the winners. So it was interesting to see what films the Academy is keeping an eye on in the next year. Who will be the next Slumdog Millionaire?

Latino Review shares the list:

The movies that they previewed were Sherlock Holmes, Funny People, The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3, Public Enemies, Julie & Julia, The Soloist, Up, Fame, Terminator Salvation, Inglourious Basterds, 500 Days of Summer, Amelia, Old Dogs, Angels & Demons, Whatever Works, Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, Monsters vs. Aliens, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and much more!!

Personally I have my eye on 500 Days of Summer because I have yet to be disappointed by anything with Zooey Deschanel in it and it looks like a great film. That and the Soloist. However I was a little puzzled when another carbon copy Eddie Murphy Family film was on the list and then followed up by G-Force with action super spy guinea pigs in it.

Those are on the hopeful list? I can see why some are on their list, while others I wonder if someone was bribed to put them on the list.

What movies do you think will be on the plate for Oscar nominations next year based purely on what little we have seen of this year’s releases?

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Rodney who has written 7982 posts on The Movie Blog

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36 Responses to “Potential Oscars 2009 Films Preview Online”

  1. Gigan300 says:

    cant wait to see terminator salvation, and monster vs. alien, and maybe night at the museum 2

  2. Bobby says:

    That’s just the 2009 movie line-up not the 2009-2010 Oscar contenders.

  3. Bobby says:

    That’s just the 2009 movie line-up not the 2009-2010 Oscar contenders.

    • Rodney says:

      Bobby, during the show they listed it as “potentials for next year’s Oscars”

      If its the lineup for the coming year, where are all the major blockbusters? You know, the ones that might get technical Oscars, but never any majors?

      This is not “just the line-up”

  4. James says:

    i love zoey deschannel but im pretty sure she was in a movie with matthew mconaghey and sarah jessica parker that was awful

  5. Movie Buff in the Buff says:

    I think the spy guinea pigs would eb at the oscars based solely on visual effects… same with the new HP.

  6. Darren J Seeley says:

    I think Public Enemies will be a possible for next year; Transformers and Harry Potter will be the two main contenders for techs like FX (especially TF- righting a wrong from last year)
    Up is on the animated radar. Amelia is a possible showcase for Hilary Swank;

    Not shown in clips, but you know they are coming later in the year: Steven Soderbergh’s Informants and Martin Scorcese Ashcliffe; James Cameron’s Avatar.

  7. Bobby says:

    They were there Rodney, Terminator Salvation, UP, Taking of Pelham 123, Old Dogs, Angels & Demons, random Eddie Murphy comedy like you said, i highly doubt that’s up for any oscar consideration. Where exactly did it say “potentials for next year’s Oscars”? All i see and saw during the show was cut to credits and the footage of those films with their names.

    • Rodney says:

      And Transformers, GI Joe, Dragonball, Twilight? None of those were there. Guess they are not “big enough” to be in the lineup against G-Force.

    • Rodney says:

      Just before the last commercial break Jackman says “Stay tuned to check the upcoming clips from some upcoming 2009 OSCAR hopefuls.”

  8. AARON says:

    Early prediction here, probably SOOOO off, but The Soloist might be up for best picture next year

  9. bigsampson says:

    ok ok imo half those movies will be crap….personally i think fame is crap…sorry im a product of normal public education….we didnt have fancy schools for dancing! we just got beat up by wannabe gang members and suburban thugs hahaha jk.

  10. Craig says:

    Looks like they just wanted to give a general look at movies to come, both potential Oscar movies as well as movies for everyone. Gives a good range of what to expect in 09, and looks like we can expect another crappy Eddie Murphy family film.

  11. Kiddo says:

    “I have yet to be disappointed by anything with Zooey Deschanel in it”
    So I assume you didn’t see Failure to Launch or The Happening? Lucky you!
    The Happening REALLY sucked, not even Zooey could save that mess

  12. alfie says:

    i wouldn’t read too much into jackman’s intro for it. It was just a bunch of films coming out…..it was an off the cuff type of thing he said.

