New Moon Casting Rumours - Madonna!

Posted by Rodneyon 25. 02. 2009in News Chat

Wild casting rumours are all a buzz over Twilight Saga’s New Moon. With something this popular the fanbase is always quick to express their opinions over any shred of news as to who will play who.

The latest silliness is that the Immaculate Queen of Pop herself wants a role in the movie - Madonna!

MTVMovies Blog says:

Lindsay Lohan wants to be in “New Moon”! Hilary Duff is clamoring to be a part of the second installment of the “Twilight” saga! “Lord of the Rings” star Sir Ian McKellan as Aro! “Harry Potter” wizard Alan Rickman as a member of the Volturi!

None of the rumors above can beat the mother of all rumors: Madonna is going to be in “New Moon”!

Casting rumours are part of the fun of anticipating a film. Even if you don’t have an interest in the franchise you still find yourself wondering what the movie might turn out like if your favourite actor would get one of the defining roles in the movie.

Madonna? I haven’t liked her as an “actress” since Desperately Seeking Susan. She was good in that, and I haven’t really cared since. Still love her music, and her stage shows. Brilliant performer. But no actress.

All the other names that seem to get thrown in the goblet seem to be publicity names for the most part. Actors who want a role that will bolster their public image. They don’t necessarily want to play the role for the experience of the character or anything deep like that. They just want that big name movie on their resume.

Personally, with something THIS big and with a fast track plan to monopolize on the popularity this would be the perfect opportunity to cast relative unknowns who are not only less expensive to cast, but may have some untapped talent you will then be credited for exposing. Frankly, adding a big name celebrity to the cast is hardly going to draw MORE attention to the film.

I wonder how these actors feel when they are NOT pursuing these roles and they hear rumours that they are?

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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12 Responses to “New Moon Casting Rumours - Madonna!”

  1. Kiddo says:

    I think this rumor had already been called out on Perez, and Madonna’s rep or someone said that it was a false rumor. Let me look for the link, I’ll post it later.

    But yeah, this is a cray rumor LOL. I do hope the Dakota Fanning rumor of her being in this movie does come true, she’d be good for this!

    • Meli says:

      Dakota Fanning isn’t a rumor, she has been offered the part, so now it just the matter of negoiating and a contract to be signed. I hope it all works out and she can take the part; she’s openly expressed interest in the role. The thing is…if a contract hasn’t been signed by now I’m thinking maybe it’s not going to happen.

    • daniemarie says:

      yes i do hope that madonna thingy is false. that would be too awkward and i cant see her playing a role at all. :/

      dakota better be jane. thats bascially the only role i can see her doing well and with alot of effort

      i honestly hope that new moon doesn’t become another “twilight” where everything was rushed
      they just need to take it easy and stay true to the actual storyline.

  2. AARON says:

    Madona? You have GOT to be kidding right?

  3. Meli says:

    Yeah, the Madonna rumor has already been squashed. If she has any involvement it might be musically. One of her managers is a producer on the film, so that is how that thing got started.

  4. HAZMAT says:

    obviously she wont be playing any role in new moon.

    there is no character in new moon that looks her age thats that important…unless shes like an extra

    all characters are from age 15 to 21. all the older characters that matter (mr & mrs cullen, charlie) already have actors

  5. HAZMAT says:

    which means snape and gandalf (the actors up there^^) wont be in the movie either…all of those rumors are FALSE..theyre both 50 years old and 90 years old…aro and the vulturi all look 19

  6. Seth Rex says:

    Out of curiosity, what role would Madonna play, anyway?

  7. Taylor says:

    well i bet that if madonna is in the movie then she is going 2 be a wife that has no lines and will just satnd of 2 the side doing nothing

  8. becca says:

    well umm idk about this so much stuff is goingh on herr woah!

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