Mel Gibson is Back in The Colonel!

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 02. 2009in News Chat

In the first staring role since Signs, Mel Gibson is BACK!

After the fiasco of his DUI charge and some drunken blunders, Mel has been shadowed by his own reputation. But now in a historical epic, Gibson returns to thea Civil War epic to play the most notable senior officer the South has ever given us. Mel is The Colonel!!

Appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live after the Oscars, Gibson sat down with the late night host, and this spoof trailer was shown. I think Mel Brooks should return to the world of Spoof films and show them how it’s supposed to be done and team wup with Mel Gibson to tell the biopic story of The Colonel.

That would be finger lickin good!

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Rodney who has written 7967 posts on The Movie Blog

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15 Responses to “Mel Gibson is Back in The Colonel!”

  1. steckle says:

    That was very funny!

  2. EZELL says:

    That is a spoof right that is not what the real film is going to be. Cause that would be a grate shot but as a feature I don’t think it would work to well.

  3. Jack says:

    i almost just peed my pants laughing at that. funniest thing ive seen in a long time.

  4. Gutpunch says:

    Very good indeed.

  5. 3R!C says:

    LOL! Then love him…IN HELL!!!

  6. Seth Rex says:

    How the KFC was won!

  7. DG Music says:

    That was finger lickin’ good.

  8. CrypticHill says:

    A rental for sure…. But I do look forward to it!

  9. tbrough says:

    The South will Fries Again!

  10. vargas says:

    >The South will Fries Again!<<

    Now that was funny! LOL!!

  11. GODFATHER says:

    The pilot at the end was an AWESOME touch!

  12. Ray says:

    lol, Mel is a god

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