    There is no way that is a official list of films the academy are keeping an eye on. It was just a compilation of films coming out.

  13. Bobby says:

    Rodney, i’m certain some of them will BE Oscar contenders but not all those clips shown and where was TF:ROTF, well it’s the oscars and i highly doubt they would give it any attention. By the same logic, where’s Watchmen? Wolverine?

    Like i said, by the line-up it’s possible that it’s half and half. But it’s no biggies, i’m not here to correct you or tell you what you think, just giving you my opinion based on that line up. It has more the most random picks to be oscar material unless they loosened up which i highly doubt.

  14. Bobby says:

    Woah time warp there how come my post got posted before yours Rodney?

  15. EZELL says:

    I think The Soloist, Terminator, Inglorious Bastards, and Public Enemy are going to be fun and good films.

    And I have been waiting for Inglorious Bastards for the last 4 years so I am pumped more to see this film than any movie ever made. I love QT I would give my left nut to be him for one year.

    Oh I forgot that film with Larry David he is just one of the greatest writers to walk the earth.

  16. Ultra Magnus says:

    well i have no idea what oscars will be won but i can say sherlok holmes and up are topping my want to see list

  17. inbruges says:

    They missed “The Anniversary.”

  18. Bobby says:

    Guys, am i the only one who sees the posts mixed up? I see the newer posts in the middle mixed with the older (earlier) posts. Like i still see Rodney’s 12:03 post as the last one on the bottom but every post before that is from 2PM on.

    • Rodney says:

      It might just be a time zone thing, or some minor glitching in the code somewhere.

      Or perhaps I used a Tardis to post it outside of the constraints of the time/space continuum and WordPress had no idea what to do with it.

      Or it’s just messed up. So far it seems to be only this post.

  19. The Jim Walker says:

    Night at the Museum 2? Old Dogs? Ice Age 37? Really?!?! Maybe this included possible “Razzie” hopefuls too! ;-)

    I mean to include the above shitte and not Transformers 2, STAR TREK(!!!), GIJoe, & Twilight is just a slight to the “geeks” out there (myself included).

    And, on a semi-related point, when will a SciFi film be taken seriously? I can count on one hand the number of “Sci Fi” films to be nominated for best picture, none of which won. (I figure: Star Wars & E.T.) A few more if include cross-genre films like: Ghost & A Clockwork Orange. (And maaaaybe The Sixth Sense) And i dont know what i would consider the LOTR films. Fantasy? I mean hardcore SciFi. Its the most under rated genre out there.

    I guess to get nominated you have to make a film about war, a historic event or person, a controversial topic, or have your protagonist have some sort of unique “situation” about themselves (retarded, blind, sexual preference, disease, injury, etc.) (((Not that there’s anything wrong with ANY of that… apologies for the Seinfeld pun)))

    Hang in there geeks! Maybe Meet Dave 2 will bring us Oscar Gold!

  20. Mo says:

    You know that another word for “2009 Oscar hopeful” is “movie”, right? I’d say Rodney’s overreacting to a flippant remark made to get us to watch a promo clip. That’s seriously all it was. There are a million reasons why some movies weren’t included. It has nothing to do with what’s an Oscar hopeful and what’s not. You wonder if some were bribed inclusions on the list? Well, yes, all of them were bribed inclusions. It’s called advertising, promotion, product placement; it has many names, but yes, it involves payment. Sorry, Rodney, if I just ruined Santa Claus and the Tooth fairy for you

    • Rodney says:

      That’s cool Mo. I already knew about Santa and the Tooth Fairy.

      But if you start on with the Easter Bunny, thems be fighin words yo!


  21. Previewfilms.net says:

    I think sherlock holmes will be interesting. RDJ is the one to watch.. Everybody loves a comeback

  22. Rodney says:

    And once again you jump to conclusions Fode. But I am getting used to it. Its your thing. I get it.

    Just before the last commercial break Jackman says “Stay tuned to check the upcoming clips from some upcoming 2009 OSCAR hopefuls.”

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